YH Waterproofing Solutions Pvt Ltd

301B, Kalinga Gardens, Kanampitiya Rd
+94 77 229 0612
Construction chemicals
Concrete curing compound
Bonding Agent
Epoxy Crack Injection
Polyurethane Injection
Fast setting mortar (water plug)
Epoxy Bonding Agent
Form release agent/Mold Oil

Thermal insulation
Rooftops / Terraces
External walls

PVC Waterstop
Expansion joint sealant
Bituminous sealant
Bentonite expanding Water stop
Construction joint sealant

Concrete repairing
Repair of defective concrete
Repair of Spalled concrete from reinforcement corrosion
Structural Strengthening of beams and columns

Waterproofing solutions
Cementitious flexible waterproofing systems
Polyurethane Liquid Rubber Systems
Cementitious Crystalline Waterproofing System
Torch Fusion & Bituminous Systems
External Wall Coating


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