RAKAM 104- RAK Grout
1. RAK GROUT is a fine colored latex modified powder composed of cement, quartz, synthetic resins and waterproofing additives which when mixed with water, gives a smooth, easily applied grouting mortar with high mechanical resistance and compensated shrinkage.
RAK GROUT is produced in a variety range of colors which match all types of tiles.
• Ideal for internal and external floors and walls joints.
• Crack free, non-shrinkage grout with high abrasion,
compression and flexural strength
• Wide range of color selection
• Suitable for joints width from 0 to 4 mm • Water resistant
• Formulated to suit Middle East conditions Latex Modified Cementitious Tile Grout for Joints 0-4 mm Wide 104 - RAK GROUT
RAK GROUT is produced in a variety range of colors which match all types of tiles.
• Ideal for internal and external floors and walls joints.
• Crack free, non-shrinkage grout with high abrasion,
compression and flexural strength
• Wide range of color selection
• Suitable for joints width from 0 to 4 mm • Water resistant
• Formulated to suit Middle East conditions Latex Modified Cementitious Tile Grout for Joints 0-4 mm Wide 104 - RAK GROUT
طرق العرض
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