FP Pattaroni Srl
Via dei Castagni, 3 28017, San Maurizio D'opaglio
0322 950505
The rescue of taps passes from the rebuilding of Iraq. If National market is weak, and the situation of building industry is static, it means: no more hoses, no more taps. We have to react and find new markets, including the unexpected ones. This is exactly what some of the manufaturers of taps and valves in the area of Borgomanero are doing. After having forgot the Europe, that is living the worst economic crisis ever, they went to discover new business opportunities in new emerging markets. Fabrizio Pattaroni up to nine years ago, worked in the Giacomini's Company, one of the leader in the taps branch: "The work enviroment was absolutely positive, but I wished to open my own business". Lorella, his wife helped him. "At the beginning our Firm was a rented garage, then fortunatelly the work increased. Today we have 6 employees".
The Firm was located in front of the sport complex of San Maurizio d'Opaglio, but the economic worldwide crisis touched also Mr Pattaroni.
So he decided to take on his suit and samples and go to find out new Customers, where no one seeks them. "When I heard that the Chamber of Commerce of Novara was organizing a mission in Iraq, I decided to take part in it. This was an incredible discovery!" First of all, Mr. Pattaroni says that we have to dispel the commonplace of "Iraq": "People hear Iraq and they think to war, but this is a Country where they are rebuilding destroyed edifices or they are building thousands of new houses. We went to Enlil Area, located one hundered kilometers from the war front, in the middle of the desert. Well, in this area, they are building five thousands new houses, so I found a dynamic market, that is looking for new suppliers". Other commonplace: Iraq is a poor Country, where you can find only cheap products:"It is not real - Mr Pattaroni says - obviously, they have bought products Made in China, looking for cheapest price, but now they have understood that also the quality was lower, so also the Iraq went to discover the Made in italy. Bathroom, showers, taps, they have to be Italian made."
Pattaroni is come back to Italy, but he has already his luggage ready for a new adventure:" I go to Dubai, another kind of market, but also this Country is looking for "excellent quality".
We are lucky because our Area is wellknown as the place where you can find Companies producer of taps and fittings. So we decided to produce quality brass fittings, conformed to standards of the real "Made in Italy", and to increase the FP PATTARONI's Market.
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ارسل اسم الشركة الشعار - الموقع الالكتروني - البريد الالكتروني - ارقام التواصل - رابط غوغل ماب للعمل