Weber Product List
Admixture Concrete green Generation 4Th
Concrete Green for Admixture Retention Slump Exceptional S 4000
admixtures generation 3rd EPSILONE
admixtures concrete performance high Ultra
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 500 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High AL 500 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 502 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 503 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 504 HP EPSILONE
(only ksa (retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 507 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 510 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 520 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High G 520 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High S 520 HP EPSILONE
(.Qat (retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High W 520 HP EPSILONE
(.Qat (retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High U 520 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 522 HP EPSILONE
concrete performance high for superplasticizer Special 525 HP EPSILONE
concrete slump extended hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 530 HP EPSILONE
concrete performance high for superplasticizer Special M 540 HP EPSILONE
only Qatar concrete performance high for superplasticizer Special 540 HP EPSILONE
concrete performance high for superplasticizer Special 560 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended plasticizer-hyper concrete performance High 565 HP EPSILONE
hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 570 HP EPSILONE
hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 580 HP EPSILONE
hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 584 HP EPSILONE
hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 585 HP EPSILONE
hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 587 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 601 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 602 HP EPSILONE
(only Qatar (concrete performance high for superplasticizer Special 604 HP EPSILONE
hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 21 I EPSILONE
admixtures retention workability high Exceptional
retention slump extended- superplasticizer ether carboxylate generation New 333 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended - superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 350 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 370 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended-superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 380 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended-superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 382 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended-superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 385 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended-superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 386 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended-superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 387 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended-superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 388 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended-superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 390 HW EPSILONE
concrete performance high for superplasticizer Special M 390 HW EPSILONE
concrete for ure Admixt
admixtures reducing water generation Third
shotcrete for admixture liquid reducing Water 1-SC EPSILONE
admixture retarding and reducing water generation Third 220 WR EPSILONE
admixture reducing water high generation Third 222 WR EPSILONE
precast performance high for superplasticizer Special F-222 WR EPSILONE
agent stabilizing viscosity Concrete
properties rheological concrete enhancing for admixture modifying CONTROLViscosity VMA EPSILONE
agent enhancing viscosity efficient Highly VEA EPSILONE
admixtures concrete precast durable & performance High
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 405 PC EPSILONE
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 407 PC EPSILONE
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 408 PC EPSILONE
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 410 PC EPSILONE
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 412 PC EPSILONE
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 430 PC EPSILONE
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 450 PC EPSILONE
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 470 PC EPSILONE
industry precast the for superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 475 PC EPSILONE
additives masonry Concrete 485 PC EPSILONE
product concrete dry-semi for admixture reducing Water T 100 CMU EPSILONE
additives masonry Concrete
concrete reinforced fiber glass for admixture superplasticizing / reducing Water 111 CMP EPSILONE
admixtures Concrete
plasticizers reducing Water
(.Leb (admixture plasticizing, retarding, reducing Water 201 CP ADMIX
only ksa admixture concrete reducing Water 300 CP Admix
concrete & mortar for plasticizer, reducing Water 313 CP ADMIX
admixture plasticizing, retarding, reducing Water 315 CP ADMIX
admixture plasticizing, retarding, reducing Water D 315 CP ADMIX *
only Qatar admixture plasticizing, retarding, reducing-Water 432 CP ADMIX *
admixture plasticizing, retarding, reducing-Water 445 CP ADMIX *
mortar cement for Plasticizer 104 MP *
plasticizers retarding reducing Water
admixture retarding & reducing-Water 305 CP ADMIX
admixture retarding and reducing-Water 310 CP ADMIX
reducing water range-Mid
admixture reducing water / superplasticizing range-Mid 107 CF Admix
admixture reducing water / superplasticizing range-Mid 334 CF Admix
concrete for admixture superplasticizer range-Mid 335 CF ADMIX
superplasticizer retarding and reducing-Water GD CF ADMIX**
retention slump high, Superplasticizer 1 JM CF ADMIX**
retention slump high, Superplasticizer 2 JM CF ADMIX**
concrete for admixture retarding & reducing water range-Mid 600 plus eco Admix
concrete for admixture plasticizing & retarding , reducing water range-Mid 620 plus eco Admix
admixture plasticizing & retarding , reducing water range-Mid 640 plus eco Admix
superplasticizers reducing water range-High
admixture reducing water performance –High HM 30 CF ADMIX**
admixture reducing water performance –High HMS 30 CF ADMIX**
strength early for Superplasticizer 40 CF ADMIX**
strength early for Superplasticizer 41 CF ADMIX**
concrete fluid for superplasticizer range-High S 50 CF ADMIX
concrete fluid for superplasticizer range-High SL 50 CF Admix
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 56 CF ADMIX
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 58 CF ADMIX
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High FG 58 CF ADMIX**
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 60 CF ADMIX**
(Only. Leb (admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 69 CF ADMIX**
only Qatar admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 80 CF ADMIX *
only Qatar admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 85 CF ADMIX *
only Syria admixture reducing water performance –High 86 CF ADMIX**
admixture superplasticizing, retarding , reducing water range-High R 88 CF ADMIX
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High EXTRA RN 88 CF Admix
only Qatar admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High N 90 CF ADMIX *
(Leb (reducer water range-high, Superplasticizer 91 CF ADMIX**
only Qatar concrete fluid for superplasticizer range-High 92 CF ADMIX *
concrete fluid for admixture superplasticizing reducing water range-High M 92 CF ADMIX
admixture retarding and reducing water range-High R 96 CF ADMIX**
Lebanon admixture superplasticizing reducing water range High 99 CF ADMIX**
admixture superplasticizing, reducing water, range-High 100 CF ADMIX
only UAE concrete precast for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High P 100 CF ADMIX *
concrete precast & mix ready for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High PMD 100 CF ADMIX
