Eastern Steel Manufacturing Co.,Ltd

الصّينChangshaNo. 229, Tongzipo West Road, Lugu International Industrial Park, Yuelu District 410221
+86 731 8559 1609
suli@easternsteel-group.com, sales@eastern-steels.com
Eastern Steel Manufacturing Co.,Ltd is a leading manufacturer and distributor of seamless steel pipe, welded steel pipe, OCTG products and fittings. We supply first-step processing, semi-finished parts and finished parts to help our clients meet fabrication requirements beyond their capacity or to improve operations by moving forward the pre-production processing.

Seamless Steel Pipe
Carbon Steel Seamless Pipe
Seamless Boiler Tube
Seamless Mechanical Tube
Seamless Galvanized Pipe
Seamless Heat Exchanger Tube
Seamless Precision Tube
Hydraulic Seamless Steel Tube
Seamless Stainless Steel Pipe

Welded Steel Pipe
ERW Steel pipe
LSAW Steel Pipe
SSAW Steel Pipe
Welded Stainless Steel Pipe

Seamless Steel Pipe 
Welded Steel Pipe 
Casing & Tubing 


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زوار الموقع 539415