SAB® Coat WP Acrylic 215
Elastomeric Acrylic Waterproof and Protective Coating
SAB® Coat WP Acrylic 215:
is a single component, elastomeric, acrylic waterproofing and protective coating. Upon curing
it forms a tough, flexible and durable coating which is resistant to UV and other weathering agents.
SAB® Coat WP Acrylic 215 is also used to protect exposed concrete structures against carbonation
and chloride ion diffusion.
Used as waterproofing and protective coating for the following structures:
• Sloped concrete roofs, metal profile roofs & asbestos roofs.
• Anti-carbonation coating in car park decks.
• Protective coating on underpasses & concrete bridge decks.
• Protective coating on polyurethane foam insulation.
• Single Component. Easy to Apply
• Protects exposed concrete structures against Carbonation and ingress of atmospheric gases and salts
• Good UV resistance
• Elastomeric -high crack bridging capability
• Good adhesion to most of the substrates
• Good resistance to dilute acids, alcohol, hydrocarbons, chloride and sulphate ions
SAB® Coat WP Acrylic 215 is supplied in 20 Kg Pails and 200 Kg Drum.
1 Kg/m² at 0.5mm film thickness.
Two coats will give a combined thickness of 1.0 mm approximately.
Store under cover, out of direct sunlight, clear of the ground on pallets and protect from extreme
temperatures. In tropical climate the product must be stored in air-conditioned environment (<25°C).
Shelf life is 12 months when stored as above.
SAB® Coat WP Acrylic 215:
is a single component, elastomeric, acrylic waterproofing and protective coating. Upon curing
it forms a tough, flexible and durable coating which is resistant to UV and other weathering agents.
SAB® Coat WP Acrylic 215 is also used to protect exposed concrete structures against carbonation
and chloride ion diffusion.
Used as waterproofing and protective coating for the following structures:
• Sloped concrete roofs, metal profile roofs & asbestos roofs.
• Anti-carbonation coating in car park decks.
• Protective coating on underpasses & concrete bridge decks.
• Protective coating on polyurethane foam insulation.
• Single Component. Easy to Apply
• Protects exposed concrete structures against Carbonation and ingress of atmospheric gases and salts
• Good UV resistance
• Elastomeric -high crack bridging capability
• Good adhesion to most of the substrates
• Good resistance to dilute acids, alcohol, hydrocarbons, chloride and sulphate ions
SAB® Coat WP Acrylic 215 is supplied in 20 Kg Pails and 200 Kg Drum.
1 Kg/m² at 0.5mm film thickness.
Two coats will give a combined thickness of 1.0 mm approximately.
Store under cover, out of direct sunlight, clear of the ground on pallets and protect from extreme
temperatures. In tropical climate the product must be stored in air-conditioned environment (<25°C).
Shelf life is 12 months when stored as above.
طرق العرض
- 2856 عدد المشاهدات
- 2093 موقع المشاهدات
- 763 المشاهدات المدمجة
- مشاركات اجتماعية
- 3
- 0
- 0تعليقات
عدد المشاركات
- 0 فيسبوك
- 0 توتير
- 0 ينكدين
يتضمن 4
- 38
- 20
- 9
- 1
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