Terraco Water Proofing System Weathercoat GP
Waterproofing for Water Retaining structures
Weathercoat GP is a high quality two-component, elastomeric, versatile
and permanent waterproof coating suitable for use in areas with extreme
climatic conditions. Weathercoat GP is specially formulated for water
retaining structures for e.g. swimming pools & potable water tanks.
Weathercoat GP is an elastomeric, polymer
modified cementitious waterproof coating, supplied
in two components, as a liquid resin and powder to
be mixed on site before application.
Weathercoat GP Resin
Based on advanced acrylic resins, miscible with
Portland cement and cement-based materials in
various proportions, high resistant to alkalinity.
Weathercoat GP resin is also suitable as an additive
to mortars and screeds to increase their tensile,
compressive and flexural strengths and reduces their
water cement ratio.
Weathercoat GP Powder
Based on special hydraulic cements, precisely
graded fillers, wetting agents and adhesion
- Easy to mix and apply
- Application by brush or spray
- Pot life of more than 2 hours at ambient
- Excellent adhesion to dimensionally stable
- Seamless permanent coating
- Vapor permeability – allows substrate to breathe
- High UV and weather resistance
- Low temperature flexibility
- Excellent water impermeable coating under tiles
- Suitable for concrete potable water tanks
- High flexibility
- Non-toxic
Suitable for waterproofing of most building surfaces
but especially where crack bridging and a high
degree of waterproofing and protection is required
such as for:
- Potable water tanks, retaining concrete tanks,
- Swimming pools
- Under-tile waterproofing
- Fish ponds, decorative ponds
- Planter boxes
- Concrete roofs (exposed and under tile
Curing and drying times depend on ambient
temperatures, atmospheric humidity and thickness
of coating.Protect surfaces from wind and direct heat during
application and curing. Do not apply in humid
conditions >80%.
Weathercoat GP will be surface dry in less than 3
hours at 30°C.Allow first coat of Weathercoat GP to dry for a
minimum of 6 hours before over-coating.
Weathercoat GP should be left to cure for at least 7
days before water flood testing.
For potable water tanks and fish ponds to prevent
contamination of the water, after curing for 7 days,
the surfaces of the Weathercoat GP must be
thoroughly rinsed off with clean, cool water. Repeat
the rinsing cycle until the required pH level has been
reached.Tiling work should be commenced after minimum 3
days of Weathercoat application.
Protect surfaces from wind and sources of direct
heat during application and curing.
Do not add water to adjust or re-temper the mix.
For bulk mixing, mix only required kits of
Weathercoat GP that can be used within its pot life.
Do not apply during rising temperatures to avoid
the risk of outgassing resulting in pin-holing. Do not
apply on bituminous coatings. For exterior areas, do
not apply if rain is likely over the next 24 hours.
Weathercoat GP Resin is supplied in 5kg jerricans.
Weathercoat GP Powder is supplied in 15kg paper
bags. Weathercoat GP Kit is supplied in 20kg pails
(5kg resin in a jerricans, 15kg powder in a paper bag
and 0.25kg Terrabond A in a bottle).
When stored in their original sealed packaging in a
clean, dry area and protected from high humidity,
moisture, direct sunlight and extreme heat and
cold, shelf life is at least 12 months. Use oldest
material first.
Weathercoat GP is a high quality two-component, elastomeric, versatile
and permanent waterproof coating suitable for use in areas with extreme
climatic conditions. Weathercoat GP is specially formulated for water
retaining structures for e.g. swimming pools & potable water tanks.
Weathercoat GP is an elastomeric, polymer
modified cementitious waterproof coating, supplied
in two components, as a liquid resin and powder to
be mixed on site before application.
Weathercoat GP Resin
Based on advanced acrylic resins, miscible with
Portland cement and cement-based materials in
various proportions, high resistant to alkalinity.
Weathercoat GP resin is also suitable as an additive
to mortars and screeds to increase their tensile,
compressive and flexural strengths and reduces their
water cement ratio.
Weathercoat GP Powder
Based on special hydraulic cements, precisely
graded fillers, wetting agents and adhesion
- Easy to mix and apply
- Application by brush or spray
- Pot life of more than 2 hours at ambient
- Excellent adhesion to dimensionally stable
- Seamless permanent coating
- Vapor permeability – allows substrate to breathe
- High UV and weather resistance
- Low temperature flexibility
- Excellent water impermeable coating under tiles
- Suitable for concrete potable water tanks
- High flexibility
- Non-toxic
Suitable for waterproofing of most building surfaces
but especially where crack bridging and a high
degree of waterproofing and protection is required
such as for:
- Potable water tanks, retaining concrete tanks,
- Swimming pools
- Under-tile waterproofing
- Fish ponds, decorative ponds
- Planter boxes
- Concrete roofs (exposed and under tile
Curing and drying times depend on ambient
temperatures, atmospheric humidity and thickness
of coating.Protect surfaces from wind and direct heat during
application and curing. Do not apply in humid
conditions >80%.
Weathercoat GP will be surface dry in less than 3
hours at 30°C.Allow first coat of Weathercoat GP to dry for a
minimum of 6 hours before over-coating.
Weathercoat GP should be left to cure for at least 7
days before water flood testing.
For potable water tanks and fish ponds to prevent
contamination of the water, after curing for 7 days,
the surfaces of the Weathercoat GP must be
thoroughly rinsed off with clean, cool water. Repeat
the rinsing cycle until the required pH level has been
reached.Tiling work should be commenced after minimum 3
days of Weathercoat application.
Protect surfaces from wind and sources of direct
heat during application and curing.
Do not add water to adjust or re-temper the mix.
For bulk mixing, mix only required kits of
Weathercoat GP that can be used within its pot life.
Do not apply during rising temperatures to avoid
the risk of outgassing resulting in pin-holing. Do not
apply on bituminous coatings. For exterior areas, do
not apply if rain is likely over the next 24 hours.
Weathercoat GP Resin is supplied in 5kg jerricans.
Weathercoat GP Powder is supplied in 15kg paper
bags. Weathercoat GP Kit is supplied in 20kg pails
(5kg resin in a jerricans, 15kg powder in a paper bag
and 0.25kg Terrabond A in a bottle).
When stored in their original sealed packaging in a
clean, dry area and protected from high humidity,
moisture, direct sunlight and extreme heat and
cold, shelf life is at least 12 months. Use oldest
material first.
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