قناة عامة / جداول المواصفات

(Tile Cleaning Compound)

RAK CLEAN is a fast-acting, acid-based formula that dissolves mortar,
cement stains and ingrained dirt. For use on tiles, brickwork and concrete.


• Quick removal of mortar stains, oil and grease, wax and fungi from
brick work, concrete, asbestos, ceramic tiles and marbles.
• Suitable for cleaning of floors in garages, factories, godowns and general building sites.
• Also used for cleaning concrete surfaces before epoxy screedings and toppings.


RAK Clean is a light acid solution modified with active detergents.


To prevent the damage or discoloration try a sample of (1:2) RAK Clean
with water. Areas of high contamination may need more than one treatment
by using the original RAK Clean. The product may be used with a brush using
a scrubbing action. Rinse o with clean water before drying. Where epoxy
screeding is to be carried out, use undiluted RAK Clean, scrub well with a wire
brush, allow approximately 10 minutes and thoroughly wash o all the solution
with clean water. Allow to dry prior to epoxy screeding or topping.


It is normally possible to obtain 5 m2/kg depending on the
porosity and contamination of substrate.

Ordering Guide

Product No. -- 501
Standards -- RAKAM
Packaging -- 5 / 20 / 200 kg Packs
Color -- Clear

المشاركة على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي

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1. As with all chemical products, caution should always be exercised. Protective clothing, such as gloves and goggles, should be worn (see packaging for specific instructions). Treat any splashes to the skin or eyes with fresh water immediately. Should any of the product be accidentally swallowed, do not induce vomiting but call for medical assistance immediately. Ensure the container is available for the medical attendant to examine any relevant instructions and contents details. Reseal all containers after use and ensure product is stored as instructed on the safety section of the labelling. HEALTH AND SAFETY RAK CLEAN is a fast-acting, acid-based formula that dissolves mortar, cement stains and ingrained dirt. For use on tiles, brickwork and concrete. (Tile Cleaning Compound) 501 - RAK CLEAN RAK Clean is a light acid solution modified with active detergents. COMPOSITION Clean the support well with a wire brush or manually. Remove all loose particles, excess contamination, etc. Supports must be dust free and clean. SUPPORT To prevent the damage or discoloration try a sample of (1:2) RAK Clean with water. Areas of high contamination may need more than one treatment by using the original RAK Clean. The product may be used with a brush using a scrubbing action. Rinse o with clean water before drying. Where epoxy screeding is to be carried out, use undiluted RAK Clean, scrub well with a wire brush, allow approximately 10 minutes and thoroughly wash o all the solution with clean water. Allow to dry prior to epoxy screeding or topping. APPLICATION • RAK Clean may cause burns if it comes in contact with skin. Gloves and eye contact protection should be worn. In case of with the eyes or skin, flush thoroughly with clean water and seek medical advice immediately • Do not make contact with metal containers • Mix with water only • DO NOT mix with other cleaning agents or chemicals under any circumstances • Protect the adjacent finished surfaces. CAUTION It is normally possible to obtain 5 m2/kg depending on the porosity and contamination of substrate. COVERAGE Special care should be given to storage as it is a corrosive acid-based product STORAGE • Quick removal of mortar stains, oil and grease, wax and fungi from brick work, concrete, asbestos, ceramic tiles and marbles. • Suitable for cleaning of floors in garages, factories, godowns and general building sites. • Also used for cleaning concrete surfaces before epoxy screedings and toppings. USES TYPICAL PROPERTIES Specific gravity (Typical) 1.08 @ 25°C ORDERING GUIDE 501 RAKAM 5 / 20 / 200 kg Packs Clear PRODUCT NO. STANDARDS PACKAGING COLOR F L O O RIN G & TI L IN G W A T E R P R O O FIN G B ON D IN G A G E N T S S E ALA N T S & MO R T A R S S P E CIA L I T Y P R O DU C T S 32 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET

طرق العرض

  • 3475 عدد المشاهدات
  • 2540 موقع المشاهدات
  • 935 المشاهدات المدمجة


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عدد المشاركات

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  • 1 www.google.com
  • 24 www.sab-us.com
  • 6

زوار الموقع 521761