قناة عامة / جداول المواصفات

Polyethylene Back Up Material

SAB® Backing Rod: An extruded closed cell polyethylene backing rod designed for filling static and dynamic joints with varying degrees of expansion. White color

 Extremely pliable and compressible.
 No bond to most sealants and easy to apply.
 Easy to install.
 Different rod diameters.
 Good water & temperature resistance.
 Suitable for use with cold-applied sealants
Such as:
Silicone, Polyurethane, Polysulphide,
Acrylic, Bitumen, etc.
 Unlimited shelf life.

SAB® Backing Rod acts as a backup material for joint sealants, providing the sealant with the proper thickness. It also as a bond breaker, preventing mastic sealant from bonding to it (avoiding three-sided adhesion), allowing for the most efficient joint movement and design.

SAB® Backing Rod should be fixed with a blunt tool. Precautions should be taken to avoid cutting or puncturing the surface skin. Avoid excessive longitudinal stretching of the rod when installing. The rod diameter should be approximately 25% larger than the joint width.

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1. SAB ® Backing Rod Polyethylene Back Up Material Description SAB® Backing Rod: An extruded closed cell polyethylene backing rod designed for filling static and dynamic joints with varying degrees of expansion. White color ADVANTAGES  Extremely pliable and compressible .  No bond to most sealants and easy to apply.  Easy to install.  Different rod diameters.  Good water & temperature resistance.  Suitable for use with cold - applied sealants Such as: Silicone, Polyurethane, Polysulphide, Acrylic, Bitumen, etc.  Unlimited shelf life. USE S : SAB® Backing Rod acts as a backup material for joint sealants, providing the sealant with the proper thickness. It also as a bond breaker, preventing mastic sealant from bonding to it (avoiding three - sided adhesion), allowing for the most efficient joint movement and design. APPLICATION SAB® Backing Rod should be fixed with a blunt tool. Precautions should be taken to avoid cutting or puncturing the surface skin. Avoid excessive longitudinal stretching of the rod when installing. The rod diameter should be approximately 25% larger than the joint width.

2. PACKING AND STORAGE Polyethylene bags , length depending on rod diameter Available in White Color Rod Diameter Roll Length Backing Rod 6 mm 1000 L.M Backing Rod 10 mm 800 L.M. Backing Rod 15 mm 360 L.M Backing Rod 20 mm 200 L.M Backing Rod 25 mm 100 L.M Backing Rod 30 mm 100 L.M Backing Rod 40 mm 100 L.M Backing Rod 50 mm 100 L.M

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