Adhesive for Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block
112 - RAK BLOCK FIX is a powder adhesive composed of hydraulic binders, bonding
agents, quartz, synthetic resins and special additives formulated to obtain, when mixed
with water, optimal characteristics of workability and high adhesion power to the support.
It contains neither asbestos fibre nor other materials considered harmful for health of the
• Factory controlled pre-blend ensures
consistent high quality
• Requires only addition of wa ter on site at
the time of usage
• Strong adhesion to AAC Blocks
• Mineral based non-hazardous
Adhesive for Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block
RAK BLOCK FIX can be used for laying
internal and external AAC (Autoclaved
Aerated Concrete) blocks and panels.
To prepare the mixture, pour in a container
10 to 10.5 Liters of clean water. Add a bag
of 50 Kg of RAK BLOCK FIX, then mix to get
a homogeneous lump free consistency
Let the product rests for about 5 minutes
and remix shortly before use.
4 – 5 kg/ m²
Ordering Guide:
PRODUCT NO. -- 112
PACKAGING -- 25 kg / 50 kg Bags
COLOR -- White / Grey
112 - RAK BLOCK FIX is a powder adhesive composed of hydraulic binders, bonding
agents, quartz, synthetic resins and special additives formulated to obtain, when mixed
with water, optimal characteristics of workability and high adhesion power to the support.
It contains neither asbestos fibre nor other materials considered harmful for health of the
• Factory controlled pre-blend ensures
consistent high quality
• Requires only addition of wa ter on site at
the time of usage
• Strong adhesion to AAC Blocks
• Mineral based non-hazardous
Adhesive for Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block
RAK BLOCK FIX can be used for laying
internal and external AAC (Autoclaved
Aerated Concrete) blocks and panels.
To prepare the mixture, pour in a container
10 to 10.5 Liters of clean water. Add a bag
of 50 Kg of RAK BLOCK FIX, then mix to get
a homogeneous lump free consistency
Let the product rests for about 5 minutes
and remix shortly before use.
4 – 5 kg/ m²
Ordering Guide:
PRODUCT NO. -- 112
PACKAGING -- 25 kg / 50 kg Bags
COLOR -- White / Grey
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