Arnon Plastic Industries Co. Ltd.
76 St, Dammam 2nd Industrial City
Damm 60290
Saudi Arabia
Damm 60290
Saudi Arabia
+966 13 812 2099
ARNON is fully committed to provide very safe and healthy working environment for all our employees,customers and communities where we operate. Through our commitment towards a culture of health and safety, we strive to create an environment that encourages all employees to be leaders in their own health and safety while at work, at home and in the community.
ARNON Health & Safety Policy is,
To Provide an Adequate Control on the Health and Safety Risks arising from our Work Activities.
To maintain Safe Plants and Equipment’s.
To ensure Safe Handling and uses of Substances and to prevent any Accidents and Cases of Work-Related Injuries.
To maintain Safe and Healthy Working Conditions.
Perfect HSE Day
Our goal is to make every day a Perfect HSE Day with no injuries, accidents, illnesses or harm to the environment. Every employee is empowered to drive—to own—superior performance. We cultivate an interdependent safety culture where employees watch out for the safety of everyone around them. We believe that a destination of 365 Perfect HSE Days is possible—and we work every day to make it a reality. more
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