قناة عامة / جداول المواصفات

Rubberized bitumen emulsion protective coating

Weberdry RBE is a rubberized bitumen emulsion with
excellent adhesion to most building substrates. It dries to
form a black flexible coating.

• Waterproofing of wet areas
• Floors: to provide a sandwich membrane in new
construction or surface treatment
• Walls: Vapor barrier of cladded walls.
• Roofs: for the maintenance of many types of roofs:
concrete, lightweight screeds, timber, slate, asbestos,
cement and as a vapor barrier
• Can be applied to green concrete surfaces immediately
after the shuttering has been removed to act as a curing

Weberdry RBE membrane.
Is also used where a cold applied, flexible and seamless
damp proofing membrane is needed, such as:
• Shallow concrete, block and brick foundations
• Facades where a vapor/salt barrier behind cladding or
curtain walls is required
• Footings and other buried elements

All surfaces to which Weberdry RBE is applied must be
sound, stable with an even finish and free from dirt, dust,
loose debris, grease, cracks and holes must be repaired
before application of Weberdry RBE. It may be applied to
damp surfaces such as green concrete but not water
logged surfaces. Cementitious surfaces must be dampened
with clean cold water to facilitate application. Care should be
taken to remove excess water before application.
For hot, very dry of porous surfaces it should be dampened
with Weberdry prime WB coat before Weberdry RBE is applied.
Where subsequent coats are to be applied, the first coat
must be dry.


WFT per coat,

DFT per coat,

Coverage m2/LT

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1. PACKAGING dry RBE (UAE) PRODUCT dry RBE is a rubberized bitumen emulsion with excellent adhesion to most building substrates. It dries to form a black flexible coating. PROPERTIES • Cold applied, easy to apply • Economical • Applicable on a variety of substrates • Wide range of applications • Flexible • Excellent adhesion • Efficient curing membrane to newly placed concrete (satisfies the curing efficiency requirement stipulated in ASTM C309). • Non-hazardous • Chemical resistant (chlorides, sulphates and other ground and airborne salts...) SCOPE OF USE • Waterproofing of wet areas • Floors: to provide a sandwich membrane in new construc- tion or surface treatment • Walls: Vapor barrier of cladded walls. • Roofs: for the maintenance of many types of roofs: concrete, lightweight screeds, timber, slate, asbestos, cement and as a vapor barrier • Can be applied to green concrete surfaces immediately after the shuttering has been removed to act as a curing membrane. dry RBE is also used where a cold applied, flexible and seamless damp proofing membrane is needed, such as: • Shallow concrete, block and brick foundations • Facades where a vapor/salt barrier behind cladding or curtain walls is required • Footings and other buried elements CHARACTERISTICS Color Dark brown, dries to black Specific Gravity 0.90 kg / liter Solids content 38% Min Polymer content 10% Min Drying time 2 hours @ 35°C Recoat time 6 hours @ 35°C Application temperature +5°C to +45°C Viscosity (ASTM D 2983) 10-30 poises Flash point Non flammable APPLICABLE STANDARDS ASTM D 1227 Type III, Class1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE SURFACE PREPARATION All surfaces to which dry RBE is applied must be sound, stable with an even finish and free from dirt, dust, loose debris, grease, cracks and holes must be repaired before application of dry RBE . It may be applied to damp surfaces such as green concrete but not waterlogged surfaces. Cementitious surfaces must be dampened with clean cold water to facilitate application. Care should be taken to remove excess water before application. For hot, very dry of porous surfaces it should be dampened with dry prime WB coat before dry RBE is applied. Where subsequent coats are to be applied, the first coat must be dry. PRODUCT APPLICATION dry RBE may be applied by a stiff brush or squeegee. Ensure the contents of the containers are well mixed before application. Occasional stirring during application is recommended. A two-coat application is recommended to avoid possible holes in the film, with the second coat applied at right angles to the first. Each coat must be allowed to dry before applying the next. 1/2 Technical data sheet . Edition: 07.21-A Rubberized bitumen emulsion protective coating Leb Syria Jordan UAE Qatar Kuwait KSA Oman - - - 200 Lit - - - - Do not apply dry RBE to external areas in wet weather or when rain is expected, in the coming 48 hours. COVERAGE EQUIPMENT CLEANING dry RBE may be removed from tools and equipment with water when wet. On drying, use of a solvent STORAGE dry RBE has a shelf life of 12 months when stored under cover, out of direct sunlight and protect from extreme temperatures. In tropical climates the product must be stored in an air conditioned environment. Failure to comply with the recommended storage conditions may result in premature deterioration of the product or packaging. Note: When stored for extended periods, the containers must be rolled periodically to reduce the risk of settlement. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Avoid prolonged contact with skin. Wear protective gear for hands & eyes. Splashes on the skin should be washed away by cleaning with soap and water. In case of contact with eyes, wash thoroughly with clean water. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting; in both cases seek medical attention. The product is non-flammable. DISCLAIMER While the company guarantees its products against defective materials, the use and application of these products are made without guarantee since the conditions of their application are beyond its control. It is recommended to verify with the company that the product is suitable for the intended use, and that this Data Sheet version is the latest one. The company may modify it without prior notice. Technical characteristics are listed for guidance only. For more information, please contact the company’s office in your location. NOTE The information included on this Technical Data Sheet is the sole property of SODAMCO Holding. The unauthorized disclosure, use, dissemination or copying (either whole or partial) of this data sheet or any information it contains, is prohibited and subject to legal pursuit. WATERPROOFING www.middleeast.weber

