is a hand applied, cold cured polyurea waterproofing membrane with very rapid cure times and excellent elongation.
DELTAShield PROSeal:
provides significant application advantages due to its speed of cure and hence rain resistance. It can be walked on in minutes eliminating physical damage risk from follow on trades or clean-up activities.
is a two component, moisture tolerant, easy to apply, flexible, seamless, waterproofing solution for a wide range of waterproofing applications. Its exceptional physical characteristics allow for very thin dry film thicknesses resulting in less material consumption than traditional 1K moisture cured polyurethanes.
PROSeal does
not require reinforcing mesh or other strengthening products decreasing application times and labour costs.
3. PRODUCT DATA SHEET DELTA COATINGS INTERNATIONAL LLC P.O. Box 123395, Dubai Investment Park II, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 8856402 Fax : +971 4 8858869 www . delta coatings .com Disclaimer: the QRS mark relates to certified management system and not to the product mentioned on this datasheet APPLICATION NOTES ➢ All substrates should be thoroughly cleaned and properly prepared before applying DELTAShield PROSeal . Consult with DELTA technical department for substrate preparation requirements and methods. ➢ It is recommend ed to seal porous low - quality concrete surface s with DELTAShield 2K SF primer before applying DELTAShield PROSeal . ➢ Stir the contents of the B - side component container using a slow RPM stirre r . Avoid using a high - speed stirre r and introducing air into the DELTAShield PROSeal . ➢ Combine the B - sid e component and the A - side component at the specified ratio by volume and stir the combined product using a slow RPM stirrer. ➢ Pour the DELTAShield PROSeal onto the prepared substrate and spread using a rake trowel , roller or brush. ➢ If a slip resistance surface finish is required broadcast clean dry quartz aggregates into the final layer of DELTAShield PROSeal whilst it is still wet. NOTE – do not incorporat e aggregates throughout all layers of DELTAShield PROSeal – only the final layer or in the top surface . SAFETY AND HANDLING ➢ All applicators of DELTAShield PROSeal should be trained and approved by the manufacturer. ➢ Wear suitable respiratory protection when using. ➢ Avoid eye and skin contact. ➢ Store chemical drums in a cool dry environment. Avoid storing chemicals for long periods in direct sunlight. ➢ Do not store chemicals next to food stuffs. ➢ Ensure chemical drums are kept tightly sealed and avoid ingress of air and moisture. ➢ Once the container has been opened all the contents should be used. All guidelines, recommendations, statements, and technical data contained herein are based on information and tests we believ e to be reliable and correct, but accuracy and completeness of said tests are not guaranteed and are not to be construed as a warra nty, either expressed or implied. It is the user`s responsibility to satisfy himself, by his own investigations and testing, the suitability of the product for his own intended use, application and job situation and user assumes all risk and liability resu lting from his use of the product. Due to the large number of variables that can affect the product and the application process tha t are out of the control of DELTA Coatings International LLC no warranty of any kind, express or implied is given. The liabil ity of DELTA Coatings International LLC for any claims is limited to the purchase value of the material. Version 210211
1. PRODUCT DATA SHEET DELTA COATINGS INTERNATIONAL LLC P.O. Box 123395, Dubai Investment Park II, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 8856402 Fax : +971 4 8858869 www . delta coatings .com Disclaimer: the QRS mark relates to certified management system and not to the product mentioned on this datasheet DELTAShield PROSeal Two component , hand applied , rapid curing polyurea waterproofing membrane. DESCRIPTION D ELTA Shield PROSeal is a hand applied , cold cured polyurea waterproofing membrane with very rapid cure times and exce llent elongation . DELTAShield PROSeal provides significant application advantages due to its speed of cure and hence