Abdullah Bin Taleb Swimming Pools Inc.
Anas Ibn Malik Road, 11564
المملكة العربية السعودية
المملكة العربية السعودية
011 248 4111
Abdullah Bin Talib Co. is one of leading companies in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, licensed by Ministry of Commerce. Abdullah bin Talib Co. is specialized in swimming pools where the name of Bin Talib has emerged since 45years ago from experience, success and trust. The assets of Abdullah Bin Talib Co. belonging to swimming pools where it returns to 1975 when the ambition and dedication of one person began to take a clear image through his talent in selling and marketing.
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ارسل بيانات شركتك الى فريقنا سيتولى الاضافة
ارسل اسم الشركة الشعار - الموقع الالكتروني - البريد الالكتروني - ارقام التواصل - رابط غوغل ماب للعمل