قناة عامة / جداول المواصفات

Liquid-applied polyurethane waterproofing membrane

AWAZEL PU 250 is a premium, liquid-applied, highly permanent elastic, cold applied and cold curing, one component polyurethane membrane used for long-lasting waterproofing.
AWAZEL PU 250 is based on pure elastomeric hydrophobic polyurethane resins, which result in excellent mechanical, chemical, thermal, UV and natural element resistance properties.

• Simple application (roller or airless spray).
• When applied forms seamless membrane without joints.
• Resistant to water.
• Resistant to frost.
• Resistant to root penetration, so it can be used in green roofs.
• Crack-bridging up to 2mm, even at -10oC.
• Provides water vapor permeability, so the surface can breathe.
• Provides excellent thermal resistant, it never turns soft.
• Provides excellent weather and UV resistance,
• Waterproofs old bitumen-asphalt felts by covering them, without the need to remove them prior to application.
• Provides high sun reflectivity, contributing to thermoinsulation.
• Maintains its mechanical properties over a temperature span of -40oC to +90oC.
• Provides excellent adhesion to almost any type of surface.
• The waterproofed surface can be used for domestic and public pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
• Resistant to detergents, oils, seawater and domestic chemicals.
• Even if the membrane gets mechanically damaged, it can be easily repaired locally within minutes.

Waterproofing of Roofs, balconies, terraces, verandes, wet areas (under tile) in Bathrooms, kitchens, Balconies, Auxiliary Rooms, etc., pedestrian and vehicular traffic decks, Green Roofs, Flower beds, Planter Boxes, Old bitumen felts, Asphalt felts, EPDM and PVC Membranes and old Acrylic coatings. Protection of Polyurethane Foam Insulation. Waterproofing and protection of Concrete constructions like Bridge-Decks, Tunnels, Stadium Stands, Car parks, etc.

Stir well before using.Poor the Awazel PU 250 onto the surface and lay it out by roller or brush, until all surface is covered. You can use airless spray allowing a considerable saving of manpower.
After 12-18 hours (not later than 48 hours) apply another layer of the Awazel PU 250. For demanding applications, apply a third layer of the Awazel PU 250.

1.4-2.5 kg/m2 applied in two or three layer. This coverage is based on application by roller onto a smooth surface in optimum conditions. Factors like surface porosity, temperature and application method can alter consumption.

AWAZEL PU 250 is supplied in 25kg, 15kg, 6kg, 1 kg metal pails and 250 kg Barrels.

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2. Dubai Office :Tel : +9714 – 3 433032 , Fax : +9714 - 3395095, P.O. Box : 37724, Dubai - U.A.E., E - mail : infouae@awazel.com Abu Dhabi Of fice : Tel : +9712 – 5548220. Fax : +9712 – 5548221, P.O. Box : 108483, Abu Dhabi U.A.E. , E - mail : infoauh@awazel.com AWAZEL PU 250 Liquid - applied polyurethane waterproofing membrane TECHNICAL DATA P ROPERTY RESULTS TEST METHOD Elongation at Break >800 % ASTM D 412 / DIN 52455 Tensile Strength >4 N/mm 2 ASTM D 412 / DIN 52455 Water Vapor Permeability >25 gr/m 2 /day ISO 9932:91 Resistance to mechanical damage by static Impression High Resistance (class : P3 ) EOTA TR - 00 7 Resistance to mechanical damage by dynamic Impression High Resistance (class : P3 ) EOTA TR - 006 Resistance to Water Pressure No Leak (1m water column, 24h) DIN EN 1928 Adhesion to concrete >2 .0 N/mm 2 ( Concrete surface failure) ASTM D 903 Crack Bridging Capability Up to 2 mm crack EOTA TR - 008 Hardness (Shore A Scale) 65 ASTM D 2240 (15”) Resistance to Root Penetration Resistant UNE 53420 Solar Reflectance (SR) 0.87 ASTM E903 - 96 Solar Emittance (  ) 0.89 ASTM E408 - 71 Thermal Resistance (80 o C for 100 days) Passed – No significant changes EOTA TR - 011 UV accelerated ageing, in the presence of moisture Passed – No significant changes EOTA TR - 010 Res istance after water aging Passed EOTA TR - 012 Hydrolysis (5% KOH, 7days cycle) No significant elastomeric change In - house Lab Construction of Material Fire class B2 DIN 4102 - 1 Resis tance to Flying Sparks and Radiating Heat Passed DIN 4102 - 7 Service Temperature - 30 o C to +90 o C In - house Lab Shock Temperature (20min) 200 o C In - house Lab Rain Stability Ti me 4 hours Conditions: 20 o C, 50% RH Light Pedestrian Traffic Time 12 hours Final Curing time 7 days Chemical Properties Good resistance against acidic and alkali solutions (5 %), Detergents , Seawater and oils. Note : The above shown techn i cal data are typical resul t s obtained, to t he best of our knowledge, from our quality control records, ext r a details c a n be provided upon request, (AWAZEL reserves the right to alter the product spec i ficat i on without prior notice) TDS - PU250/06 - 1 7