concrete precast for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High XP 100 CF ADMIX
(concrete c/w low for (Superplasticizer 105 CF ADMIX**
reduce water range-high, Superplasticizer 106 CF ADMIX**
KSA only reducer water range-high, Superplasticizer 108 CF ADMIX *
KSA only reducer water range-high, Superplasticizer 109 CF ADMIX
reducer water range-high, Superplasticizer 110 CF ADMIX**
(Mena (reducer water range-high, Superplasticizer SDP 110 CF ADMIX**
(Leb(reducer water range-high, Superplasticizer ZR 110 CF ADMIX**
only UAE admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 111 CF ADMIX *
concrete precast/ mix ready for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High 112 CF ADMIX
admixture superplasticizing retarding, reducing water range High 113 CF ADMIX**
only KSA concrete performance high for admixture reducing water range-High 116 CF ADMIX *
only KSA admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High M 116 CF ADMIX *
concrete performance high for admixture reducing water range-High 117 CF ADMIX
concrete performance high for admixture reducing water range-High P 117 CF ADMIX
only KSA admixture superplasticizing, reducing water, range-High 119 CF ADMIX
only Qatar admixture superplasticizing, reducing water, range-High 120 CF ADMIX *
admixture reducing-water range-High 121 CF ADMIX
concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing reducing water range High 125 CF ADMIX *
KSA only concrete performance high for admixture reducing water range-High 200 CF ADMIX *
only Qatar concrete fluid for superplasticizer range-High 207 CF ADMIX *
concrete fluid for admixture superplasticizing reducing water range-High 208 CF ADMIX
concrete fluid for admixture superplasticizing reducing water range-High M 208 CF ADMIX
only UAE admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 257 CF ADMIX *
only UAE admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High AW 258 CF ADMIX *
only UAE admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 260 CF ADMIX *
only UAE admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 274 CF ADMIX *
only UAE admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 275 CF ADMIX *
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 300 CF ADMIX
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 333 CF ADMIX
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High H 333 CF Admix
(Leb)(based PNS (superplasticizer reducing water range-High HR 333 CF ADMIX**
KSA only admixture reducing water / superplasticizing range-High M 334 CF Admix
concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing reducing water range High 550 CF ADMIX
KSA only concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing reducing water range High 551 CF ADMIX
concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing reducing water range High 552 CF ADMIX
only UAE admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 555 CF ADMIX *
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 570 CF ADMIX
concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High 615 CF ADMIX
concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High 616 CF ADMIX
(UAE (concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High 617 CF ADMIX *
(UAE (concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High UN 617 CF ADMIX *
admixture retarding and reducing water range-High G CF ADMIX**
(concrete c/w low for (Superplasticizer TH95 CF ADMIX**
admixture superplasticizing reducing water range High Z CF Admix
admixture superplasticizing reducing water range High Z1 CF ADMIX
plasticizers entraining Air
concrete for admixture entraining-Air A GEL ADMIX
concrete for admixture entraining-Air 50 A Gel Admix
form powder in agent entraining-Air P GEL ADMIX**
reducers Permeability
form liquid in admixture waterproofing Integral E SEC ADMIX
admixture waterproofing, plasticizer reducer-Water L SEC ADMIX**
form powder in admixture waterproofing Integral P sec
only UAE admixture plasticizing, retarding performance High 152 CR ADMIX *
admixture Retarding B TARD ADMIX
concrete for admixture retarding & reducing Water 100 tard eco Admix
concrete for admixture retarding & reducing Water 102 tard eco Admix
concrete for admixture plasticizing & retarding, reducing Water 120 tard eco Admix
concrete for admixture plasticizing & retarding, reducing Water 155 tard eco Admix
accelerator free-chloride hardening and Setting fast Admix *
accelerator free-chloride hardening and Setting C fast Admix**
accelerator setting Chlorinated 200 C fast Admix
additives Mortar
mortars for admixtures based-PVA
(KSA (concrete and mortar for agent bonding based-PVA 2K *
(Jordan (concrete and mortar for agent bonding based-PVA PVA 200 *
agent bonding purpose-multi-PVA PVA 205
concrete and mortar for agent bonding based-PVA PV 210 *
concrete and mortar for agent bonding based-PVA) PV 215 (bond PVA**
agent bonding based-PVA CH 230 *
mortars for admixtures based-SBR
(Only Qatar (agent bonding based-latex SBR SBR 220
agent bonding based-latex SBR MB 225 *
concrete and mortar for agent bonding based-latex SBR EM 235 *
agent bonding based-latex SBR LTX 240
agent bonding based-latex SBR RBA 244
agent bonding performance high based-latex SBR SBR 245
concrete and mortar for agent bonding based-SBR No1 SBR
agents Demoulding
emulsion vegetable agent release mould Delayed ecodem
agent release shutter based-Water 22 dem
agent release shutter based-Wax) B dem
compounds Curing
surfaces concrete fresh for compound Curing WH cure
concrete fresh for compound curing efficient High WT cure
concrete placed newly for compound Curing 20 Y cure**
compound curing Concrete 40 Y cure
agents Cleaning
materials based cement for aid Cleaning Aid Slipping
materials based cement for aid Cleaning L Aid Slipping
retarders Surface
concrete fresh for retarder Surface FC 160 blastocrete
formwork for retarder FWSurface 165 blastocrete
admixtures plasticizing & Expanding
admixture plasticizing & Expanding cemtex
admixture plasticizing & expanding performance-High M cemtex
agents freeze-Anti
weather cold in concreting for agent freeze-Anti FREEZE-ANTI Admix**
Admixture Reducing Shrinkage 2000 SRA ADMIX
admixture concrete Multifunctional 250 MULTI ADMIX
materials cementitious Supplementary
concrete for material cementing Supplementary ASH FLY ADMIX
concrete performance high for fume silica Densified D SIL ADMIX**
concrete performance high for fume silica Densified DSF SIL ADMIX**
concrete performance high for fume Silica P SIL ADMIX**
concrete performance high for fume silica densified-Un U SIL ADMIX**
fibers Synthetic
plaster and concrete to additive fibers Synthetic M fiber
plaster and concrete for additive fibers polypropylene Fibrillated 100 fibril
inhibitors Corrosion
solution Inhibitor Corrosion CIS ADMIX
admixtures Shotcrete
admixture accelerating Shotcrete L jet
pigments Concrete
concrete for pigments Powder color
mix dry for Admixtures
products concrete dry-semi for admixture Plasticizing 114 CF ADMIX**
product concrete dry-semi for admixture reducing Water 100 CMU ADMIX
applications concrete dry semi & cast dry for admixture Special 200 CMU ADMIX
applications dry-semi & cast dry manufactured concrete for admixture dispersing Special 110 PLAST SD ADMIX
admixtures washout-Anti
special-admixture washout-Anti C-WASH-A ADMIX
admixture washout-anti Liquid N-WASH-A ADMIX
admixture washout-anti Universal U-WASH-A ADMIX
agent foaming Concrete
concrete cellular of manufacturing for agent Foaming 500 LSM ADMIX
MENA in only Available | ** GCC in only Available*
Adhesives Tile Cementitious
(modified latex (adhesive tile flexible cementitious performance high components Two Lebanon - flex webercol
(modified latex (adhesive tile flexible cementitious setting-fast components Two FS flex webercol
(modified latex (adhesive tile flexible cementitious performance high components Two flex webercol
technology dust low with adhesive tile performance high setting-Fast F1 webercol
technology dust low with adhesive tile performance high setting-Fast fast webercol
adhesive tile cementitious white extra modified latex quality Premium max webercol
