Suf Fix Construction Chemical

17 Green Lanes, N16 9BS
    المملكة المتّحدة

SUF-FIX are suppliers of professional high performance construction Chemical products. SUF-FIX being preferred by thousands of professionals in building and construction activities. Through extensive research, development and testing, SUF-FIX  have introduced high quality professional construction Chemical products to the UK and Worldwide  market. Using the latest technology outperforms traditional Sealant, Adhesive and Foams and Technical Aerosols  . Visit the Products page for the benefit of using our products.

Through only providing high quality construction chemical  products that outperform traditional construction products in the market, Suf-byFix ,being preferred by thousands of professionals in building and construction activities, is strengthening its position in its market day by day.
Suf-Fix has managed to create a brand name in a short period of time. Tradesmen & tradeswomen trust Suf-Fix to provide products that are going to do the job and not let them down.

All our products are manufactured  in the highest quality in the facilities certified with the ISO Quality Management System.


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ارسل اسم الشركة الشعار - الموقع الالكتروني - البريد الالكتروني - ارقام التواصل - رابط غوغل ماب للعمل

زوار الموقع 529147