Velosit CW 111 (Bag 25 k.g)
VELOSIT CW 111 is a crystalline waterproofing slurry for concrete substrates.
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Delivery: 2 working days, (Weekend Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
crystalline waterproofing slurry
is a crystalline waterproofing slurry for concrete substrates. It is very economic and easy to apply. VELOSIT CW 111 becomes part of the concrete and creates a waterproof layer inside the concrete itself. It is especially strong against negative side water pressure. Typical Application fields besides others are as follows:
• Waterproofing of basements and below grade parking structures
• Waterproofing of potable water structures
• Application of dams and spill-ways
• Waterproofing of sewage structures
• Waterproofing of tunnels and pipelines
• Slab waterproofing (dry shake Application )
• Waterproofing of elevator pits .







Substrate Preparation
a.) Hardened concrete must be prepared with sand blasting, shot blasting or ideally high- pressure water blasting to remove all bond breaking substances.
b.) Cold joints can be treated by chiseling out concrete in a U shape around the joint. Fill the opening with VELOSIT RM 211 and finish with VELOSIT CW 111.
c.) Fresh concrete can be treated with VELOSIT CW 111 in a dry-shake application. The concrete must have sufficiently stiffened that a helicopter trowel can work on it.
a.) Brush application: Mix VELOSIT CW 111 with 22– 23
% potable water with a slow speed drill until a lump- free mix with a consistency of an oil paint is achieved. The product is workable for 30 – 45 min. at 23 °C. Apply the first coat with a masons brush in crossing applications to the pre-dampened substrate at the specified rate. The second coat must be applied within the recoat time, which is 60 – 90 min. at 23 °C.
b.) Spray application: Use suitable spray machines. Prepare the product as described for the brush application. If less water is used the whole specified amount of VELOSIT CW 111 may be applied in one lift. Otherwise spray in two layers with a wait time of approx. 30 min. between coats.
c.) Dry-shake application: VELOSIT CW 111 can be applied in powder form onto fresh concrete before finishing the surface. The product is applied uniformly onto the concrete and then finished with a helicopter trowel.