Osaka Rubber Pvt. Ltd
6, 103, Andheri - Kurla Rd, Mittal Industrial Estate, Marol, Andheri East
    Maharashtra MH
+91 22 4204 4204



Rubber component have been the mainstay of our business ever since it was set up in the year 1981 OSAKA was an established brand since then – manufacturing and exporting EPDM Rubber Profile products for sealing applications used in a wide range of industries as Automobiles, Constructions, Aluminum and UPVC Fabricators, Shipping, Railways and Glass insulating units. In addition to EPDM, the rubber profile products are manufactured using various other Synthetic Rubbers- Like TPV/TPE, Neoprene, Silicone- as per Clients’ requirements and specifications.


Extruded Rubber Products
EPDM Rubber Profile
Thermoplastic Elastomer Profiles
TPV-TPE Rubber Profile
Neoprene Profile
Silicone Rubber Profiles

Butyl Sealant Tape
Roofing Tape RT45
Sealant Tape
Cork Insulation Butyl Tape
Rubber Mastic Tapes
Door Foil Adhesive Tapes
Butyl Fleece Tape

Flashing Tape – Flash Strip
Butyl Flashing Tape
Bituminous Flashing Tape

Industrial Gasket &Membrane Sheet
Self Adhesive Waterproofing Membranes
EPDM Waterproofing Membrane
Sponge Rubber Profile
Neoprene Profile

Rubber manufacturer


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