Al Afradh Spring Trad Co. L.L.C
Al Afradh Spring Trading Co. LLC (AST), located in Falaj Alqabail, Sohar. AST is
preferred for its quality products, services and efficient supply chain. We are committed
with proven stringent quality controls to meet the specific needs of our global
customers. We are committed to making our valued customers more productive, more
competitive and more profitable by giving them quality products at competitive prices.
To provide a platform to the customers that all kind of industrial parts, electrical items,
Building Materials and safety
Building Materials and safety
اضف شركتك
ارسل بيانات شركتك الى فريقنا سيتولى الاضافة
ارسل اسم الشركة الشعار - الموقع الالكتروني - البريد الالكتروني - ارقام التواصل - رابط غوغل ماب للعمل