Chemico Sarl
Hazmieh –MAR Takla –LIBYAN Embassy St. Joseph Khoury Bldg Flr (-2)
+961 5 454 292
Chemico sarl  founded in 1992 as a specialized company in equipment systems  and materials  related to the industrial coating and high finishing application.
Chemico Sarl is a good painting partner to all coaters and painters who would like to improve quality and skilles in the industrial and contracting paint application field.

Having long experience in the application  field CHEMICO supply and install painting equipment for electrostatic powder coating paint 
and different industrial finishes and Protective coating with single and 2 components.

CHEMICO SARL  provide industrial transfer solution 

We supply powder coatings in wide color range ,different effects and chemistry with Petreatment chemicals system.
Graco Painting Equipment USA –Wagner Electrostatic Sytems Germany-Akzo Nobel Interpon Powder coatings Multi-Mechim Chemical Italy-Wilden transfer Pumps  USA (PSG group )-CME ITS Painting plants and Spray booths –Lebanon –Italy .
Vinol@c Decorative Paint - Woodl@c Wood Finishing Systems - Verl@c Protective and Industrial Coatings.


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ارسل اسم الشركة الشعار - الموقع الالكتروني - البريد الالكتروني - ارقام التواصل - رابط غوغل ماب للعمل

زوار الموقع 524043