SeAH Steel UAE L.L.C
Al Ghail Industrial Park S(213~260) Zone of RAKIA
    الإمارات العربية المتحدة
+971 7 258 9440
03 SeAH Besteel acquires Arconic Korea (currently, SeAH Aerospace & Defense)

06 SeAH Steel Holdings completes construction of SeAH Steel Vina 2 plant
06 SeAH CSS register as a supplier of Aramco

11 Subsidiary SeAH Global(Thailand) established
09 SeAH Steelholdings Launched

07 The steel plate division was spin off from SeAH Steel & SeAH Coated Metal which was established
05 SeAH Engineering merged SeAH E&T
03 SeAH CSS held a completion ceremony of its brand new stainless seamless pipe plant (Up to 10")

12 SeAH Steel USA took over Laguna Tubular Products Corp.'s and OMK Tube Inc.'s assets
10 SeAH Steel USA was established
02 SeAH Global established

05 A joint venture POS-SeAH Steel Wire (Thailand) established
02 POSCO Specialty Steel acquired (currently, SeAH CSS)

12 SeAH Steel receives its USD 600 Million Export Tower
10 SeAH Special Steel completes the POS-SeAH Steel Wire plant in Tianjin, China
05 Korea Bundy is renamed as SeAH FS
02 SeAH Engineering is established
02 SeAH Steel acquires Italian steel pipe powerhouse Inox Tech

10 SeAH Besteel completes construction of its Changnyeong plant
08 SeAH Special Steel establishes POS-SeAH Steel Wire (Tianjin)
07 SeAH Steel completes construction of its JCOE plant in Pohang
01 SeAH Headquartersrelocates to SeAH Tower in Seoul

12 SeAH Steel receives USD 500 Million Export Tower
11 Korea Bundy completes its plant in Gimhae
03 SeAH Steel acquires SPP Steel Pipe (currently, SeAH Steel Suncheon Plant)
01 Korea Bundy enters the market for oil coolers for automotive transmissions

09 Korea Bundy acquires Hansung Metal in India (currently, India SeAH Precision Metal)
06 SeAH Special Steel gets listed on the Korean securities exchange (KRX)
04 SeAH Special Steel completes its second plant in Chungju
04 SeAH Steel completes construction of its plant in UAE

12 SeAH Holdings acquires Kwangyang Ferroalloy (renamed SeAH M&S)
10 SeAH Steel celebrates its 50th anniversary
09 SeAH Besteel launches Heavy Forging Business and opens integrated plant
02 SeAH Steel UAE is established


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