SAB® Crystal Coat CP 212
Crystalline Capillary Waterproofing Coating for Concrete
SAB®Crystal Coat CP 212
is a one component, capillary crystalline, waterproof coating, which waterproofs concrete structures by forming insoluble
crystals in concrete capillaries. SAB®Crystal Coat CP 212 waterproofs both from negative and positive direction and is
ideally suited for basement water proofing. SAB®Crystal Coat CP 212 cures to a hard-robust abrasion resistant coating.
Water Retaining Structures such as water tanks and swimming pools, reservoirs, dams, canals, sewerage & water treatment
works and concrete pipes. Water Excluding Structures such as foundations and shallow basements, tunnels and subways,
underground cap parks, Inspection pits and lift shafts, Sea defense walls, Bridge decks, Jetties Retaining walls & Civil substructures.
• Negative and Positive waterproofing
• Replaces ineffective sheet membranes.
Seals shrinkage cracks up to 1/64” (0.4 mm) width. Reduced chloride permeability.
• Protect concrete and reinforcement from corrosion due to water born substances like chlorides and sulphates.
• Easy to apply product and Excellent adhesion
• Non-toxic and suitable in potable water containment.
• Not a vapor barrier - allows concrete to breathe. • Negligible interference with water reducers & plasticizers.
• Negligible effect/influence on slump and air entrainment.
• Impervious to physical damage and deterioration
• Non-toxic, inorganic, zero VOC (0%)
• Less costly than traditional methods of waterproofing.
• Economic efficiency
• Improves resistance of concrete structures against weathering and chemical attack.
20kg Bag
25kg Plastic Pail
Apply in 2 to 3 coats to achieve an overall thickness of 1.5-2.0mm with an overall material consumption of 2.0-3.0kg/m2.
6m to 10m total coverage.
SAB®Crystal Coat CP 212
is a one component, capillary crystalline, waterproof coating, which waterproofs concrete structures by forming insoluble
crystals in concrete capillaries. SAB®Crystal Coat CP 212 waterproofs both from negative and positive direction and is
ideally suited for basement water proofing. SAB®Crystal Coat CP 212 cures to a hard-robust abrasion resistant coating.
Water Retaining Structures such as water tanks and swimming pools, reservoirs, dams, canals, sewerage & water treatment
works and concrete pipes. Water Excluding Structures such as foundations and shallow basements, tunnels and subways,
underground cap parks, Inspection pits and lift shafts, Sea defense walls, Bridge decks, Jetties Retaining walls & Civil substructures.
• Negative and Positive waterproofing
• Replaces ineffective sheet membranes.
Seals shrinkage cracks up to 1/64” (0.4 mm) width. Reduced chloride permeability.
• Protect concrete and reinforcement from corrosion due to water born substances like chlorides and sulphates.
• Easy to apply product and Excellent adhesion
• Non-toxic and suitable in potable water containment.
• Not a vapor barrier - allows concrete to breathe. • Negligible interference with water reducers & plasticizers.
• Negligible effect/influence on slump and air entrainment.
• Impervious to physical damage and deterioration
• Non-toxic, inorganic, zero VOC (0%)
• Less costly than traditional methods of waterproofing.
• Economic efficiency
• Improves resistance of concrete structures against weathering and chemical attack.
20kg Bag
25kg Plastic Pail
Apply in 2 to 3 coats to achieve an overall thickness of 1.5-2.0mm with an overall material consumption of 2.0-3.0kg/m2.
6m to 10m total coverage.
طرق العرض
- 2840 عدد المشاهدات
- 2152 موقع المشاهدات
- 688 المشاهدات المدمجة
- مشاركات اجتماعية
- 6
- 0
- 0تعليقات
عدد المشاركات
- 0 فيسبوك
- 0 توتير
- 0 ينكدين
يتضمن 3
- 26
- 11
- 8
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