rain resistance. It can be walked on in minutes eliminating physical damage risk from follow on trades or cle an - up activities. D ELTA Shield PROSeal is a two component, moisture tol e r a nt , easy to apply , flexible, seamless, waterproofing solution for a wide range of waterproofing applications . Its exceptional physical characteristics allow for very thin dry film thicknesses resulting in less material consumption than traditional 1K moisture cured polyurethanes. PROSeal does not require reinforcing mesh or other strengthening products decreasing application times and labour costs. Simply mix , stir, pour and spread. TYPICAL USES ✓ Waterproofing of roof tops . ✓ Waterproofing of balconies, terraces and verandas ✓ Over coat waterproofing of old bitumen felts, asphalt felts , EPDM, PVC membranes and acrylics. ✓ General c onstruction waterproofing . ✓ Waterproofing under plant and equipment on roof tops. ✓ Waterproofing of wet areas under tile applications . ✓ Repairing mechanical damage of hot sprayed Polyurea lining systems. FEATURES ✓ Simple application – Squeegee / rake trowel, roller or brush ✓ Provides wa terproofing properties within 30 minutes of application . Minimizes bad weather damage after application . ✓ Completely seamless membrane. Zero welds, overlaps or joins. ✓ Cold applied and cold cured. No requirement for specialized application equipment. ✓ Can be applied over the top of old existing waterproofing systems. ✓ Conforms exactly t o substrate shapes eliminating potential stress points when covering with final floor slabs or other toppings such as pavers. ✓ Excellent crack br idging propertie s. ✓ Excellent adhesion to nearly all substrates - concrete, steel, aluminum, wood, foam etc. ✓ Can transgress multiple substrate types in one application . ✓ Mechanical damage can be easily repaired. ✓ 8 00% elongation. ✓ 100% solids, VOC - free, Solvent free ✓ Good abra sion resistance ✓ Good impact resistance ✓ Excellent thermal stability
2. PRODUCT DATA SHEET DELTA COATINGS INTERNATIONAL LLC P.O. Box 123395, Dubai Investment Park II, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 8856402 Fax : +971 4 8858869 www . delta coatings .com Disclaimer: the QRS mark relates to certified management system and not to the product mentioned on this datasheet PRODUCT INFORMATION PROCESSING PROPERTIES DATA Mixing ratio of Comp. A to Comp. B 1 :1 BY WEIGHT Material consumption [kg/m 2 /1mm] Approx. 1 – 1. 1 Recommended thickness per layer 0.5 – 1mm Recommended membrane thickness [mm] Exposed: 1 – 1.5mm Non - exposed 0.5 – 1 mm Rain resistance time (approx.) 30 minutes . Over coat window [h] 30 minutes - 12 hours Curing/loading after Foot traffic : 3 0 – 60 minutes Mechanical: 12 hours Full cure 5 days Temperature range for application ( ambient ) [°C] 0 – 50 C Note: All data depends on site conditions. Ambient temperatures, substrate temperatures and humidity will all have an e ffect on stated data. Film thickness and application techniques can also a ffect the stated data. Cold temperatures will result in slow er curing times and high temperatures will increase reactivity and reduce curing times relative to the stated data. * DELTA recommends in all applications involving chemicals a pre - test of the lining’s suitability in the customer`s application is conducted. Consult with DELTA Technical Team. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES DATA VOC - content DIN EN ISO 11890 - 1 / ASTM D - 1259 0% Solids content DIN EN 827 / ASTM D - 2697 100% Tensile strength [MPa] ISO 37 - 2005 / ASTM D - 638 ≥ 6 Elongation at break [%] DIN 52455 / ASTM D - 412 800 Hardness [Shore A ] ISO 868 - 2003 / ASTM D - 2240 70 Abrasion resistance ASTM D - 4060 10 milligrams Resistance to mechanical damage by static impression In house lab High resistance Resistance to water pressure DIN EN 1928 No leak ( 1m water column 24 hours) Crack bridging In house lab 4 mm Service temperature In house lab - 40C to +90C Pull off strength [N/mm 2 ] ASTM D - 903 Concrete: ≥ 1.5 (Concrete failure) Storage conditions [°C] DIN EN 12701 10 – 30 ( Avoid product freezing) Shelf life Approximately 1 2 months unopened and stored correctly
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