(modified latex (adhesive tile cementitious performance High plus webercol
tiles for glue mortar modified-latex components-Two bond webercol
(modified latex (adhesive tile based cement Regular WP webercol
adhesive tile Cementitious flx webercol
Adhesives Tile Pasty and Epoxy
adhesive tile paste use to ready performance High paste webercol
adhesive tile epoxy bed Thin plus epo webercol
adhesive tile epoxy component-Three epo webercol
adhesive tile pasty use to Ready putty webercol
floors for Adhesives Thick
mortar adhesive Thick floor webercol
screed bedding tile Thick Thick TBS floor webercol
screed bedding Thick TBS floor webercol
screed bedding tile strength High) HS (TBS floor webercol
Grouts Tile
adhesive and grout tile epoxy performance high components Two easy weberepox
Stop Mould and Repell Hydro with grout tile cementitious, Stain Low, performance High perfect weberjoint
technology color shading-non with grout tile modified polymer performance High deco weberjoint
grout tile Cementitious thick weberjoint/ weberjoint
effect metallic with grout tile cementitious Glittering glitter weberjoint
repellent oil and Water Surface & tiling under Waterproofing
sealer penetrating based water Premium proof weberstone
strip waterproofing Reinforcement band weber
areas wet in tiling under waterproofing for membrane Durable gum weberdry
protection grout and stones, tiles for repellent oil and water,based Water protect weberdry
tiling for Primer
prime webercol
Fixing Tile
systems coating floor Epoxy
primer sealing epoxy free Solvent L-plus eposil weberfloor
coating floor epoxy duty heavy free Solvent epobat weberfloor
coating floor epoxy duty heavy free Solvent L-epobat weberfloor
System Flooring Epoxy Free Solvent k - epobat weberfloor
coating floor epoxy based Solvent 50 HB epo weberfloor
coating floor epoxy based Solvent L - 50 HB epo weberfloor
primer sealing epoxy free Solvent plus eposil weberfloor
primer sealing epoxy based Solvent eposil weberfloor
primer sealing epoxy based Solvent L - eposil weberfloor
primer and epoxy based solvent for Thinner thinner epo weberfloor
coating floor epoxy component two free Solvent 52 epobat weberfloor
system flooring epoxy free Solvent epopark weberfloor
surfacing aggregates decorative for binder Epoxy epogravel weberfloor
systems coating floor Polyurethane
coating floor polyurethane component-Mono PU 210 weberfloor
medium and light, traffic pedestrian) public (high stable-uv, coat-top Polyurethane PUV 215 weberfloor
traffic car
coating polyurethane component Two PU 220 weberfloor
areas traffic pedestrian domestic stable-UV, coat-top polyurethane Aliphatic PU 230 weberfloor
parks car for system coating polyurethane bridging crack, Waterproof XPU 2100 webersys
screeds and compounds floor levelling-Self
compound floor levelling self performance high component One SLC 505 weberfloor
compound flooring smoothing fine, covering fast, leveling-self modified Polymer FD smooth weberfloor
mm 10 to 1 from thicknesses for
primer based Acrylic prime 510 weberfloor
compound floor levelling self performance high component-Two SOL 510 weberfloor
30mm to 2 from thickness for floor leveling-self cementitious setting Fast SL 514 weberfloor
mm 30 to 2 from compound floor leveling-self Premium PSC 515 weberfloor
compound floor leveling-self Pumpable PSL 520 weberfloor
thicknesses for compound flooring, covering fast, leveling-self modified Polymer FD 525 weberfloor
mm 30 to 2 from
compound flooring, strength high, covering fast, leveling-self modified Polymer FD 535 weberfloor
mm 30 to 2 from thicknesses for
reinforced fiber screed mix ready Dry SCR 600 weberfloor
reinforced fiber screed mix ready Dry L-SCR 600 weberfloor
screed floor reinforced fiber mix Ready FFS 601 weberfloor
Screed Flowing components two Performance High) KSA (EL 605 weberfloor
Screed Flowing Performance High EHS 610 weberfloor
binder hydraulic modified Polymer PMB 620 weberfloor
thickness 100mm to 20 from screed pumpable, leveling easy performance High 625 easy weberfloor
screed floor reinforced fiber mixed-Pre TSC 630 weberfloor
screed floor reinforced fiber mixed-Pre pump weberfloor
system concrete Stamped
proofer dust and sealer based water Acrylic WB 241 sil weberfloor
proofer dust and sealer based solvent Acrylic SB 240 sil weberfloor
form powder in hardener surface Colored SC 440 weberfloor
form powder in agent Release RLS 340 weberfloor
sealers and hardeners Surface
mortar & concrete for hardener surface Liquid SC 255 weberfloor
form powder in hardener Surface BA 400 weberfloor
hardener surface silica Quartz QS 410 weberfloor
form powder in hardener surface performance High HP 420 weberfloor
proofer-dust and hardener, sealer Epoxy hardex weberfloor
Renders Monocouche
mortar rendering decorative mineral coat-One F weberpral
mortar rendering decorative mineral coat-One) UAE (F weberpral
render layer single Decorative K weberpral
Renders Mineral Decorative
aggregates with render Decorative 210 webercal
render layer single Decorative 240 webercal
use external and internal for render arabian Decorative palm webercal
textured colored dash spatter Decorative T/SP webercal
application external & internal for render Decorative DF webercal
stones grouting and mounting for mortar Colored stone webercal
finish rendered aggregate Exposed mineralite
Renders Decorative Polymeric
substrate the of neutralization and equalization the for primer use-to-ready A SIL PR weberpas
render wet based mineral organo performance high use-to-ready A SIL deco weberpas
primer based water Acrylic 300 PR weberpas
finish Ribbed-coating textured Acrylic 310 deco weberpas
finish roll - coating waterproof Acrylic 320 deco weberpas
coat waterproof reflective white Flexible 322 deco weberpas
finish roll - coating decorative Plastic 330 deco weberpas
primer elastomeric Acrylic 339 PR weberpas
coating facade elastic Highly 340 deco weberpas
finish sanded - coating textured Acrylic 350 deco weberpas
finish sanded - coating textured Acrylic 355 deco weberpas
Mortars Embedding & Adhesives ETICS
(ETICS (system Insulation External OM webertherm
ETICS for render coat base modified polymer based Cement base webertherm
ETICS for board polystyrene foamed fixing for adhesion increased of Adhesive glue webertherm
resistant alkali mesh fiber Glass mesh webertherm
fastener Insulation anc webertherm
paints Façade
concrete for coating carbonation-anti Protective beton webercote
mortars mounting Premixed
units masonry concrete for grout fill Core RM fill weberbloc
mortar laying masonry brick and Block A fix weberbloc
bricks weight light for mortar Mounting B-LW fix weberbloc
blocks weight light for mortar Mounting LW fix weberbloc
mortar laying brick and Block N fix weberbloc
bricks and blocks hollow for mortar filling gap and Mounting fix weberbloc
foundations and walls building for mortar mix Ready CM weberpremix
coats rush Premixed
blocks for coat slurry spatterdash mixed Ready 1-SRC weberpremix
concrete faced fair for coat slurry spatterdash mixed Ready 2-SRC weberpremix
aerated autoclaved (blocks weight light for coat slurry spatterdash mixed Ready LW-SRC weberpremix
(blocks concrete
concrete & concrete dense very for coat slurry spatterdash mixed Ready S-SRC weberpremix
scms containing
coat slurry spatterdash mixed Ready coat key weberpremix
plasters Premixed
ceiling for plaster mix ready based Cement ceiling weberpremix
plaster premixed insulating acoustical and Thermal acoutherm weberpremix
plaster mixed ready based Gypsum 1-SGP weberpremix
coat finishing mixed ready based Gypsum 2-SGP weberpremix
painting before coat finishing based Gypsum 3-SGP weberpremix
plaster mix ready based Cement WP 6-SP weberpremix
plaster mix ready bonding high coat One 11-SP weberpremix
blocks weight light for plaster mix ready bonding high coat One 33-SP weberpremix
system panel sandwich insulated for mortar spraying reinforced Fiber 100-SSP weberpremix
plaster cement reinforced fiber coat One 200-SSP weberpremix
plaster mix ready dry based Cement 1-SP weberpremix
plaster cement Portland 2-SP weberpremix
fiber with plaster mix ready dry based Cement FL 3-SP weberpremix
