SP 3040Harwal Rigid Polyurethane Spray Foam Insulation

قناة عامة / جداول المواصفات

HP-SP-3040 is a polyol formulation used to produce spray foam insulation in multi layers for roofing, wall and basements with a density of 43-47 kg/m³ .
It contains all the raw material and auxiliaries necessary for the production of rigid polyurethane foam including the blowing agent.
The system is CFC free and contains HCFC 141B as blowing agent that is in compliant with the environment regulations at present .

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2. Harwal Polyurethane Systems HP – SP - 3040 of the foam insulation. To obtain optimum results, system should be spray - applied to substrates when ambient air and surface temperatures are between 10ºC and 50°Cº. All substrates to be sprayed must be free of dirt, soil, grease, oil and moisture prior to the application of HP Spr ay. Moisture in any form: excessive humidity (>85%R.H.) rain, fog, or ice will react chemically will adversely affect system performance and corresponding physical properties. Application should not take place when the ambient temperature is within 3°C of the dew point. Wind velocities in excess of 20 km per hour may result in excessive loss of exotherm and interfere with the mixing efficiency of the spray gun affecting foam surface texture, cure, physical properties and will cause overspray. Precautions mu st be taken to prevent damage to adjacent areas from fugitive overspray. Applicators should ensure the safety of the jobsite and construction personnel by posting appropriate signs warning that all "hot work" such as welding, soldering, and cutting with to rches should take place no less than 35 feet from any exposed foam. If "hot work" must be performed all spray polyurethane foam should be covered with an appropriate fire or welder's blanket, and a fire watch should be provided. Processing Equipment: 2:1 transfer pumps are recommended for material transfer from container to the proportioner. The plural component proportioner must be capable of supplying each component within ± 2% of the desired 1:1 mixing ratio by volume. Hose heaters should be set to del iver 50°C to 55°C materials to the spray gun. These settings will ensure thorough mixing in the spray gun mix Chamber in typical applications. Optimum hose pressure and temperature will vary with equipment type and condition, ambient and substrate conditio ns, and the specific application. Some equipment may require you to heat drums to achieve optimum material temperature. It is the responsibility of the applicator to properly interpret equipment technical literature, particularly information that relates a cceptable combinations of gun chamber size, proportioner output, and material pressures. The relationship between proper chamber size and the capacity of the proportioner ’s pre - heater is critical. Contact your machine supplier representative for specifi c recommendations, pricing, and availability of spray and auxiliary equipment. Per Pass Application: Applicators should limit HP Spray thickness to 2,5 cm per pass for optimal processing and physical properties. Edition – 02, October 20 21 Page 2 of 3

7. Harwal Polyurethane Systems HP – SP - 3040 For disposal within the EC, the appropriate code according to the European Waste Catalogue (EWC) should be used. After containers have been emptied as thoroughly as possible (e.g. by pouring, scrapi ng or draining until "drip− dry"), they can be sent to an appropriate collection point set up within the framework of the existing take−back scheme of the chemical industry. Containers must be recycled in compliance with national legislation and environment al regulations. 14. Transport information GGVSE: −− UN: NODG PG: −− RID/ADR: −− UN: NODG PG: −− ADNR: −− UN: NODG PG: −− GGVSee/IMDG Code: −− UN: NODG PG: −− MPO: −− ICAO−TI/IATA−DGR: −− UN: NRES PG: −− Declaration for land shipment: −− Declaration for sea shipment: −− Declaration f or shipment by air: −− Other information: Not dangerous cargo. Avoid heat above +50 °C. Keep separated from food stuffs. 15. Regulatory information No labelling is required in accordance with the EC directives. German "TA−Luft": Wit h certain processes, for example spraying or processing at high temperatures, a check should be carried out to ensure compliance with the German "TA−Luft" technical instruction on air pollution control. 15. Regulatory information (Continuation) Water poll ution class (WGK): 1 − sl ightly hazardous to water WGK = Classification in accordance with the German Water Resources Act (VwVwS 1999−05−17) Any existing national regulations on the handling of dangerous substances should be observed. 16. Other informatio n Text of all R phrases referred to in sections 2 and 3: R 10: Flammable. R 20/21/22: Harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed. R 22: Harmful if swallowed. R 24: Toxic in contact with skin. R 34: Causes burns. R 51/53: Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long − term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. Safety precautions for handling freshly molded polyurethane parts: Depending on the production parameters, any uncovered surfaces of polyurethane moldings produced using this raw material may contain traces of substances (e. g. starting and reaction products, catalysts,) with hazardous characteristics. Skin contact with traces of these substances must be avoided. When demolding or otherwise handling freshly molded polyurethane pa rts, protective textile gloves must be worn as a minimum. Their palm and finger areas should preferably be coated on the outside with nitrile rubber, PVC or polyurethane. Protective gloves should be changed daily. The wearing of protective clothing suited to the conditions normally encountered when handling freshly molded polyurethane parts is recommended. The presented Safety Data Sheet has been altered. The reason for the alteration is as follows: revised text (see chapter 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15 and 16) This safety data sheet replaces all previous information. Revised and valid from: see date of issue The data given here is based on current knowledge and experience. The purpose of this Safety Data Sheet is to describe the products in terms of th eir safety requirements. The above details do not imply any guarantee concerning composition, properties or performance. Edition – 03, October 2018 Page 4 of 4

