NEOTEX-SP [M] Acrylic Protective Coating for Metal Roofs
Pure Acrylic Protective Coating for Metal Roofs
NEOTEX – SP [M] is a single component elastomeric radiation control, high performance
acrylic polymer emulsion coating, it contains quality ceramic and silica particles in high grade
latex emulsion. It dries by evaporation to yield a tough velvet finish non yellowing water
repellent surface with exceptional abrasion resistance and UV degradation, whilst remaining
flexible to give excellent crack bridging ability. When applied to rust will immediately convert
iron oxide to iron phosphate upon contact preventing further rusting problems. It contains ceramic
particles these particles are the heat dissipating elements in NEOTEX SP (M) that makes it
elastomeric radiation control coating that gives it the ability to save on cooling cost. It is applied
to yield a tough water tight membrane. It takes all tinting except black.
- Temperature reduction up to 45%
- Reduces roof degradation up to 80%
- Non-toxic
- Converts rust
- Waterborne abrasion resistance
- Energy saving
- Mildew resistance
- Labor time and cost saving
- Cleanup with soap and water
- Waterproofing properties
- Excellent adhesion to most of the substrates.
- Can be applied over existing systems.
- Excellent build properties. Enable application to horizontal and vertical surfaces.
- Very high radiant heat reflectivity and very low thermal conductivity to provide
wonderful thermal insulation effect
- Very good sound isolation effect for reduce the sound of rain drop outside
- Good durability and weather ability
- Excellent water resistance property to permit no other waterproofing construction
- Water based and environment friendly contain no heavy metal and other hazardous
- Good adherence to cement, wood, metal, fiber etc.
NEOTEX-SP (M) can be applied using airless spray equipment or by brush, roller also.
It should be applied evenly without buildup. Multiple coats are recommended to a total
W.F.T. of 200/300 microns per coat.
Substrate preparation:
Preparation of the substrate is of utmost importance.
Concrete surface: The surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all dust particles
and laitance. Surface defects like potholes and pinholes on building facades on the concrete
shall be repaired with an appropriate polymer modified repair mortar.
Metal Surfaces: The surface should be cleaned from all rust and scales with wire brush or
grit blasting.
NEOTEX – SP [M] is available in 20 Kg Pail.
2-4 m² / Kg/Coat
NEOTEX - SP [M] pails should always be stored in dry and covered areas.
The product should not be exposed to direct sunlight or be kept near any source of heat.
The product Shelf life is up to 12 months when stored as per the recommended
storage conditions.
NEOTEX – SP [M] is a single component elastomeric radiation control, high performance
acrylic polymer emulsion coating, it contains quality ceramic and silica particles in high grade
latex emulsion. It dries by evaporation to yield a tough velvet finish non yellowing water
repellent surface with exceptional abrasion resistance and UV degradation, whilst remaining
flexible to give excellent crack bridging ability. When applied to rust will immediately convert
iron oxide to iron phosphate upon contact preventing further rusting problems. It contains ceramic
particles these particles are the heat dissipating elements in NEOTEX SP (M) that makes it
elastomeric radiation control coating that gives it the ability to save on cooling cost. It is applied
to yield a tough water tight membrane. It takes all tinting except black.
- Temperature reduction up to 45%
- Reduces roof degradation up to 80%
- Non-toxic
- Converts rust
- Waterborne abrasion resistance
- Energy saving
- Mildew resistance
- Labor time and cost saving
- Cleanup with soap and water
- Waterproofing properties
- Excellent adhesion to most of the substrates.
- Can be applied over existing systems.
- Excellent build properties. Enable application to horizontal and vertical surfaces.
- Very high radiant heat reflectivity and very low thermal conductivity to provide
wonderful thermal insulation effect
- Very good sound isolation effect for reduce the sound of rain drop outside
- Good durability and weather ability
- Excellent water resistance property to permit no other waterproofing construction
- Water based and environment friendly contain no heavy metal and other hazardous
- Good adherence to cement, wood, metal, fiber etc.
NEOTEX-SP (M) can be applied using airless spray equipment or by brush, roller also.
It should be applied evenly without buildup. Multiple coats are recommended to a total
W.F.T. of 200/300 microns per coat.
Substrate preparation:
Preparation of the substrate is of utmost importance.
Concrete surface: The surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all dust particles
and laitance. Surface defects like potholes and pinholes on building facades on the concrete
shall be repaired with an appropriate polymer modified repair mortar.
Metal Surfaces: The surface should be cleaned from all rust and scales with wire brush or
grit blasting.
NEOTEX – SP [M] is available in 20 Kg Pail.
2-4 m² / Kg/Coat
NEOTEX - SP [M] pails should always be stored in dry and covered areas.
The product should not be exposed to direct sunlight or be kept near any source of heat.
The product Shelf life is up to 12 months when stored as per the recommended
storage conditions.
طرق العرض
- 2847 عدد المشاهدات
- 2172 موقع المشاهدات
- 675 المشاهدات المدمجة
- مشاركات اجتماعية
- 0
- 0
- 0تعليقات
عدد المشاركات
- 0 فيسبوك
- 0 توتير
- 0 ينكدين
يتضمن 5
- 57
- 85
- 10
- 154
- 8
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