Method of application insulated concrete system for the installations according to the standard specifications 0421

قناة عامة / جداول المواصفات

1- It is preferable for the main contractor to be fully aware of all specifications and details related to this section of the business, in order to ensure the quality of work and full compliance and adherence to all the conditions listed below.

General Conditions:
The procedures required to be followed by the main contractor before and after performing the concrete insulation works using crystal materials (CA112 / CA113) to be mixed with the concrete:
1- The material CA112 / CA113 as a powder in 25 kg bag.
2- The material must be mixed with water before adding to concrete, based on the ratio (1 kg of the substance to 1.25 water.)
3- The ratio that should be follow (4 kg of the substance with 5 liters of water) to every cubic meter of concrete.
4- The material must be added at the site of implementation.
5- The final mixture must be mixed in the mixing car for a sufficient period of not less than 5 minutes.
6- The site official must carried out concrete tests.
7- Vibrators should be secured in sufficient number to ensure homogeneity of concrete and that nesting does not occur.
8- Adhering to the above-mentioned action steps, the facility will avoid later maintenance work.

• In case that the above mentioned steps are adhered to, the warranty period against leakage is 25 years

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1. The best way to carry out the insulation works with the insulated concrete system for the installations according to the standard specifications 04/21 1 - It is preferable for the main contractor to be fully aware of all specifications and details related to this section of the business, in order to ensure the quality of work and full compliance and adherence to all the conditions listed below. General Conditions: The procedures requir ed to be followed by the main contractor before and after performing the concrete insulation works using crystal materials (CA112 / CA113) to be mixed with the concrete: 1 - The material CA112 / CA113 as a powder in 25 kg bag. 2 - The material must be mix ed with water before adding to concrete, based on the ratio ( 1 kg of the substance to 1.25 water. ) 3 - The ratio that should be follow (4 kg of the substance with 5 liters of water ) to every cubic meter of concrete . 4 - The material must be added at the site of implementation. 5 - The final mixture must be mixed in the mixing car for a sufficient period of not less than 5 minutes. 6 - T he site official must carried out concrete tests . 7 - Vibrators should be secured in sufficient number to ensure homogeneity of concrete and that nesting does not occur. 8 - Adhering to the above - mentioned action steps, the facility will avoid later maintenance work.  In case that the above mentioned steps are adhered to, the warranty period against leakage is 25 years

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زوار الموقع 532061