RAKAM 210 RAK Super Tile Fix

قناة عامة / جداول المواصفات

(Polymer Modified Tile Adhesive)

RAK Super Tile Fix is a powdered, polymer modified, cement
Based adhesive for fixing Tile Interior And Exterior Wall And Floors.


• Ready on- Just add Water
• Waterproof- Submerged conditions will
not affect adhesion
• Slip Resistant
• High Adhesive Bond Strength.
• Ideal for swimming pools and high
traffic areas
• Comply with EN -Standard

Instruction To Use:

Mix RAKAM Super Tile Fix in a ratio of 5 to 7 liters of water per 20 kg bag.
Mix to a uniform lump-free consistency . Leave for approximately 5 minutes
to allow the resins to completely dissolve. Moisten the support if necessary ,
mixing should be by a forced action mixer . Hand mixing is recommended for
small quantities only.


Approximately 2 kg/m depending on the support. Clean the tools with water after
use. Store in dry conditions and protect against wind, rain and Direct Sunlight.


Solid bed fixing: 3mm – 5 mm depth 5 - 6
kg/m² Notch trowel : 1/4"x1/4”x1/4” 2kg/m²

Shelf Life:

RAK Super Tile Fix can be kept for 12 months in unopened packs.

Product No. -- 210
Standards -- BS-5980 Type 1 Class A , BS-5385 Part 1
Packaging -- 20 kg Bags
Color -- White / Grey

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1. As with all chemical products, caution should always be exercised. Protective clothing such as gloves and googles should be worn (see packaging for specific instructions). Treat any splashes to the skin or eyes with fresh water immediately. Should any of the products be accidently swallowed do not inducce vomiting, but call for medical assistance instructions and content details.Reseal all containers after use and ensure product is stored as instructed on the safety section of the labelling immediately. HEALTH AND SAFETY RAK Super Tile Fix is a powdered, polymer modified, cement Based adhesive for fixing Tile Interior And Exterior Wall And Floors. ( Polymer Modified Tile Adhesive ) 210 - RAK SUPER TILE FIX Apply RAK Super Tile Fix to a uniform thickness of 3 mm to 6 mm on the support to cover the slots on the back of the tiles on an area of not more than 1m at time. for horizontal applications a solid bed fix is recommended as well as for heavy duty vertical applications. For other vertical applications use a toothed spatula to comb horizontally to remove excess. The trowel should have 6 mm notches at 25mm intervals centre to centre. Apply the tiles, press it. Smooth out carefully so that the mortar is spread evenly . If the bonding is perfect, the tiles will not slide. The joints can be filled with RAK grout (available in Grey , white or matching colors on request). APPLICATION Mix RAKAM Super Tile Fix in a ratio of 5 to 7 liters of water per 20 kg bag. Mix to a uniform lump-free consistency . Leave for approximately 5 minutes to allow the resins to completely dissolve. Moisten the support if necessary , mixing should be by a forced action mixer . Hand mixing is recommended for small quantities only. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE Solid bed fixing: 3mm – 5 mm depth 5 - 6 kg/m² Notch trowel : 1/4"x1/4”x1/4” 2kg/m² COVERAGE RAK Super Tile Fix can be kept for 12 months in unopened packs. SHELF LIFE Approximately 2 kg/m depending on the support. Clean the tools with water after use. Store in dry conditions and protect against wind, rain and Direct Sunlight. CONSUMPTION Headed Concrete, Mortar Rendering and hard board Plaster ,Brick, Masonry and stone. The Supports Should be Clean Sound, free of dust and oily Materials. SUPPORTS The Open Time of RAK Super Tile Fix at 30°C Approximately 40 minutes. Therefore care should be taken in preparing the mortar . Prepare only the surface which can be Tiled within this time. RAK Super Tile Fix should not used on painted or Metal surfaces. POINTS TO BE NOTED • Ready on- Just add Water • Waterproof- Submerged conditions will not affect adhesion • Slip Resistant • High Adhesive Bond Strength. • Ideal for swimming pools and high traffic areas • Comply with EN -Standard ADVANTAGES TYPICAL PROPERTIES ACCREDITED TEST BY DUBAI MUNICIPALITY Tensile Adhesion Strength 28 Days Open Time Slip Resistance (14 Days standard Condition, 14 Days in Oven) Test Conditions Storage Conditions Aspect Composition Color Density Flash Point Particle Size >1.5 N/mm2 EN1348:2007 20 min(mini) EN 1346:2007 < 0.5 EN1308:2007 23+ 2°c,50+ 5%RH EN1348:2007 Powder Cement, Sand, Lime & Additives Grey /white 1 .7kg/ltrs Not applicable Max 0.5 mm ORDERING GUIDE 210 BS-5980 Type 1 Class A BS-5385 Part 1 20 kg Bags White / Grey PRODUCT NO. STANDARDS PACKAGING COLOR 210 RAKAM WHITE 20 KG GREY RAKAM SUPER TILE FIX POLYMER MODIFIED (WATER RESISTANT) ¥¡B‚É+~8° x˜£D¡cDb+nDb†E ¤)bE—5b< 2 2 F L O O RIN G & TI L IN G W A T E R P R O O FIN G B ON D IN G A G E N T S S E ALA N T S & MO R T A R S S P E CIA L I T Y P R O DU C T S 21 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET

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  • 3079 عدد المشاهدات
  • 2274 موقع المشاهدات
  • 805 المشاهدات المدمجة


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  • 119 www.sab-us.com
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زوار الموقع 533725