plaster mix ready reinforced fibre quality High 5-SP weberpremix
plaster mix ready dry) resistant-sulfate (based Cement 7-SP weberpremix
fiber with plaster mix ready based Cement fiber weberpremix
plaster mix ready based Cement hand weberpremix
plaster sprayable mix ready based Cement spray weberpremix
plaster coat brown mixed Ready thick weberpremix
render restoration based cement and lime - reinforced Fiber renov weberpremix
putties finishing Premixed
rendering cementitious quality High coat skim weberpremix
resurfacing substrate based cement for Putty finish fine
primers Plasters
primer based Synthetic prime 500 weberpremix
mortar tering Plas
Smoothing & Repair Concrete
mortar repair reinforced fiber shrink non metallic-Non ST weberep
fiber with mortar repair thixotropic shrink Non TX 331 weberep
mortar repair thixotropic strength high shrink Non HCS 331 weberep
fiber with mortar repair fine thixotropic shrink Non FR 332 weberep
fiber with mortar filling setting fast and strength early High RD 314 weberep
repair for mortar cementitious component-two shrink-Non NSM 345 weberep
mortar repair shrink Non NSG 350 weberep
repair face fair for paste cementitious mixed-Pre FFR 360 weberep
repair face fair for paste cementitious mixed-pre Green FFC weberep
repair precast face fair for paste cementitious mixed-Pre PC weberep
agent bonding and protection corrosion based cement component-Two PF 370 weberep
primer rich-zinc corrosive-anti duty Heavy ZRP 501 weberep
mix cementitious multipurpose use-to-Ready supermix weberep
cement alumina high hardening Rapid FD 318 weberep
putty concrete face Fair PA 321 weberep
mortar lining & resurfacing Epoxy RS 400 epo weberep
mortar repair Epoxy 410 epo weberep
coat fairing & paste bonding epoxy component-Two CRY 412 epo weberep
compound resurfacing floor Epoxy SC 420 epo weberep
lining manhole for mortar Epoxy LR 440 epo weberep
resin injection epoxy viscosity low Very i 650 epo weberep
resin injection epoxy Standard i 660 epo weberep
Bedding & Grouting
grout shrink non purpose General 300 webertec
grout structural shrink Non 301 webertec
grout strength high very shrink Non HCS 301 webertec
grout precision shrink-non Cementitious PC 301 webertec
grout bedding expansive fluid Highly HF 302 webertec
grout tensioning-post fluid Highly HFG 303 webertec
grout compensated shrinkage strength high Very VHS 304 webertec
grout cementitious shrink-non fluid Highly HF 305 webertec
grout precision shrink-non Cementitious P grout webertec
grout compensated shrinkage strength high Exceptional EHS 306
concrete micro durable use to Easy MC1 webertec
concrete micro fluid shrink Non MC 311 webertec
concrete micro fluid strength high shrink-Non HCS-MC 311 webertec
grout epoxy strength high flowing Free Plus GRT 430 epo webertec
system capping pile for mortar Epoxy PC 450 epo webertec
Bonding & Anchoring
cartridge in resin anchoring epoxy Pure BFX 405 weberanc
design seismic - cartridge in resin anchoring epoxy Pure ASF 505 weberanc
resin anchoring free-styrene performance High 435 weberanc
adhesive bonding based Acrylic bond webertec
concrete fresh for adhesive base resin Epoxy bond epo webertec
repair concrete & Technical
waterproofing based-Epoxy
coating epoxy toxic-non, resistant chemical high, free Solvent PW epo weberdry
membranes Bituminous
Plain - membrane bituminous modified APP 4mm PL Biplas
Plain - reinforced polyester membrane performance high APP 200/4 PL Biplas
Plain - membrane bituminous modified APP mm 4 & 3 PL Biplas
slated - membrane bituminous modified APP 4mm SL Biplas
.surface plain a with membrane bituminous flexible highly modified SBS PL Biflex
.surface slated a with membrane bituminous flexible highly modified SBS SL Biflex
Plain - membrane bituminous modified SBS 3mm PL Uniflex
garden roof for membrane bituminous modified SBS 4mm root-anti PL Biflex
reinforcements double with membrane bituminous modified APP mm 5 & 4 PL Biplon
concrete structural for waterproofing ply-multi reinforced fabricated-pre A F ad-Self
concrete structural for waterproofing ply-multi reinforced fabricated-pre A P ad-Self
membrane bitumen modified proofing Damp PC Damp
board Protection Proboard
membranes liquid Bituminous
coating bitumen applied Cold WB bitum weberdry
coating bitumen applied Cold L-WB prime weberdry
primer bitumen based Solvent SB prime weberdry
paint bitumen based solvent applied Cold L-SB bitum weberdry
coating bitumen applied Cold WB prime weberdry
coating bitumen applied Cold K - WB bitum weberdry
coating protective bituminous fibrated based Solvent SB fiber weberdry
emulsion bitumen Rubberized RBE weberdry
emulsion bitumen Rubberized L-RBE weberdry
emulsion bitumen Rubberized K-RBE webedry
emulsion bitumen Rubberized RBV weberdry
emulsion bitumen rubberized Waterproofing 50 SSP weberdry
membranes liquid Polyurethane
coatings waterproofing for Primer PU 355 prime weberdry
primer polyurethane penetrating Deep PU 310 prime weberdry
membrane waterproofing polyurethane applied Liquid PU 360 weberdry
membrane waterproofing polyurethane/bitumen applied-Liquid BPU 370 weberdry
membrane waterproofing polyurethane applied-liquid, Transparent clear PU 380 weberdry
coating waterproofing polyurethane curing moisture applied cold component-One PU 390 weberdry
membranes liquid tar Coal
concrete and steel for coating epoxy tar coal based-Solvent ESB tar weberdry
coati epoxy tar coal free-solvent build High ESF tar weberdry
waterproofing based-Cement
coating waterproof based-cement performance-high Flexible FX 110 weberdry
coating waterproof based cement Flexible FX 136 weberdry
coating waterproof based cement Flexible Grey FW 156 weberdry
coating waterproof acrylic based cement Flexible FX 116 weberdry
coating waterproof based Cement PR 130 weberdry
(grey (coating proof-damp / waterproofing flexible Highly HFX 107 weberdry
mortar plugging cementitious setting Fast BLC 150 weberdry
cementitious Crystallization crystal weberdry
waterproofing based-Acrylic
waterproofing tiling under for primer Acrylic 338 prime weberdry
coating waterproof flexible based-acrylic component-Mono AFC 210 weberdry
bridging crack wall and floor for waterproofing Elastic flex weberdry
areas wet in tiling under waterproofing for membrane Durable gum weberdry
roof for coating waterproof based acrylic component Mono roof weberdry
repellents-water Surface
sealer penetrating based water Premium proof weberstone
repellent water surface based Water WB 132 weberdry
repellent water surface based water Siloxane/Silane WR 135 weberdry
protection grout and stones tiles for repellent oil and water ,based Water protect weberdry
injection Polyurethane
resin injection sealing water forming Foam i 610 weberdry
resin injection polyurethane component-two sealing water Flexible i 600 weberdry
sealants Joint
sealant polyurethane component One PU jointseal weber
adhesive and sealant polyurethane component-One MC PU jointseal weber
sealant polyurethane component-Two 2000 PU seal weber
sealant joint resistant fuel jet polysulphide elastomeric applied cold part Two JF 2000 PS seal weber
pavements concrete for
sealant polysulphide for primer component Two 2 PS prime seal weber
sealant joint polysulphide component-Two PG/GG 1000 PS seal weber
sealant mastic asphaltic applied Cold bitum seal weber
foam rod backing polyethylene Extruded rod backing weber
sealants Silicone
sealant silicone acetic Multipurpose AC silicone weber
sealant silicone neutral Multipurpose N silicone weber
protection and separation, filtration for polyester of made geotextile Nonwoven PET white Geotextile
polypropylene tenacity high by made geotextile Nonwoven PP white Geotextile
drainage and protection, separation, filtration for
joints expansion and construction for waterstops PVC waterstop weberdry
waterstop rubber Swellable RB swellbar weberdry
joints construction of sealing Waterproof swellbar weberdry
stabilizers Soil
stabilizer Soil 200 Soilex
Concrete Green for Admixture Retention Slump Exceptional S 4000
admixtures generation 3rd EPSILONE
admixtures concrete performance high Ultra
