قناة عامة / جداول المواصفات

(Plaster Repair Mortar)

RAK PLAST PRM is a ready-made powder product,
with a non-shrink property and excellent adhesion.
It is use as a repair mortar.


• Pre-packed, easy to use material, requiring only the simple
addition of water.
• Precision made, consistent results. • Shrinkage compensating.
• High build, non-slump.
• Durable, low permeability.
• Weatherproof.
• Excellent compressive strength.
• High bond strength to prepared surfaces.
• Resistant to aggressive media

Main Uses

• Repair of damaged, weak or de-bonded areas.
• Replacement of damaged plasters especially on vertical areas.
• An all purpose economical product for
• Replacement cover for carbonated areas.
• Filling of honeycombs in new or old construction.
• Re-profiling of concrete or masonry.

Ordering Guide

Product No. -- 403
Standards -- BS-1881 / BS-6319, ASTM – C387
Packaging -- 25 kg Paper / Plastic Bags
Color -- Grey

المشاركة على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي

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1. As with all chemical products, caution should always be exercised. Protective clothing, such as gloves and goggles, should be worn (see packaging for specific instructions). Treat any splashes to the skin or eyes with fresh water immediately. Should any of the product be accidentally swallowed, do not induce vomiting but call for medical assistance immediately. Ensure the container is available for the medical attendant to examine any relevant instructions and contents details. Reseal all containers after use and ensure product is stored as instructed on the safety section of the labelling. HEALTH AND SAFETY RAK PLAST PRM is a ready-made powder product, with a non-shrink property and excellent adhesion. It is use as a repair mortar. (Plaster Repair Mortar) 403 - RAK PLAST-PRM • Repair of damaged, weak or de-bonded areas. • Replacement of damaged plasters especially on vertical areas. • An all purpose economical product for • Replacement cover for carbonated areas. • Filling of honeycombs in new or old construction. • Reprofiling of concrete or masonry. MAIN USES All surfaces must be clean, sound and free from contaminated substances. Sucient clean water shall be sprayed on to the substrate to achieve a "saturated surface dry" condition immediately prior to commencing application work. Highly absorbent surfaces (aerated blocks, calcium silicate blocks) shall be primed with RAK Bond SBR diluted with water at 1:1 ratio. The damaged area should be cut out to a depth of 15mm minimum, keeping the sides of area as square as possible. Mix RAK Plast-PRM with clean water to obtain a sound mortar. The consistency of the mortar can be adjusted by adding more water or powder as required. The water ratio is normally 4-5 litres per 25 kg of powder as required. Apply the mortar to the area and compact it well using a suitable trowel. APPLICATION RAK Plast-PRM may be stored for up to 12 months in unopened bags. SHELF LIFE Tools should cleaned with water after use. CLEANING Avoid direct sunlight and dew factor. STORAGE • Pre-packed, easy to use material, requiring only the simple addition of water. • Precision made, consistent results. • Shrinkage compensating. • High build, non-slump. • Durable, low permeability. • Weatherproof. • Excellent compressive strength. • High bond strength to prepared surfaces. • Resistant to aggressive media ADVANTAGES TYPICAL PROPERTIES Appearance Specific Density Recommended application Minimum application temperature Compressive strength Tensile strength Flexural strength Slant shear bond Strength Grey Powder 1.45 g/cc 10-40 mm/layer 5°C 1 DAY 28 DAYS 9 N/rnm2 28 N/mm2 3.5 N/mm2 26 N/mm2 1.4 N/mm2 2 N/mm2 6.5 N/mm2 ORDERING GUIDE 403 BS-1881 / BS-6319 ASTM – C387 25 kg Paper / Plastic Bags Grey PRODUCT NO. STANDARDS PACKAGING COLOR RAK PLAST-PRM 403 (Plaster Repair Mortar)  RAK PLAST-PRM 403 (Plaster Repair Mortar)  F L O O RIN G & TI L IN G W A T E R P R O O FIN G B ON D IN G A G E N T S S E ALA N T S & MO R T A R S S P E CIA L I T Y P R O DU C T S 29 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET

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  • 2331 عدد المشاهدات
  • 1790 موقع المشاهدات
  • 541 المشاهدات المدمجة


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زوار الموقع 514537