Aerograficos GAHE,SA
83, Avenida Comunidad Europea, 34190, Villamuriel de Cerrato
979 76 10 20


Aerográficos GAHESA, under the brand name JAFE, has designed, manufactured and marketed machinery intended for the industry of paint application and surface finishing since 1973.

We are experts in manufacturing air spray and mixed systems, our greatest differences are based on the spraying quality offered by our equipment, which combines more than 40 years of experience with the most advanced computer technologies of fluid simulation.


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ارسل بيانات شركتك الى    فريقنا سيتولى الاضافة

ارسل اسم الشركة الشعار - الموقع الالكتروني - البريد الالكتروني - ارقام التواصل - رابط غوغل ماب للعمل

زوار الموقع 529076