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 500 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High AL 500 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 502 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 503 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 504 HP EPSILONE
(only ksa (retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 507 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 510 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 520 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High G 520 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High S 520 HP EPSILONE
(.Qat (retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High W 520 HP EPSILONE
(.Qat (retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High U 520 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 522 HP EPSILONE
concrete performance high for superplasticizer Special 525 HP EPSILONE
concrete slump extended hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 530 HP EPSILONE
concrete performance high for superplasticizer Special M 540 HP EPSILONE
only Qatar concrete performance high for superplasticizer Special 540 HP EPSILONE
concrete performance high for superplasticizer Special 560 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended plasticizer-hyper concrete performance High 565 HP EPSILONE
hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 570 HP EPSILONE
hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 580 HP EPSILONE
hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 584 HP EPSILONE
hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 585 HP EPSILONE
hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 587 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 601 HP EPSILONE
retention slump extended - hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 602 HP EPSILONE
(only Qatar (concrete performance high for superplasticizer Special 604 HP EPSILONE
hyperplasticizer concrete performance High 21 I EPSILONE
admixtures retention workability high Exceptional
retention slump extended- superplasticizer ether carboxylate generation New 333 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended - superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 350 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 370 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended-superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 380 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended-superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 382 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended-superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 385 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended-superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 386 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended-superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 387 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended-superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 388 HW EPSILONE
retention slump extended-superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 390 HW EPSILONE
concrete performance high for superplasticizer Special M 390 HW EPSILONE
concrete for ure Admixt
admixtures reducing water generation Third
shotcrete for admixture liquid reducing Water 1-SC EPSILONE
admixture retarding and reducing water generation Third 220 WR EPSILONE
admixture reducing water high generation Third 222 WR EPSILONE
precast performance high for superplasticizer Special F-222 WR EPSILONE
agent stabilizing viscosity Concrete
properties rheological concrete enhancing for admixture modifying CONTROLViscosity VMA EPSILONE
agent enhancing viscosity efficient Highly VEA EPSILONE
admixtures concrete precast durable & performance High
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 405 PC EPSILONE
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 407 PC EPSILONE
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 408 PC EPSILONE
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 410 PC EPSILONE
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 412 PC EPSILONE
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 430 PC EPSILONE
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 450 PC EPSILONE
concrete mix ready & precast performance high for superplasticizer Special 470 PC EPSILONE
industry precast the for superplasticizer ether polycarboxylate generation New 475 PC EPSILONE
additives masonry Concrete 485 PC EPSILONE
product concrete dry-semi for admixture reducing Water T 100 CMU EPSILONE
additives masonry Concrete
concrete reinforced fiber glass for admixture superplasticizing / reducing Water 111 CMP EPSILONE
admixtures Concrete
plasticizers reducing Water
(.Leb (admixture plasticizing, retarding, reducing Water 201 CP ADMIX
only ksa admixture concrete reducing Water 300 CP Admix
concrete & mortar for plasticizer, reducing Water 313 CP ADMIX
admixture plasticizing, retarding, reducing Water 315 CP ADMIX
admixture plasticizing, retarding, reducing Water D 315 CP ADMIX *
only Qatar admixture plasticizing, retarding, reducing-Water 432 CP ADMIX *
admixture plasticizing, retarding, reducing-Water 445 CP ADMIX *
mortar cement for Plasticizer 104 MP *
plasticizers retarding reducing Water
admixture retarding & reducing-Water 305 CP ADMIX
admixture retarding and reducing-Water 310 CP ADMIX
reducing water range-Mid
admixture reducing water / superplasticizing range-Mid 107 CF Admix
admixture reducing water / superplasticizing range-Mid 334 CF Admix
concrete for admixture superplasticizer range-Mid 335 CF ADMIX
superplasticizer retarding and reducing-Water GD CF ADMIX**
retention slump high, Superplasticizer 1 JM CF ADMIX**
retention slump high, Superplasticizer 2 JM CF ADMIX**
concrete for admixture retarding & reducing water range-Mid 600 plus eco Admix
concrete for admixture plasticizing & retarding , reducing water range-Mid 620 plus eco Admix
admixture plasticizing & retarding , reducing water range-Mid 640 plus eco Admix
superplasticizers reducing water range-High
admixture reducing water performance –High HM 30 CF ADMIX**
admixture reducing water performance –High HMS 30 CF ADMIX**
strength early for Superplasticizer 40 CF ADMIX**
strength early for Superplasticizer 41 CF ADMIX**
concrete fluid for superplasticizer range-High S 50 CF ADMIX
concrete fluid for superplasticizer range-High SL 50 CF Admix
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 56 CF ADMIX
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 58 CF ADMIX
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High FG 58 CF ADMIX**
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 60 CF ADMIX**
(Only. Leb (admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 69 CF ADMIX**
only Qatar admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 80 CF ADMIX *
only Qatar admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 85 CF ADMIX *
only Syria admixture reducing water performance –High 86 CF ADMIX**
admixture superplasticizing, retarding , reducing water range-High R 88 CF ADMIX
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High EXTRA RN 88 CF Admix
only Qatar admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High N 90 CF ADMIX *
(Leb (reducer water range-high, Superplasticizer 91 CF ADMIX**
only Qatar concrete fluid for superplasticizer range-High 92 CF ADMIX *
concrete fluid for admixture superplasticizing reducing water range-High M 92 CF ADMIX
admixture retarding and reducing water range-High R 96 CF ADMIX**
Lebanon admixture superplasticizing reducing water range High 99 CF ADMIX**
admixture superplasticizing, reducing water, range-High 100 CF ADMIX
only UAE concrete precast for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High P 100 CF ADMIX *
concrete precast & mix ready for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High PMD 100 CF ADMIX
concrete precast for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High XP 100 CF ADMIX
(concrete c/w low for (Superplasticizer 105 CF ADMIX**
reduce water range-high, Superplasticizer 106 CF ADMIX**
KSA only reducer water range-high, Superplasticizer 108 CF ADMIX *
