Dr. Fixit 501 Silicon Sealant GPS 280ml

Public Channel / Data Sheets

Dr. Fixit Silicone Sealant
S-PI-001 Rev.EN02 30 August 2019 P1/2
Technical Data Sheet : Silicone Sealant
Dr. Fixit Silicone Sealant GPS Is a versatile one component sanitary acetic silicone sealant for sealing building joints and glazing systems. After application the silicone cures with atmospheric moisture to form a durable rubber seal.
Area of Application
● Joint sealing to precast concrete and brickwork, parameter and curtain wall sealing.
● Sealing of aluminum/glass window frame joints, fixing glass into aluminum frames in lieu of rubber beading, kitchens, bathrooms and showers.
Features & Benefits
● Ready to use - No mixing is required, directly applicable through cartridge.
● Sagging – It is completely non-sagging in nature.
● Flexibility – Tough & flexible after curing so performs well during expansion & contraction
● Curing – Cures by moisture absorption from air at ambient temperature & relative humidity.
● Plastic deformation – Up to 95% recovery after plastic deformation
● UV resistant - Good UV resistance & insulation properties
● No primer is required when sealing joints in glass, ceramics and vitreous surfaces
● Anti -fungi
Method of Application
● the surface should be made clean, dry and degreased before applying Dr. Fixit Silicone Sealant GPS.
● Fix the masking tape on both sides of joint leaving exact gap for filling. This will make joint look good and uniform.
● it is supplied in ready to use plastic cartridges. Cut nozzle at an angle to desired bead size. Cut the tip of cartridge and fix the nozzle. Load the cartridge into the sealant gun.
● Fill the joint with Dr. Fixit Silicone Sealant GPS. Immediately after filling the joint, the sealant should be tooled either with pallet knife or similar tool of required size. Tooling is essential to remove air bubbles if any and to fill up all voids by the compacting action. This results in proper adhesion to the sides of the joint. It also gives better aesthetic surface.
● Remove masking tape once the sealant is in touch dry condition.
● Allow sealant to cure for 7 days minimum at above 50% RH
After sealing the joint the tools and equipment should be cleaned immediately with kerosene or any other cleaning solvents.
Precautions & Limitations
Among others not recommended for application on concrete, marble, lead, copper, galvanized steel and not for PE, PP, Teflon and bituminous surfaces. Not paintable.
Not recommended for direct contact with the perimeter of isolation glass and the edges of laminated safety glass.
Dr. Fixit Silicone Sealant
S-PI-001 Rev.EN02 30 August 2019 P2/2
Technical Data Sheet : Silicone Sealant
Technical Information
Properties Specification / Standard Results Appearance Unvulcanized Rubber Clear, White, Grey, Aluminum, Black Unvulcanized Rubber/ Vulcanized Rubber 0.97 g/cm3 Consistency Unvulcanized Rubber Non-sag Skin-50% R.H. Unvulcanized Rubber 8-25 min Humidity 50%, 7 days Vulcanized Rubber 2.0 Mpa 50%, 7 days Vulcanized Rubber 570 % Dynamic Joint Movement continue extension & compression 1/8" per hour Vulcanized Rubber Hardness Shore A Vulcanized Rubber 17 Application Temperature Range Vulcanized Rubber - Temperature Resistance Vulcanized Rubber -
● Cartridges of 280 ml
Shelf Life & Storage
● Shelf life between+5°C and +25°C are 12 months
Health & Safety Precaution
● Avoid contact with eyes and skin, use in well ventilated areas
● Some people are sensitive to solvents, resins and hardeners so it is advisable to use hand gloves and goggles.
The product information and the recommendations relating to the application and end-use of Dr.Fixit products, are based on Dr.Fixit’s current knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordance with Dr.Fixit’s recommendations. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other advice offered. The user of the product must test the product’s suitability for the intended application and purpose. Dr.Fixit reserves the right to change the properties of its products without notice, so the company does not assume liability of any legal from this product information.
Bamco Supply & Services Limited(A group company of Pidilite Industries Ltd.)