5. Harwal Polyurethane Systems HP – SP - 3040 7. Handling and storage Handling: When handling o bserve the usual precautionary measures for chemicals. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Storage: Keep container tightly closed and dry. Storage temperature regarding personal safety: max. 50 °C. Further specific information see our :"Technical Informati on" VCI storage class: D (VCI = German Association of the Chemical Industry)(1) 8. Exposure controls/Personal protection Hand protection: Conditionally suitable materials for protective gloves; DIN EN 374 − 3: nitrile rubber − NBR: thickness: >=0,35 mm; Breakthrough time not tested; dispose of immediately after contamination. Eye protection: Wear eye/face protection. Body protection: Wear suitable protective clothing. Protection and hygienic measures: Keep away from foodstuffs, drinks and tobacco. Wash h ands before breaks and at end of work. Keep working clothes separate. Change badly soiled or soaked clothing. Safety precautions for handling freshly molded polyurethane parts: see section 16 9. Physical and chemical properties Form: liquid Colour: yellowish Odour: like amine Setting point: − 10 °C Initial boiling point: 140 °C at 1013 hPa Density: 1,086 kg/l at 20 °C Vapour pressure: 8 hPa at 20 °C 35 hPa at 50 °C 45 hPa at 55 °C Solubility in water: partially miscible Flash point: >100 °C DIN EN 22719 Ignition tem perature: 345 °C DIN 51794 Explosive limits: Limits not determined. 10. Stability and reactivity Thermal decomposition: Does not occur until initial boiling point. Hazardous decomposition products: No hazardous decomposition products when stored and handled c orrectly. Hazardous reactions: Note exothermic reaction with isocyanates. 11. Toxicological information No toxicological studies of the product have yet been carried out.An expected acute oral toxicity as LD 50 in rat will be in the order of >2000 mg/kg as derived from products with similar composition.Irritant/caustic effect analogous to products with similar composition. Effect on the eyes: A weak irritation at the eye could be expected. Effect on the skin: Weak irritation on the skin possible.The dange rous constituents of preparation have been tested with the following results. data on N,N − dimethylcyclohexylamine Acute toxicity: LD 50 oral, rat: 164−1230 mg/kg LD 50 dermal, rat: >400 mg/kg LC 50 inhalation, rat: 4,45 mg/l, 4 h of exposure Skin compatibilit y, rabbit: corrosive Eye irritation, rabbit: severely irritant to corrosive Data on tris(2 - chloroisopropyl) - phosphate Acute toxicity, oral: Edition – 03, October 2018 Page 2 of 4

