Bituminous Membrane NEOFLEX S4250

قناة عامة / جداول المواصفات

SBS Modified Bituminous Membrane

Polymer (SBS) modified bituminous membrane, reinforced with non-woven polyester mat. The Polyester combines high tensile strength with an elongation above 50%. A high performance elastomeric waterproofing membrane which combines that ability to withstand high ambient temperature with the usual characteristics of an SBS membrane of high flexibility at low temperature that makes it easy to apply at sub-zero temperature.


- Cold flexibility
- Heat stability
- Thermal ageing resistance
- UV resistance
- Resistance to foot traffic


It is covered either with polyethylene film or sand at the back and comes in a variety of surface finishes; sand, polyethylene film, slated or aluminium. The slate can be natural grey, white, black or green or any other colour depending on stock availability.


It is produced 4mm thick in rolls of 1 × 10 meters. The rolls are palletized and shrink wrapped.


- Positive vapour barrier
- Excellent resistance to atmospheric agents.
- High flexibility during application at sub-zero temperature with no physical strains
- High malleability making it entirely suitable for difficult basement and foundation works.
- High softening point allowing it to maintain shape stability at high temperatures.
- Withstands thermal shocks.
- Accommodates structural movements.
- Resistant to chemical attacks.


The membrane must be unrolled and laid down on the area to which it is to be applied. Check the orientation carefully.
Adjacent rolls should then be laid, each overlapping the one next to it by 10cms on the side and 15 cms at the ends. Taking care not to change to orientation of each roll, reverse the process until each has been re-rolled. When laying the roll, the lower surface should be heated with a propane torch, using sweeping left to right movements. This will melt the lower surface to the membrane and allow it to stick to the substrate. On slated membranes you should either remove the special selvedge paper or on sand bottom rolls torch the special polypropylene selvedge. Continue this process for each subsequent roll, remembering that the overlaps must be 10cms for the edges and 15cms at the ends. When the process is complete, carry out an inspection to ensure total adhesion.


The rolls should always be stored vertically in a shaded area. Normally the pallets should not be stacked one over the other. However, if a wooded board is used in between, two pallets may be stacked one over the other.

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2. TDS - WP - MS03 - 000_01/21 CHARACTERISTICS TEST METHOD UNIT NOMINAL VALUES Length m 10.00 Width m 1.00 Nominal Thickness UEAtc mm 4.0 Reinforcement base UEAtc gms/ m 2 25 0 Straightness m 20 mm х 10 m Bitumen Softening Point ASTM D - 36 ̊ C ≥ 125 Tensile Strength, Longitudinal Transversal ASTM D5147 ASTM D5147 N/5cm N/5cm 100 0 8 5 0 Elongation at Break, Longitudinal Transversal ASTM D5147 ASTM D5147 % % 5 0 5 5 Tear Resistance, Longitudinal Transversal ASTM D5147 ASTM D5147 N 775 650 Lap Joint Strength, Longitudinal Transversal ASTM D5147 ASTM D5147 N/5cm N/5cm > 1000 > 75 0 Cold Flexibility @ low temperature ASTM D5147 - 10 to - 20 ̊C No Cracking Heat Resistance @ 135 ̊C ASTM D5147 ̊C ( No Flowing ) Water Absorption ( BSP ) ASTM D5147 % <0. 15 Resistance to Thermal Ageing. UEAtc No Deterioration Hydrostatic Pressure Resistance @5 Bar BS EN 12390, Part #8 P >100 All values are subject to 5 - 10 % tolerance TECHNICAL CH ARACTERISTICS NOTE: The information contained in this DATA SHEET, as well as our advice, both written as oral or provided through testing, are based on our experience, and they do not constitute any product guarantee for the installer, who must take them as simple orientations, provided strictly as info rmation. We recommend to study deeply all information provided before proceeding to the use or application of any of our products, and strongly advise to conduct tests “on - site” in order to determine their convenience for a specific project. Our recommenda tions do not exempt of the obligation that installers have to deeply know the right application method for these systems before they use them, as well as to conduct as many preliminary tests as possible if there are any doubts about the appropriate system to use. The application, use and processing of our products are beyond our control, and therefore under the exclusive responsibility of the installer. In consequence, the installer will be the only responsible of any damage or prejudice derived from the pa rtial or total in - observation of our indications, and in general, of the inappropriate use or application of these materials. Sajaa Industrial Area behind Sharjah Cement Factory, Sharjah U.A.E. Email: PO BOX: 65034 Tel: +971 6 572 6378 Website: ROYAL WAY INDUSTRIES LLC Page 2

1. TDS - WP - MS03 - 000_01/21 PROPRETIES C H AR A C TERISTICS Polymer (SBS) modified bituminous membrane, reinforced with non - woven polyester mat. The Polyester combines high tensile strength with an elongation above 50%. A high performance elastomeric waterproofing membrane which combines that ability to withstand high ambient temperature with the usual characteristics of an SBS membrane of high flexibility at low temperature t hat mak es it easy to apply at sub - zero temperature. NEOFLEX S4 25 0 SBS Modified Bituminous Membrane Page 1  Cold flexibility  Heat stability  Thermal ageing resistance  UV resistance  Resistance to foot traffic ADVANTAGES  Positive vapour barrier  Excellent resistance to atmospheric agents.  High flexib ility during application at sub - zero temperature with no physical strains  High malleability making it entirely suitable for difficult basement and foundation works.  High softening point allowing it to maintain shape stability at high temperatures.  Withstan ds thermal shocks.  Accommodates structural movements.  Resistant to chemical attacks. SPECIAL FEATURES It is covered either with polyethylene film or sand at the back and comes in a variety of surface finishes; sand, polyethylene film, slated or aluminium. The slate can be natural grey, white, black or green or any other colour depending on stock availability. SURFACE FINISH It is produced 4mm thick in rolls of 1 × 10 meters. The rolls are palletized and shrink wrapped. T HICKNESS , R OLL S IZE & P ACKING The rolls should always be stor ed vertically in a shaded area. Normally the pallets sho uld not be stacked one over the other. However, if a woode d board is used in between, two pallets may be stacked one over the other. STORAGE & MATERIAL HANDLING PREPARATION Where the membrane is to be laid directly on to a one - layer system on concrete, tiles or a n existing roofing system, a coat of bituminous pri mer should first be applied and allowed to dry thoroughly. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS The membrane must be unroll ed and laid down on the area to which it is to be applied. Check the orientation carefully. Adjacent rolls should the n be laid, each overlapping the one next to it by 10cms on t he side and 15 cms at the ends. Taking care not to chan ge to orientation of each roll, reverse the process unti l each has been re - rolled. When laying the roll, the lower surface should be heate d with a propane torch, using sw eeping left to right movements. This will melt the lower surfa ce to the membrane and allow it to stick to the sub strate. On slated membranes you should either remove the sp ecial selvedge paper or on sand bottom rolls torch the special polypropylene selvedge. Continue this pr ocess for each subsequent roll, remembering that the overlaps must be 10cms for the edges and 15cms a t the ends. When the process is complete, carry out an inspection to ensure total adhesion. Used in one or two layers to roofs, foundations works, basement tanking, where hi gh flexibility and malleability are required. FUNCTIONS

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