Bituminous Membrane NEOFELT
Fiber Reinforced Polymer Modified Bituminous Membrane
NEOFELT is a polymer modified bituminous waterproofing membrane, manufactured from a mixture of bitumen and selected polymers, which are blended together to obtain good waterproofing properties. The bitumen compound also exhibits high heat and UV resistance properties. The polymerized bitumen is coated on to a dimensionally stable reinforcement core of nonwoven glass fibre carrier
It is produced 3mm-4mm thick in rolls of 1 × 10 meters. The rolls are palletized and shrink wrapped.
Positive vapour barrier
Excellent resistance to atmospheric agents.
High flexibility during application at sub-zero temperature with no physical strains
High malleability making it entirely suitable for difficult basement and foundation works.
High softening point allowing it to maintain shape stability at high temperatures.
Withstands thermal shocks.
Accommodates structural movements.
Resistant to chemical attacks.
The application of NEOFELT is both easy and quick. For applications on concrete, tiles or any other porous surface, coat the substrate with NEOPRIME (solvent based bituminous primer according to astmd41) at the rate of 4-5m2/litre. Allow this coating to dry thoroughly. In time of high humidity we recommend it should be left overnight.
The NEOFELT should first be unrolled and positioned correctly. Each roll should overlap the adjacent roll by 10cm. Once the roll has been positioned correctly, the membrane should be rolled up again, taking care not to change its orientation. Using left to right movements, heat the lower surface of the membrane with a propane gas torch. This will cause slight surface melting and the molten bitumen will adhere to the surface.
You then torch on the side overlap to the recommended size of 100mm. Continue the above method for consecutive rolls remembering endlaps must be minimum 150mm Inspection of lap joints must be carried out to ensure total adhesion
The rolls should always be stored vertically in a shaded area. Normally the pallets should not be stacked one over the other. However, if a wooded board is used in between, two pallets may be stacked one over the other.
NEOFELT is a polymer modified bituminous waterproofing membrane, manufactured from a mixture of bitumen and selected polymers, which are blended together to obtain good waterproofing properties. The bitumen compound also exhibits high heat and UV resistance properties. The polymerized bitumen is coated on to a dimensionally stable reinforcement core of nonwoven glass fibre carrier
It is produced 3mm-4mm thick in rolls of 1 × 10 meters. The rolls are palletized and shrink wrapped.
Positive vapour barrier
Excellent resistance to atmospheric agents.
High flexibility during application at sub-zero temperature with no physical strains
High malleability making it entirely suitable for difficult basement and foundation works.
High softening point allowing it to maintain shape stability at high temperatures.
Withstands thermal shocks.
Accommodates structural movements.
Resistant to chemical attacks.
The application of NEOFELT is both easy and quick. For applications on concrete, tiles or any other porous surface, coat the substrate with NEOPRIME (solvent based bituminous primer according to astmd41) at the rate of 4-5m2/litre. Allow this coating to dry thoroughly. In time of high humidity we recommend it should be left overnight.
The NEOFELT should first be unrolled and positioned correctly. Each roll should overlap the adjacent roll by 10cm. Once the roll has been positioned correctly, the membrane should be rolled up again, taking care not to change its orientation. Using left to right movements, heat the lower surface of the membrane with a propane gas torch. This will cause slight surface melting and the molten bitumen will adhere to the surface.
You then torch on the side overlap to the recommended size of 100mm. Continue the above method for consecutive rolls remembering endlaps must be minimum 150mm Inspection of lap joints must be carried out to ensure total adhesion
The rolls should always be stored vertically in a shaded area. Normally the pallets should not be stacked one over the other. However, if a wooded board is used in between, two pallets may be stacked one over the other.
طرق العرض
- 2958 عدد المشاهدات
- 2141 موقع المشاهدات
- 817 المشاهدات المدمجة
- مشاركات اجتماعية
- 0
- 0
- 0تعليقات
عدد المشاركات
- 0 فيسبوك
- 0 توتير
- 0 ينكدين
يتضمن 5
- 54
- 32
- 13
- 146
- 6
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