Al Nasr Contracting Company L.L.C.
DXU 122979
    الإمارات العربية المتحدة
+971 4 351 3665
At ALNASR, we recognize that people are our greatest asset. As I look back over the last 40 years to the very beginnings of the UAE, it is clear that people have driven our business from a modest irrigation and contracting company, to the multi-disciplined enterprise we are today. Not just our people at ALNASR, but the countless others, from clients and suppliers, to the people of our wider community, that we have built fruitful relationships with over the decades.

Today I am proud of the heights the UAE has reached, proud of the role we have played in it, and grateful to all those people that have helped us on our journey. I attribute our success to our commitment to integrity in all of our relationships. Namely, the commitment to developing our people, to excellence in serving our clients, and to responsibly serve our community. At ALNASR, we understand that investing in our relationships is indeed investing in our own success, and we consider all those we have relationships with as partners in that success. MORE 

Copyright ©. Al Nasr Contracting Company L.L.C.


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اضف شركتك

ارسل بيانات شركتك الى    فريقنا سيتولى الاضافة

ارسل اسم الشركة الشعار - الموقع الالكتروني - البريد الالكتروني - ارقام التواصل - رابط غوغل ماب للعمل

زوار الموقع 482742