Societe Raymond Barakeh
40 Street 86, Sector 7, Industrial City Bauchrieh
+961 1 690 594

Société Raymond Barakeh SAL, member of Barakeh Holding Group SAL has been producing and delivering foam concrete foaming agent, machines, waterstops and building materials to customers throughout the world since 1964.

We are known as the building materials experts in every major market, from insulation to waterproofing, building and paints. 

In 1964 Raymond Barakeh established a company in Beirut. He worked hard in the backyard of his grandparents house manufacturing foam concrete foaming agent. He travelled worldwide selling his product under the brand of "Isolite", from America, to Europe, to Africa and Arab Countries.

In 1978 Raymond Barakeh & Co. a family owned company was established in Bauchrieh - Industral city, in Beirut suburbs, having Industry as activity.

In 1987 the company was restructured in a holding company: Barakeh Holding Company SAL, which has participations in Commercial, Industrial... companies.

Société Raymond Barakeh SAL is the Industrial part of the group. It's main products are Insulation, Waterproofing, Paints, Admixtures, Renderings and Plastics.

In addition to it's industrial activity, the group is holding Sole Agencies and Distributorships Agreements of many companies and products.


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