KSA only reducer water range-high, Superplasticizer 109 CF ADMIX
reducer water range-high, Superplasticizer 110 CF ADMIX**
(Mena (reducer water range-high, Superplasticizer SDP 110 CF ADMIX**
(Leb(reducer water range-high, Superplasticizer ZR 110 CF ADMIX**
only UAE admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 111 CF ADMIX *
concrete precast/ mix ready for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High 112 CF ADMIX
admixture superplasticizing retarding, reducing water range High 113 CF ADMIX**
only KSA concrete performance high for admixture reducing water range-High 116 CF ADMIX *
only KSA admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High M 116 CF ADMIX *
concrete performance high for admixture reducing water range-High 117 CF ADMIX
concrete performance high for admixture reducing water range-High P 117 CF ADMIX
only KSA admixture superplasticizing, reducing water, range-High 119 CF ADMIX
only Qatar admixture superplasticizing, reducing water, range-High 120 CF ADMIX *
admixture reducing-water range-High 121 CF ADMIX
concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing reducing water range High 125 CF ADMIX *
KSA only concrete performance high for admixture reducing water range-High 200 CF ADMIX *
only Qatar concrete fluid for superplasticizer range-High 207 CF ADMIX *
concrete fluid for admixture superplasticizing reducing water range-High 208 CF ADMIX
concrete fluid for admixture superplasticizing reducing water range-High M 208 CF ADMIX
only UAE admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 257 CF ADMIX *
only UAE admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High AW 258 CF ADMIX *
only UAE admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 260 CF ADMIX *
only UAE admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 274 CF ADMIX *
only UAE admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 275 CF ADMIX *
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 300 CF ADMIX
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 333 CF ADMIX
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High H 333 CF Admix
(Leb)(based PNS (superplasticizer reducing water range-High HR 333 CF ADMIX**
KSA only admixture reducing water / superplasticizing range-High M 334 CF Admix
concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing reducing water range High 550 CF ADMIX
KSA only concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing reducing water range High 551 CF ADMIX
concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing reducing water range High 552 CF ADMIX
only UAE admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 555 CF ADMIX *
admixture superplasticizing, retarding, reducing water range-High 570 CF ADMIX
concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High 615 CF ADMIX
concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High 616 CF ADMIX
(UAE (concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High 617 CF ADMIX *
(UAE (concrete mix ready for admixture superplasticizing, reducing water range-High UN 617 CF ADMIX *
admixture retarding and reducing water range-High G CF ADMIX**
(concrete c/w low for (Superplasticizer TH95 CF ADMIX**
admixture superplasticizing reducing water range High Z CF Admix
admixture superplasticizing reducing water range High Z1 CF ADMIX
plasticizers entraining Air
concrete for admixture entraining-Air A GEL ADMIX
concrete for admixture entraining-Air 50 A Gel Admix
form powder in agent entraining-Air P GEL ADMIX**
reducers Permeability
form liquid in admixture waterproofing Integral E SEC ADMIX
admixture waterproofing, plasticizer reducer-Water L SEC ADMIX**
form powder in admixture waterproofing Integral P sec
only UAE admixture plasticizing, retarding performance High 152 CR ADMIX *
admixture Retarding B TARD ADMIX
concrete for admixture retarding & reducing Water 100 tard eco Admix
concrete for admixture retarding & reducing Water 102 tard eco Admix
concrete for admixture plasticizing & retarding, reducing Water 120 tard eco Admix
concrete for admixture plasticizing & retarding, reducing Water 155 tard eco Admix
accelerator free-chloride hardening and Setting fast Admix *
accelerator free-chloride hardening and Setting C fast Admix**
accelerator setting Chlorinated 200 C fast Admix
additives Mortar
mortars for admixtures based-PVA
(KSA (concrete and mortar for agent bonding based-PVA 2K *
(Jordan (concrete and mortar for agent bonding based-PVA PVA 200 *
agent bonding purpose-multi-PVA PVA 205
concrete and mortar for agent bonding based-PVA PV 210 *
concrete and mortar for agent bonding based-PVA) PV 215 (bond PVA**
agent bonding based-PVA CH 230 *
mortars for admixtures based-SBR
(Only Qatar (agent bonding based-latex SBR SBR 220
agent bonding based-latex SBR MB 225 *
concrete and mortar for agent bonding based-latex SBR EM 235 *
agent bonding based-latex SBR LTX 240
agent bonding based-latex SBR RBA 244
agent bonding performance high based-latex SBR SBR 245
concrete and mortar for agent bonding based-SBR No1 SBR
agents Demoulding
emulsion vegetable agent release mould Delayed ecodem
agent release shutter based-Water 22 dem
agent release shutter based-Wax) B dem
compounds Curing
surfaces concrete fresh for compound Curing WH cure
concrete fresh for compound curing efficient High WT cure
concrete placed newly for compound Curing 20 Y cure**
compound curing Concrete 40 Y cure
agents Cleaning
materials based cement for aid Cleaning Aid Slipping
materials based cement for aid Cleaning L Aid Slipping
retarders Surface
concrete fresh for retarder Surface FC 160 blastocrete
formwork for retarder FWSurface 165 blastocrete
admixtures plasticizing & Expanding
admixture plasticizing & Expanding cemtex
admixture plasticizing & expanding performance-High M cemtex
agents freeze-Anti
weather cold in concreting for agent freeze-Anti FREEZE-ANTI Admix**
Admixture Reducing Shrinkage 2000 SRA ADMIX
admixture concrete Multifunctional 250 MULTI ADMIX
materials cementitious Supplementary
concrete for material cementing Supplementary ASH FLY ADMIX
concrete performance high for fume silica Densified D SIL ADMIX**
concrete performance high for fume silica Densified DSF SIL ADMIX**
concrete performance high for fume Silica P SIL ADMIX**
concrete performance high for fume silica densified-Un U SIL ADMIX**
fibers Synthetic
plaster and concrete to additive fibers Synthetic M fiber
plaster and concrete for additive fibers polypropylene Fibrillated 100 fibril
inhibitors Corrosion
solution Inhibitor Corrosion CIS ADMIX
admixtures Shotcrete
admixture accelerating Shotcrete L jet
pigments Concrete
concrete for pigments Powder color
mix dry for Admixtures
products concrete dry-semi for admixture Plasticizing 114 CF ADMIX**
product concrete dry-semi for admixture reducing Water 100 CMU ADMIX
applications concrete dry semi & cast dry for admixture Special 200 CMU ADMIX
applications dry-semi & cast dry manufactured concrete for admixture dispersing Special 110 PLAST SD ADMIX
admixtures washout-Anti
special-admixture washout-Anti C-WASH-A ADMIX
admixture washout-anti Liquid N-WASH-A ADMIX
admixture washout-anti Universal U-WASH-A ADMIX
agent foaming Concrete
concrete cellular of manufacturing for agent Foaming 500 LSM ADMIX
MENA in only Available | ** GCC in only Available*
Adhesives Tile Cementitious
(modified latex (adhesive tile flexible cementitious performance high components Two Lebanon - flex webercol
(modified latex (adhesive tile flexible cementitious setting-fast components Two FS flex webercol
(modified latex (adhesive tile flexible cementitious performance high components Two flex webercol
technology dust low with adhesive tile performance high setting-Fast F1 webercol
technology dust low with adhesive tile performance high setting-Fast fast webercol
adhesive tile cementitious white extra modified latex quality Premium max webercol
(modified latex (adhesive tile cementitious performance High plus webercol
tiles for glue mortar modified-latex components-Two bond webercol
(modified latex (adhesive tile based cement Regular WP webercol
