NEOFAB Non-woven, Polyester Fabric for Reinforcing Waterproofing Coating
Non-woven, Polyester Fabric for Reinforcing Waterproofing Coating
NEO-FAB is made up of continuous, synthetic, polyester fibers joined
mechanical needle-punch procedure. It is particularly recommended for
strengthening waterproofing liquid membranes.
This special fabric enhance properties of liquid applied membranes like
toughness, punchresistance, ultimate elongation and crack bridging.
- Remains unaltered and is resistant to alkalis contained in cement.
- Resistant to atmospheric agents.
- Dimensionally stable.
- Light and easy to handle.
- Easy to cut.
- May be adapted to the profile of all types of substrate.
NEO-FAB is a non-woven fabric, which makes it completely permeable
to water, and enhances the bond between the first and second layer of
liquid waterproof membranes in which it is embedded.
Reinforcement in polyester fabric used together with liquid applied or flexible
cementitious membranes for waterproofing and protecting concrete surfaces,
and concrete units particularly subject to large deformations and, therefore,
at risk of cracking.
The surface on which NEOFAB is to be applied must be sound and
perfectly clean. Remove all cement laitance, parts and traces of powder,
grease, oil and release agents by sandblasting or washing down with
high-pressure waterjets.
NEO-FAB is made up of continuous, synthetic, polyester fibers joined
mechanical needle-punch procedure. It is particularly recommended for
strengthening waterproofing liquid membranes.
This special fabric enhance properties of liquid applied membranes like
toughness, punchresistance, ultimate elongation and crack bridging.
- Remains unaltered and is resistant to alkalis contained in cement.
- Resistant to atmospheric agents.
- Dimensionally stable.
- Light and easy to handle.
- Easy to cut.
- May be adapted to the profile of all types of substrate.
NEO-FAB is a non-woven fabric, which makes it completely permeable
to water, and enhances the bond between the first and second layer of
liquid waterproof membranes in which it is embedded.
Reinforcement in polyester fabric used together with liquid applied or flexible
cementitious membranes for waterproofing and protecting concrete surfaces,
and concrete units particularly subject to large deformations and, therefore,
at risk of cracking.
The surface on which NEOFAB is to be applied must be sound and
perfectly clean. Remove all cement laitance, parts and traces of powder,
grease, oil and release agents by sandblasting or washing down with
high-pressure waterjets.
طرق العرض
- 3685 عدد المشاهدات
- 2835 موقع المشاهدات
- 850 المشاهدات المدمجة
- مشاركات اجتماعية
- 1
- 0
- 0تعليقات
عدد المشاركات
- 0 فيسبوك
- 0 توتير
- 0 ينكدين
يتضمن 5
- 64
- 16
- 8
- 144
- 8
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