PENEPLUG® Crystalline Waterproofing Rapid Waterplug

650.00 د.إ 650.0 AED

650.00 د.إ

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PENEPLUG® is a rapid setting, integral crystalline cementitious waterstop designed to stop active water leaks and moisture ingress.

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PENEPLUG® is a rapid setting, integral crystalline cementitious waterstop designed to stop active water leaks and moisture ingress. PENEPLUG® can be used internally or externally as a waterproof plugging mortar or where rapid setting and early strength gain is required.


Concrete Masonry Earthenware Stone


Plugs/stops active water leaks Seals leaking joints, form tie holes or cracks Sets in approximately 30 seconds after mixing Durable Can be used underwater Can be mixed with water or used dry Easy to apply Zero VOC - PENETRON powdered products contain zero volatile organic compounds and are safe for use both outdoors and in confined indoor spaces


To avoid waste, only small quantities of PENEPLUG® should be mixed. After mixing, apply PENEPLUG® to the appropriate area immediately. Material should be formed into a wedge and forced into the leak. This can be accomplished with the use of a block of wood and hammer. Work the plug well into the area and then, applying as much pressure as possible, hold firmly in place for about 30 seconds or until set. After the leak has stopped, prime the area with a bond coat of PENETRON® and then fill the remaining void to the surface with PENECRETE MORTAR™. Remove excess material. After lightly pre-wetting, apply a final coat of PENETRON® to the repaired area. In certain circumstances, PENEPLUG® may be applied as a dry powder. After preparing the surface as described above, place and hold the powder directly over the leak for 30-60 seconds.

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