TES Consultancy

Near - E11
    RAK 16501
    United Arab Emirates
+971 7 204 2610
We are TES Consultancy freelance engineers with Total Engineering Solutions based in UAE and Lebanon.

At TES Consultancy we understand design’s ability to exceed all borders and truly fill every aspect of a living, working or entertainment space. It is this power of design that we have bound in our exceptional all-encompassing design values.

Our TES Designers work determinedly to bring a truly complete design approach. From the clean lines and thorough structure of our design to the most detailed branding options, all our projects characterized by a singular, unified design. It is, after all, this evident reliability that outlines our world’s most successful design projects.

TES Designers work to accomplish the high standards set by the group in all aspects of its interactions. If you rely on our services, we guarantee to reduce your overheads and minimize costs. Our emphasis is always on designing simple and efficient structures which satisfy the architect’s requisite and also adds value to the buildings by specifying quality materials and building techniques.


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