What is a Fosroc Supercast EPT?
What is the recommended formwork construction process for using Supercast EPT??
Can Supercast EPT be used with any type of liquid applied membrane??
How is it used??
Supercast EPT, a fluid resin used to encapsulate piletops and ensure water tightness. It is a three-component system consisting of base, hardener, and specially processed fillers. The product is compatible with most types of liquid applied membrane and can withstand attack by a wide range of chemicals, acids, and alkalis, as well as ground water.
1. What is the recommended formwork construction process for using Supercast EPT
The formwork should be constructed to be leak proof using foam rubber strip or mastic sealant beneath the constructed formwork and between joints, as Supercast EPT is a fluid material.
2. Can Supercast EPT be used with any type of liquid applied membrane
The product description states that Supercast EPT is compatible with most types of liquid applied membrane.
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سُئل: 5/4/2023 9:21 ص |
شوهد: 2454 مرات |
آخر تحديث: 5/4/2023 9:27 ص |