Sodamco Weber Biplas - PL 4mm (10m²) APP modified bituminous membrane - Plain

APP modified bituminous membrane - Plain

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APP modified bituminous membrane - Plain

Biplas PL

Biplas PL is an ideal membrane for the waterproofing of roofs, foundations, basements and footings, tanking and car parks. It can also be used for the waterproofing of terraces, wet areas, bathrooms and others.


 The application of Biplas PL 4MM/180 waterproofing membrane is both easy and quick. Where it is to be laid directly in a one-layer system on concrete, tiles or an existing roofing system, a coat of dry prime SB dry prime WB or at the rate of 200-300 g/m² should first be applied. Allow this coating to dry thoroughly. In areas of high humidity we recommend it should be left overnight. As in all other application, the membrane should first be unrolled and positioned correctly on the surface to be treated. Each roll should overlap the adjacent roll by 10 cm. Once the roll has been positioned correctly, the membrane should be rolled up gain, taking care not to change its orientation. Using left to right movements, heat the lower surface of the membrane with a propane gas torch. This will cause slight surface melting and adhesion to the substrate. Continue the above method for consecutive rolls remembering overlaps must be 10 cm and end laps 15 cm. Inspection of lap joints must be carried out to ensure total adhesion.

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