adhesive tile Cementitious flx webercol
Adhesives Tile Pasty and Epoxy
adhesive tile paste use to ready performance High paste webercol
adhesive tile epoxy bed Thin plus epo webercol
adhesive tile epoxy component-Three epo webercol
adhesive tile pasty use to Ready putty webercol
floors for Adhesives Thick
mortar adhesive Thick floor webercol
screed bedding tile Thick Thick TBS floor webercol
screed bedding Thick TBS floor webercol
screed bedding tile strength High) HS (TBS floor webercol
Grouts Tile
adhesive and grout tile epoxy performance high components Two easy weberepox
Stop Mould and Repell Hydro with grout tile cementitious, Stain Low, performance High perfect weberjoint
technology color shading-non with grout tile modified polymer performance High deco weberjoint
grout tile Cementitious thick weberjoint/ weberjoint
effect metallic with grout tile cementitious Glittering glitter weberjoint
repellent oil and Water Surface & tiling under Waterproofing
sealer penetrating based water Premium proof weberstone
strip waterproofing Reinforcement band weber
areas wet in tiling under waterproofing for membrane Durable gum weberdry
protection grout and stones, tiles for repellent oil and water,based Water protect weberdry
tiling for Primer
prime webercol
Fixing Tile
systems coating floor Epoxy
primer sealing epoxy free Solvent L-plus eposil weberfloor
coating floor epoxy duty heavy free Solvent epobat weberfloor
coating floor epoxy duty heavy free Solvent L-epobat weberfloor
System Flooring Epoxy Free Solvent k - epobat weberfloor
coating floor epoxy based Solvent 50 HB epo weberfloor
coating floor epoxy based Solvent L - 50 HB epo weberfloor
primer sealing epoxy free Solvent plus eposil weberfloor
primer sealing epoxy based Solvent eposil weberfloor
primer sealing epoxy based Solvent L - eposil weberfloor
primer and epoxy based solvent for Thinner thinner epo weberfloor
coating floor epoxy component two free Solvent 52 epobat weberfloor
system flooring epoxy free Solvent epopark weberfloor
surfacing aggregates decorative for binder Epoxy epogravel weberfloor
systems coating floor Polyurethane
coating floor polyurethane component-Mono PU 210 weberfloor
medium and light, traffic pedestrian) public (high stable-uv, coat-top Polyurethane PUV 215 weberfloor
traffic car
coating polyurethane component Two PU 220 weberfloor
areas traffic pedestrian domestic stable-UV, coat-top polyurethane Aliphatic PU 230 weberfloor
parks car for system coating polyurethane bridging crack, Waterproof XPU 2100 webersys
screeds and compounds floor levelling-Self
compound floor levelling self performance high component One SLC 505 weberfloor
compound flooring smoothing fine, covering fast, leveling-self modified Polymer FD smooth weberfloor
mm 10 to 1 from thicknesses for
primer based Acrylic prime 510 weberfloor
compound floor levelling self performance high component-Two SOL 510 weberfloor
30mm to 2 from thickness for floor leveling-self cementitious setting Fast SL 514 weberfloor
mm 30 to 2 from compound floor leveling-self Premium PSC 515 weberfloor
compound floor leveling-self Pumpable PSL 520 weberfloor
thicknesses for compound flooring, covering fast, leveling-self modified Polymer FD 525 weberfloor
mm 30 to 2 from
compound flooring, strength high, covering fast, leveling-self modified Polymer FD 535 weberfloor
mm 30 to 2 from thicknesses for
reinforced fiber screed mix ready Dry SCR 600 weberfloor
reinforced fiber screed mix ready Dry L-SCR 600 weberfloor
screed floor reinforced fiber mix Ready FFS 601 weberfloor
Screed Flowing components two Performance High) KSA (EL 605 weberfloor
Screed Flowing Performance High EHS 610 weberfloor
binder hydraulic modified Polymer PMB 620 weberfloor
thickness 100mm to 20 from screed pumpable, leveling easy performance High 625 easy weberfloor
screed floor reinforced fiber mixed-Pre TSC 630 weberfloor
screed floor reinforced fiber mixed-Pre pump weberfloor
system concrete Stamped
proofer dust and sealer based water Acrylic WB 241 sil weberfloor
proofer dust and sealer based solvent Acrylic SB 240 sil weberfloor
form powder in hardener surface Colored SC 440 weberfloor
form powder in agent Release RLS 340 weberfloor
sealers and hardeners Surface
mortar & concrete for hardener surface Liquid SC 255 weberfloor
form powder in hardener Surface BA 400 weberfloor
hardener surface silica Quartz QS 410 weberfloor
form powder in hardener surface performance High HP 420 weberfloor
proofer-dust and hardener, sealer Epoxy hardex weberfloor
Renders Monocouche
mortar rendering decorative mineral coat-One F weberpral
mortar rendering decorative mineral coat-One) UAE (F weberpral
render layer single Decorative K weberpral
Renders Mineral Decorative
aggregates with render Decorative 210 webercal
render layer single Decorative 240 webercal
use external and internal for render arabian Decorative palm webercal
textured colored dash spatter Decorative T/SP webercal
application external & internal for render Decorative DF webercal
stones grouting and mounting for mortar Colored stone webercal
finish rendered aggregate Exposed mineralite
Renders Decorative Polymeric
substrate the of neutralization and equalization the for primer use-to-ready A SIL PR weberpas
render wet based mineral organo performance high use-to-ready A SIL deco weberpas
primer based water Acrylic 300 PR weberpas
finish Ribbed-coating textured Acrylic 310 deco weberpas
finish roll - coating waterproof Acrylic 320 deco weberpas
coat waterproof reflective white Flexible 322 deco weberpas
finish roll - coating decorative Plastic 330 deco weberpas
primer elastomeric Acrylic 339 PR weberpas
coating facade elastic Highly 340 deco weberpas
finish sanded - coating textured Acrylic 350 deco weberpas
finish sanded - coating textured Acrylic 355 deco weberpas
Mortars Embedding & Adhesives ETICS
(ETICS (system Insulation External OM webertherm
ETICS for render coat base modified polymer based Cement base webertherm
ETICS for board polystyrene foamed fixing for adhesion increased of Adhesive glue webertherm
resistant alkali mesh fiber Glass mesh webertherm
fastener Insulation anc webertherm
paints Façade
concrete for coating carbonation-anti Protective beton webercote
mortars mounting Premixed
units masonry concrete for grout fill Core RM fill weberbloc
mortar laying masonry brick and Block A fix weberbloc
bricks weight light for mortar Mounting B-LW fix weberbloc
blocks weight light for mortar Mounting LW fix weberbloc
mortar laying brick and Block N fix weberbloc
bricks and blocks hollow for mortar filling gap and Mounting fix weberbloc
foundations and walls building for mortar mix Ready CM weberpremix
coats rush Premixed
blocks for coat slurry spatterdash mixed Ready 1-SRC weberpremix
concrete faced fair for coat slurry spatterdash mixed Ready 2-SRC weberpremix
aerated autoclaved (blocks weight light for coat slurry spatterdash mixed Ready LW-SRC weberpremix
(blocks concrete
concrete & concrete dense very for coat slurry spatterdash mixed Ready S-SRC weberpremix
scms containing
coat slurry spatterdash mixed Ready coat key weberpremix
plasters Premixed
ceiling for plaster mix ready based Cement ceiling weberpremix
plaster premixed insulating acoustical and Thermal acoutherm weberpremix
plaster mixed ready based Gypsum 1-SGP weberpremix
coat finishing mixed ready based Gypsum 2-SGP weberpremix
painting before coat finishing based Gypsum 3-SGP weberpremix
plaster mix ready based Cement WP 6-SP weberpremix
plaster mix ready bonding high coat One 11-SP weberpremix
blocks weight light for plaster mix ready bonding high coat One 33-SP weberpremix
system panel sandwich insulated for mortar spraying reinforced Fiber 100-SSP weberpremix
plaster cement reinforced fiber coat One 200-SSP weberpremix
plaster mix ready dry based Cement 1-SP weberpremix
plaster cement Portland 2-SP weberpremix
fiber with plaster mix ready dry based Cement FL 3-SP weberpremix
plaster mix ready reinforced fibre quality High 5-SP weberpremix
plaster mix ready dry) resistant-sulfate (based Cement 7-SP weberpremix
fiber with plaster mix ready based Cement fiber weberpremix