3. Harwal Polyurethane Systems HP – SP - 3040 Handling and Safety: Respiratory protection is MANDATORY! Contact HP Systems for a copy of the Model Respiratory Protection Program developed by API or visit their website at www.polyurethane.org. Avoi d contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Open containers carefully, allowing any pressure to be relieved slowly and safely. Wear chemical safety goggles and rubber gloves when handling or working with these materials. In case of eye contact, immediately fl ush with large amounts of water for at least fifteen minutes, consult a physician immediately. In case of skin contact, wash area with soap and water. Wash clothes before reuse. Guide formulation parts by weight HP – SP - 3040 100 MDI ( any low functional) 100 Foa ming data by the hand mixing method with 3000 rpm at raw material temperature of 23°C Cream time 4 ± 1 Seconds Gel time 1 0 ± 1 Seconds Free Rise Density 30 ± 1 kg/m 3 Applied Density 4 5 ± 2 kg/m 3 Typical properties to be achieved under recommended ap plication parameters : Density approx. 4 3 - 4 7 kg/m³ Compressive strength > 100 kPa Fire rating (DIN4102 - 1) B3 Water absorption < 1 % Initial thermal conductivity (ASTM C518) 0.0218 W/Km Working Temperature Range - 40 to 100°C Close Cell Content 98% +/ - 2 Th ese values are given only as a guide and must be verified in each individual case on finished This information and our technical advice - whether verbal, in writing or by way of trials - are given in good faith but without warranty, and this also applies where proprietary rights of third parties are involved. Our advice does not release you from the obligation to check its validity and to test our products as to their suitability for the intended processes and uses. The application, use and processing of o ur products and the products manufactured by you on the basis of our technical advice are beyond our control and, therefore, entirely your own responsibility. Our products are sold in accordance with the current version of our General Cond itions of Sale an d Delivery Editor: Harwal Polyurethane Systems P.O. Box - 77031 Dubai, UAE Tel: + 971 4 885 0474 Fax : + 971 4 885 0343 www.harwal.net Edition – 02, October 20 21 Page 3 of 3

4. Harwal Polyurethane Systems SAFETY DATA SHEET HP – SP - 3040 1.Identification of the substance/preparation and the company HP – SP - 3040 Application: Polyol components for the production of polyurethanes Interplast co.ltd P. O. Box 77031, Dubai, UAE − Tel : +971 4 885 0474 2. Composition/information on ingredients Polyol preparation with alkaline character N,N−dimethylcyclohexylamine weight %: 1,0−<2,5 CAS No.: 98−94−2 Index No.: −− EEC No.: 202−715−5 Classification: R10; C R 34; Xn R20/21/22; N R51−53 tris(2 - chloroisopropyl) - phosphate Concentration [wt. - %]: < 10 CAS - No.: 13674 - 84 - 5 EINECS - No.: 237 - 158 - 7 Classification: Xn R22 3. Hazards identification 1,3 - Isobenzofurandione, polymer with 2,2' - oxybis[ethanol] Tris(1 - chloroisopro pyl)phosphate Hazard statements: H302 Harmful if swallowed. H315 Causes skin irritation. H318 Causes serious eye damage. H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. H420 Harms public health and the environment by destroying ozone in the upper atmosphere Supplementary hazardous characteristics and labeling elements: Contains: dibutyltin dilaurate EUH208 May produce an allergic reaction. 4. First−aid measures General: Remove contaminated clothing. If aerosol or vapor is inhaled in high concent rations: Take the person In to the fresh air and keep him warm, let him rest; if there is difficulty in breathing, medical advice is required. After skin contact: After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water and soap. Consult a doctor in the event of a skin reaction. 4. First − aid measures (Continuation) After eye contact: Hold the eyes open and rinse with preferably lukewarm water for a sufficiently long period of time (at least 10 minutes). Contact an ophthalmologist. After swallowing: Sho uld the product be swallowed seek medical advice. 5. Fire−fighting measures Extinguishing media: CO 2 , foam, dry powder;in cases of larger fires, water spray should be used. For reasons of security unsuitable extinguishing media: water jet Firemen have to wear self−contained breathing apparatus. 6. Accidental release measures Ensure adequate ventilation/exhaust ventilation. Keep unauthorized persons away. Put on protective equipment (see chapter 8). Do not empty into drains. Take up with absorbent for che micals or, if necessary with dry sand and store in closed containers. For further disposal measures see chapter 13. Edition – 03, October 2018 Page 1 of 4