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1. Dr. Fixit Silicone Sealant ANTI - FUNGI ACETIC CURE SILICONE SEALANT S - PI - 001 R ev. EN 02 30 A ugust 2019 P 1 / 2 Technical Data Sheet : S ilicone S ealant Description: Dr. Fixit Silicone Sealant GPS Is a versatile one component sanitary acetic silicone sealant for sealing building joints and glazing systems. After application the silicone cures with atmospheric moisture to form a durable rubber seal. Area of Application ● Joint sealing to precast concrete and brickwork , p arameter and curtain wall sealing. ● S ealing of aluminum/glass window frame joints, fixing glass into aluminum f rames in lieu of rubber beading, kitchens, bathrooms and showers. Features & Benefits ● Ready to use - No mixing is required, directly applicable through cartridge. ● Sagging – It is completely non - sagging in nature. ● Flexibility – Tough & flexible after curing so performs well during expansion & contraction ● Curing – Cures by moist ure absorption from air at ambient temperature & relative humidity. ● Plastic deformation – Up to 95% recovery after plastic deformation ● UV resistant - Good UV resistance & insulation properties ● No primer is required when sealing joints in glass, ce ramics and vitreous surfaces ● Anti - fungi Method of Application 1 SURFACE PREPARATION ● the surface should be made clean, dry and degreased before applying Dr. Fixit Silicone Sealant GPS. 2 MASKING TAPE ● Fix the masking tape on both sides of joint leaving exact gap for filling. This will make joint look good and uniform. 3 APPLICATIONS ● it is supplied in ready to use plastic cartridges. Cut nozzle at an angle to desired bead size. Cut the tip of cartridge and fix the nozzle. Load the cartridge i nto the sealant gun. 4 FINISHING ● Fill the joint with Dr. Fixit Silicone Sealant GPS. Immediately after filling the joint, the sealant should be tooled either with pallet knife or similar tool of required size. Tooling is essential to remove air bubbles if any and to fill up all voids by the compacting action. This results in proper adhesion to the sides of the joint. It also gives better aesthetic surface. ● Remove masking tape once the sealant is in touch dry condition . ● Allow sealant to cure for 7 days minimum at above 50% RH Cleaning After sealing the joint the tools and equipment should be cleaned immediately with kerosene or any other cleaning solvents. Precautions & Limitations Among others not recommended for application on concrete, marble , lead, copper, galvanized steel and not for PE, PP, Teflon and bituminous surfaces. Not paintable. Not recommended for direct contact with the perimeter of isolation glass and the edges of laminated safety glass.

2. Dr. Fixit Silicone Sealant ANTI - FUNGI ACETIC CURE SILICONE SEALANT S - PI - 001 R ev. EN 02 30 A ugust 2019 P 2 / 2 Technical Data Sheet : S ilicone S ealant Technical Information Properties Spec ification / Standard Results Appearance Unvulcanized Rubber Clear, White, Grey, Aluminum, Black Unvulcanized Rubber/ Vulcanized Rubber 0.97 g/cm 3 Consistency Unvulcanized Rubber Non - sag Skin - 50% R.H. Unvulcanized Rubber 8 - 25 min Humidity 50%, 7 days Vulcanized Rubber 2.0 Mpa 50%, 7 days Vulcanized Rubber 570 % Dynamic Joint Movement continue extension & c ompression 1/8" per hour Vulcanized Rubber Hardness Shore A Vulcanized Rubber 17 Application Temperature Range Vulcanized Rubber - Temperature Resistance Vulcanized Rubber - Packing ● Cartridges of 280 ml Shelf Life & Storage ● Shelf life between+5°C and +25°C are 12 months Health & Safety Precaution ● Avoid contact with eyes and skin, use in well ventilated areas ● Some people are sensitive to solvents, resins and hardeners so it is advisable to use h and gloves and goggles. Disclaimer The product information and the recommendations relating to the application and end - use of Dr.Fixit products, are based on Dr.Fixit’s current knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordance with Dr.Fixit’s recommendations. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other advice offered. The user of the product must test the product’s suitability for the int ended application and purpose. Dr.Fixit reserves the right to change the properties of its products without notice, so the company does not assume liability of any legal from this product information. Bamco Supply & Services Limited (A group company of Pidilite Industries Ltd.) 699 Modernform Tower 15,17 FL.,Srinakarin Rd., Pattanakarn, Suan Luang, Bangkok 10250, THAILAND. T. +662 722 - 8535 F. +662 722 - 8381 Website: www.dr - fixit.co.th E - mail: sales@pidiliteb amco.com Helpline Call +662 722 8535 #101


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