Plasti.Fab EPS Product Solutions
2891 Sunridge Way NE #300, Calgary, AB T1Y 7K7
+1 888-446-5377
Recognized as a leader in the North American EPS industry, Plasti-Fab is committed to continuously developing new products and applications and using our technical expertise to assist customers in making the right product choice for their applications.
Since 1968
Plasti-Fab’s mission is to provide its customers with expanded polystyrene (EPS) product solutions used as components in energy efficient buildings, flotation for marine construction, lightweight fill and compressible fill for geotechnical construction projects, and component solutions for Original Equipment Manufacturers.
Plasti-Fab EPS insulation provides excellent insulating qualities enabling cost-effective solutions that reduce energy consumption used in heating and cooling of buildings. Plasti-Fab EPS insulation is an integral component for many LEED® certified buildings; Net Zero Energy, Active and Passive homes. Plasti-Fab operates nine EPS manufacturing facilities strategically located across North America that produce EPS insulation and Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs). more
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