plaster mix ready based Cement hand weberpremix
plaster sprayable mix ready based Cement spray weberpremix
plaster coat brown mixed Ready thick weberpremix
render restoration based cement and lime - reinforced Fiber renov weberpremix
putties finishing Premixed
rendering cementitious quality High coat skim weberpremix
resurfacing substrate based cement for Putty finish fine
primers Plasters
primer based Synthetic prime 500 weberpremix
mortar tering Plas
Smoothing & Repair Concrete
mortar repair reinforced fiber shrink non metallic-Non ST weberep
fiber with mortar repair thixotropic shrink Non TX 331 weberep
mortar repair thixotropic strength high shrink Non HCS 331 weberep
fiber with mortar repair fine thixotropic shrink Non FR 332 weberep
fiber with mortar filling setting fast and strength early High RD 314 weberep
repair for mortar cementitious component-two shrink-Non NSM 345 weberep
mortar repair shrink Non NSG 350 weberep
repair face fair for paste cementitious mixed-Pre FFR 360 weberep
repair face fair for paste cementitious mixed-pre Green FFC weberep
repair precast face fair for paste cementitious mixed-Pre PC weberep
agent bonding and protection corrosion based cement component-Two PF 370 weberep
primer rich-zinc corrosive-anti duty Heavy ZRP 501 weberep
mix cementitious multipurpose use-to-Ready supermix weberep
cement alumina high hardening Rapid FD 318 weberep
putty concrete face Fair PA 321 weberep
mortar lining & resurfacing Epoxy RS 400 epo weberep
mortar repair Epoxy 410 epo weberep
coat fairing & paste bonding epoxy component-Two CRY 412 epo weberep
compound resurfacing floor Epoxy SC 420 epo weberep
lining manhole for mortar Epoxy LR 440 epo weberep
resin injection epoxy viscosity low Very i 650 epo weberep
resin injection epoxy Standard i 660 epo weberep
Bedding & Grouting
grout shrink non purpose General 300 webertec
grout structural shrink Non 301 webertec
grout strength high very shrink Non HCS 301 webertec
grout precision shrink-non Cementitious PC 301 webertec
grout bedding expansive fluid Highly HF 302 webertec
grout tensioning-post fluid Highly HFG 303 webertec
grout compensated shrinkage strength high Very VHS 304 webertec
grout cementitious shrink-non fluid Highly HF 305 webertec
grout precision shrink-non Cementitious P grout webertec
grout compensated shrinkage strength high Exceptional EHS 306
concrete micro durable use to Easy MC1 webertec
concrete micro fluid shrink Non MC 311 webertec
concrete micro fluid strength high shrink-Non HCS-MC 311 webertec
grout epoxy strength high flowing Free Plus GRT 430 epo webertec
system capping pile for mortar Epoxy PC 450 epo webertec
Bonding & Anchoring
cartridge in resin anchoring epoxy Pure BFX 405 weberanc
design seismic - cartridge in resin anchoring epoxy Pure ASF 505 weberanc
resin anchoring free-styrene performance High 435 weberanc
adhesive bonding based Acrylic bond webertec
concrete fresh for adhesive base resin Epoxy bond epo webertec
repair concrete & Technical
waterproofing based-Epoxy
coating epoxy toxic-non, resistant chemical high, free Solvent PW epo weberdry
membranes Bituminous
Plain - membrane bituminous modified APP 4mm PL Biplas
Plain - reinforced polyester membrane performance high APP 200/4 PL Biplas
Plain - membrane bituminous modified APP mm 4 & 3 PL Biplas
slated - membrane bituminous modified APP 4mm SL Biplas
.surface plain a with membrane bituminous flexible highly modified SBS PL Biflex
.surface slated a with membrane bituminous flexible highly modified SBS SL Biflex
Plain - membrane bituminous modified SBS 3mm PL Uniflex
garden roof for membrane bituminous modified SBS 4mm root-anti PL Biflex
reinforcements double with membrane bituminous modified APP mm 5 & 4 PL Biplon
concrete structural for waterproofing ply-multi reinforced fabricated-pre A F ad-Self
concrete structural for waterproofing ply-multi reinforced fabricated-pre A P ad-Self
membrane bitumen modified proofing Damp PC Damp
board Protection Proboard
membranes liquid Bituminous
coating bitumen applied Cold WB bitum weberdry
coating bitumen applied Cold L-WB prime weberdry
primer bitumen based Solvent SB prime weberdry
paint bitumen based solvent applied Cold L-SB bitum weberdry
coating bitumen applied Cold WB prime weberdry
coating bitumen applied Cold K - WB bitum weberdry
coating protective bituminous fibrated based Solvent SB fiber weberdry
emulsion bitumen Rubberized RBE weberdry
emulsion bitumen Rubberized L-RBE weberdry
emulsion bitumen Rubberized K-RBE webedry
emulsion bitumen Rubberized RBV weberdry
emulsion bitumen rubberized Waterproofing 50 SSP weberdry
membranes liquid Polyurethane
coatings waterproofing for Primer PU 355 prime weberdry
primer polyurethane penetrating Deep PU 310 prime weberdry
membrane waterproofing polyurethane applied Liquid PU 360 weberdry
membrane waterproofing polyurethane/bitumen applied-Liquid BPU 370 weberdry
membrane waterproofing polyurethane applied-liquid, Transparent clear PU 380 weberdry
coating waterproofing polyurethane curing moisture applied cold component-One PU 390 weberdry
membranes liquid tar Coal
concrete and steel for coating epoxy tar coal based-Solvent ESB tar weberdry
coati epoxy tar coal free-solvent build High ESF tar weberdry
waterproofing based-Cement
coating waterproof based-cement performance-high Flexible FX 110 weberdry
coating waterproof based cement Flexible FX 136 weberdry
coating waterproof based cement Flexible Grey FW 156 weberdry
coating waterproof acrylic based cement Flexible FX 116 weberdry
coating waterproof based Cement PR 130 weberdry
(grey (coating proof-damp / waterproofing flexible Highly HFX 107 weberdry
mortar plugging cementitious setting Fast BLC 150 weberdry
cementitious Crystallization crystal weberdry
waterproofing based-Acrylic
waterproofing tiling under for primer Acrylic 338 prime weberdry
coating waterproof flexible based-acrylic component-Mono AFC 210 weberdry
bridging crack wall and floor for waterproofing Elastic flex weberdry
areas wet in tiling under waterproofing for membrane Durable gum weberdry
roof for coating waterproof based acrylic component Mono roof weberdry
repellents-water Surface
sealer penetrating based water Premium proof weberstone
repellent water surface based Water WB 132 weberdry
repellent water surface based water Siloxane/Silane WR 135 weberdry
protection grout and stones tiles for repellent oil and water ,based Water protect weberdry
injection Polyurethane
resin injection sealing water forming Foam i 610 weberdry
resin injection polyurethane component-two sealing water Flexible i 600 weberdry
sealants Joint
sealant polyurethane component One PU jointseal weber
adhesive and sealant polyurethane component-One MC PU jointseal weber
sealant polyurethane component-Two 2000 PU seal weber
sealant joint resistant fuel jet polysulphide elastomeric applied cold part Two JF 2000 PS seal weber
pavements concrete for
sealant polysulphide for primer component Two 2 PS prime seal weber
sealant joint polysulphide component-Two PG/GG 1000 PS seal weber
sealant mastic asphaltic applied Cold bitum seal weber
foam rod backing polyethylene Extruded rod backing weber
sealants Silicone
sealant silicone acetic Multipurpose AC silicone weber
sealant silicone neutral Multipurpose N silicone weber
protection and separation, filtration for polyester of made geotextile Nonwoven PET white Geotextile
polypropylene tenacity high by made geotextile Nonwoven PP white Geotextile
drainage and protection, separation, filtration for
joints expansion and construction for waterstops PVC waterstop weberdry
waterstop rubber Swellable RB swellbar weberdry
joints construction of sealing Waterproof swellbar weberdry
stabilizers Soil
stabilizer Soil 200 Soilex
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الوقاية من الحرارة والرطوبة العزل المائي
DCL Product Conformity
Wurth sealants & Adhesives
Optimization Methodology To Implement Thermal
AWAZEL PU 250 White
VELOSIT® TDS-PC-221-EN_2319 (Plug Cement)
طبقات نظام العزل كومبو رووف
Approved Materials (TDS) for Sabtron Combo System
Fosroc Conbextra EPGP
Dr. Fixit PVA BOND.
صقل و تنعيم الخرسانة Power floating conc