2. PRODUCT dry RBE is a rubberized bitumen emulsion with excellent adhesion to most building substrates. It dries to form a black flexible coating. PROPERTIES • Cold applied, easy to apply • Economical • Applicable on a variety of substrates • Wide range of applications • Flexible • Excellent adhesion • Efficient curing membrane to newly placed concrete (satisfies the curing efficiency requirement stipulated in ASTM C309). • Non-hazardous • Chemical resistant (chlorides, sulphates and other ground and airborne salts...) SCOPE OF USE • Waterproofing of wet areas • Floors: to provide a sandwich membrane in new construc- tion or surface treatment • Walls: Vapor barrier of cladded walls. • Roofs: for the maintenance of many types of roofs: concrete, lightweight screeds, timber, slate, asbestos, cement and as a vapor barrier • Can be applied to green concrete surfaces immediately after the shuttering has been removed to act as a curing membrane. dry RBE is also used where a cold applied, flexible and seamless damp proofing membrane is needed, such as: • Shallow concrete, block and brick foundations • Facades where a vapor/salt barrier behind cladding or curtain walls is required • Footings and other buried elements CHARACTERISTICS Color Dark brown, dries to black Specific Gravity 0.90 kg / liter Solids content 38% Min Polymer content 10% Min Drying time 2 hours @ 35°C Recoat time 6 hours @ 35°C Application temperature +5°C to +45°C Viscosity (ASTM D 2983) 10-30 poises Flash point Non flammable APPLICABLE STANDARDS ASTM D 1227 Type III, Class1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE SURFACE PREPARATION All surfaces to which dry RBE is applied must be sound, stable with an even finish and free from dirt, dust, loose debris, grease, cracks and holes must be repaired before application of dry RBE . It may be applied to damp surfaces such as green concrete but not waterlogged surfaces. Cementitious surfaces must be dampened with clean cold water to facilitate application. Care should be taken to remove excess water before application. For hot, very dry of porous surfaces it should be dampened with dry prime WB coat before dry RBE is applied. Where subsequent coats are to be applied, the first coat must be dry. PRODUCT APPLICATION dry RBE may be applied by a stiff brush or squeegee. Ensure the contents of the containers are well mixed before application. Occasional stirring during application is recommended. A two-coat application is recommended to avoid possible holes in the film, with the second coat applied at right angles to the first. Each coat must be allowed to dry before applying the next. Do not apply dry RBE to external areas in wet weather or when rain is expected, in the coming 48 hours. COVERAGE EQUIPMENT CLEANING dry RBE may be removed from tools and equipment with water when wet. On drying, use of a solvent STORAGE dry RBE has a shelf life of 12 months when stored under cover, out of direct sunlight and protect from extreme temperatures. In tropical climates the product must be stored in an air conditioned environment. Failure to comply with the recommended storage conditions may result in premature deterioration of the product or packaging. Note: When stored for extended periods, the containers must be rolled periodically to reduce the risk of settlement. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Avoid prolonged contact with skin. Wear protective gear for hands & eyes. Splashes on the skin should be washed away by cleaning with soap and water. In case of contact with eyes, wash thoroughly with clean water. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting; in both cases seek medical attention. The product is non-flammable. DISCLAIMER While the company guarantees its products against defective materials, the use and application of these products are made without guarantee since the conditions of their application are beyond its control. It is recommended to verify with the company that the product is suitable for the intended use, and that this Data Sheet version is the latest one. The company may modify it without prior notice. Technical characteristics are listed for guidance only. For more information, please contact the company’s office in your location. NOTE The information included on this Technical Data Sheet is the sole property of SODAMCO Holding. The unauthorized disclosure, use, dissemination or copying (either whole or partial) of this data sheet or any information it contains, is prohibited and subject to legal pursuit. 2/2 Technical data sheet . Edition: 07.21-A dry RBE (UAE) WATERPROOFING www.middleeast.weber WFT per coat, microns 400-500 DFT per coat, microns 160-200 Coverage m 2 /LT 2-2.5

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