1. AWAZEL PU 250 Liquid - applied polyurethane waterproofing membrane Introduction AWAZEL PU 250 is a premium, liquid - applied, highly permanent elastic, cold applied and cold curing, one component polyurethane membrane used for long - lasting waterproofing. AWAZEL PU 250 is based on pure elastomeric hydrophobic polyurethane resins, which result in excellent mechanical, chemical , thermal, UV and natural element resistance properties. Advantages • Simple application (roller or airl ess spray) . • When applied forms seamless membrane without joints . • Resistant to water. • Re sistant to frost. • Resistant to root penetration, so it can be used in green roofs. • Crack - bridging up to 2mm, even at - 10 o C. • Provides water vapor permeability, so the su rface can breathe. • Provides excellent thermal resistant, it never turns soft. • Provides excellent weather and UV resistance, • Waterproofs old bitumen - asphalt felts by covering them, without the need to remove them prior to application. • Provides high sun refl ectivity, contributing to thermoinsulation. • Maintains its mechanical properties over a temperature span of - 40 o C to +90 o C. • Provides excellent adhesion to almost any type of surface. • The waterproofed surface can be used for domestic and public pedestrian an d vehicular traffic. • Resistant to detergents, oils, seawater and domestic chemicals. • Even if the membrane gets mechanically damaged, it ca n be easily repaired locally within minutes. U ses Waterproofing of Roofs, balconies, terraces, verandes, wet areas (u nder tile) in Bathrooms, kitchens, Balconies, Auxiliary Rooms, etc. , pedestrian and vehicular traffic decks, Green Roofs , Flower beds, Planter Boxes, Old bitumen felts, Asphalt felts, EPDM and PVC Membranes and old Acrylic coatings. Protection of Polyureth a ne Foam Insulation. Waterproofing and prot e ction of Concrete constructions like Bridge - Decks, Tunnels, Stadium Stands, Car parks, etc. Instructions for Application SurfacePreparation: Careful surface preparation is issential for optimum finish a n d durability. The surface needs to be clean, dry and sound, free of any contamination, which may harmfully affect the adhesion of the membrane. Maximum mositure content should not exceed 5%. Substrate compressive strength should be at least 25MPa, cohesiv e bond streng th at least 1.5MPa. New concrete structures need to dry for at least 28 days. Old,loose coatings, dirt, fats, oils, organic substances and dust need to be removed by a grinding machine. Possible surface irregularities need to be smoothened. Any loose surface pieces and grinding dust need to be thoroughly removed. WARNING: Do not wash surface with water! Application Stir well before using. Poor the Awazel PU 250 onto the sur face and lay it out by roller or brush, until all surface is covered. Y o u can use airless spray allowing a considerable saving of manpower. After 12 - 18 hours (not later than 48 hours) apply another layer of the Awazel PU 250 . For demanding applications, apply a third layer of the Awazel PU 250. Coverage 1.4 - 2. 5 kg/m 2 applied in two or three layer. This coverage is based on application by roller onto a smooth surface in optimum conditions. Factors like surface porosity, temperature and application method can alter consumption. Health & Safety AWAZEL PU 250 contains isocyanat e s. See information supplied by the manufacturer. Please study the Safety Data Sheet. PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY. Packing AWAZEL PU 250 is supplied in 25kg, 15kg, 6kg, 1 kg metal pails and 250 kg Barrels. Storage Pails should be stored in dry and cool rooms f or up to 14 months. Protect the material again st moisture and direct sunlight. Storage temperature : 5 o C TO 30 o C. Product should remain in their original unopened containers. Colors The AWAZEL PU 250 is supplied in white and light grey. Other colors may be supplied on demand .

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