6. Harwal Polyurethane Systems HP – SP - 3040 LD50 rat: 632 mg/kg Primar y skin irritation: tris(2 - chloroisopropyl) - phosphate rabbit Result: non - irritant Primary mucosae irritation: tris(2 - chloroisopropyl) - phosphate rabbit Result: non - irritant 11. Toxicological information (Continuation) Primary skin irritation, rabbit: corrosive Primary mucosae irritation, rabbit: severely irritant data on aminopolyether In analogy to test results for similarly composed products: Acute toxicity: LD 50 ora l, rat: 1000−2000 mg/kg 12. Ecological information Do not allow to escape into waters, wastewater or soil. Ecotoxicological studies of the product are not available. The dangerous constituents of preparation have been tested with the following results. dat a on N,N−dimethylcyclohexylamine Biodegradability: >60 %, i.e. readily biodegradable. Degradation rate in 28 days. (Method: OECD 301 B) Acute fish toxicity: LC 50 = 22−46 mg/l Test species: Golden orfe (Leuciscus idus) Duration of test: 96 h Acute bacterial toxicity: EC 50 = 206 mg/l Test organism: Pseudomonas putida Duration of test: 17 h Acute toxicit y for daphnia: EC 50 = 75 mg/l Test species: Daphnia magna Duration of test: 48 h Acute toxicity for algae: EC 50 = 0,31 mg/l Tested on: Green algae (Desmodesmus subspicatus) Duration of test: 72 h Data on tris(2 - chloroisopropyl) - phosphate Biodegradability: tris(2 - chloroisopropyl) - phosphate 14 % 28 d, i.e. not readily degradable Toxicity to fish: tris(2 - chloroisopropyl) - phosphate LC50 56,2 mg/l Test species: Brachydanio rerio (zebra fish) Duration of test: 96 h Acute bacterial toxicity: tris(2 - chloroisoprop yl) - phosphate EC50 784 mg/l Tested on: activated sludge Duration of test: 3 h data on aminopolyether Biodegradability: 23 %, i.e. not readily degradable. Degradation rate in 28 days. (Method: EU L 383A:C4 − OECD 301 F) Acute fish toxicity: LC 0 = >100 mg/ l Test species: Zebra barbel (Danio rerio) Duration of test: 96 h (Method: 993c − OECD 203) 13. Disposal considerations Dispose in accordance with applicable international, national and local laws, ordinances and statutes. Edition – 03, October 2018 Pag e 3 of 4

1. Harwal Polyurethane Systems TECHNICAL DATA SHEET HP – SP - 3040 General Properties and Applications HP – SP - 3040 is a polyol formulation used to produce spray foam insulation in multi layers for roofing, wall and basements with a density of 4 3 - 4 7 kg/ m³. It contains all the raw material and auxiliaries necessary for the production of rigid polyurethane foam including the blowing agent. The system is CFC free and contains HCFC 141B as blowing agent that is in compliant with the environment regulatio ns at present. HP - SP - 3040 along with MDI can be used on roofs made of metal, concrete , wood etc. Sampling Moisture access should be prevented; formulation should be agitated before sampling. Specification Value Unit of Property measurement Hydroxyl number (theoretical) 300 ± 20 mg KOH/g Water content 1.00 ± 0.1 % by wt. Viscosity @ 25 °C 200 ± 50 cps Specific Gravity @ 23 0 C approx. 1,13 - Packaging 200l steel drums - IBC, tank truck and tank containers on request Storage Shelf life fro m the time of production: 6 months if stored in sealed moisture tight containers. Recommended storage temperature: 25°C Labeling and REACH applications This product data sheet is only valid in conjunction with the latest edition of the correspondin g Safety Data Sheet. Any updating of safety - relevant information in accordance with statutory requirements will only be reflected in the Safety Data Sheet, copies of which will be revised and distributed. Information relating to the current classif ication and labelling , applications and processing methods and further data relevant to safety can be found in the currently valid Safety Data Sheet. Directions for Processing HP – SP - 3040 system is designed for processing on high and low pressure mac hines that are able to work at mixing ratios of 1:1 by volume, the machine parameters have to be selected in such way to ensure proper mixing. Environmental Consideration and Substrate Temperatures: Applicators must recognize and anticipate climati c conditions prior to application to ensure highest quality foam and to maximize yield. Ambient air and substrate temperatures, moisture and wind velocity are all critical determinants of foam quality. Extreme ambient air and substrate temperature will influence the chemical reaction of the two components, directly affecting the yield, adhesion, and the resultant physical properties Edition – 02, October 20 21 Page 1 of 3

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