VELOSIT® TDS-RM-211-EN_2419 (Crystalline Concrete Repair Mortar R3)
Applica'on fields
VELOSIT RM 211 is a crystalline cemen88ous repair
mortar for concrete restora8on acc. to EN 1504-9. It
creates a smooth surface for crystalline waterproof
coa8ngs. Typical applica8on fields besides others are
as follows:
• Repair of surface defects on concrete
• Overlays and repairs on concrete structures like
dams, bridges, beams, balconies, facades
• Applica8on on horizontal and ver8cal
• Filling of blow holes, honeycombs and surface
• Applica8on thickness from feather-edge to 25
mm (1”)
System components:
Crystalline plug cement: VELOSIT PC 222
Structural repair mortar: VELOSIT RM 211
Waterproofing: VELOSIT CW 111
VELOSIT RM 211 is a shrinkage compensated
crystalline cemen88ous repair mortar with quick
strength development. VELOSIT RM 211 binds the
mixing water fast reducing or completely elimina8ng
the need for water curing and protec8on.
VELOSIT RM 211 creates an extremely well bonded,
rigid abrasion resistant layer on the substrate.
VELOSIT RM 211 surpasses the requirements of
EN 1504-3 class R3 for concrete repair (CR) and can
be used according to the principles 3, 4 and 7 acc. to
EN 1504-9.
VELOSIT RM 211 can be applied by trowel or suitable
spray equipment.
• Minimal shrinkage/expansion under dry resp.
wet curing condi8ons minimizing the risk of
• Excellent workability
• Fiber reinforced
• 45 min. working 8me and 12 MPa (1740 psi)
compressive strength a\er 4 hours
Final strength of more than 40 MPa (5800 psi)
a\er 28 days
• Open to foot traffic a\er 3 – 4 hours
• Excellent adhesion to properly prepared
• Water curing only under hot and dry condi8ons
required for max. 4 hours
• Good resistance against CO2 and Chloride
penetra8on due to a very 8ght pore structure
• Good resistance against aggressive media with a
pH range of 3-12 and against so\ water with
low ion content
• Good weathering resistance
• Good sulfate resistance
• Light gray color close to concrete color
1.) Substrate prepara'on
VELOSIT RM 211 is designed for concrete substrates.
Steel may be coated with a VELOSIT CP 201 bonding
a.) Steel
must be prepared to a purity of SA 2.5 acc. SIS 05
5900. Apply a corrosion protec8on coat on rebar
with VELOSIT CP 201. Other steel areas can be
primed with VELOSIT PR 303 with a full broadcast.
Steel may expand and contract differently under
temperature changes than a cemen88ous mortar.
Thus steel applica8on is only recommended if steel
is embedded in larger concrete bodies or the
temperature is not subject to major changes.
b.) Concrete substrates
must be prepared with sand blas8ng, shot blas8ng
or ideally high pressure water blas8ng (> 100 bar/
1450 psi) to remove all bond breaking substances.
Remove all carbonated concrete. Test with
Phenolphthalein or other suitable indicator un8l
concrete with sufficient alkalinity for rebar
protec8on is reached. If rebar is exposed remove
concrete at least 6 mm (1/4”) behind rebar to fully
embed the steel into VELOSIT RM 211.
Substrate must be rough, open porous and load
bearing. The minimum requirement for adhesive
strength is 1.5 MPa (218 psi) and for the
compressive strength 25 MPa (3625 psi). Lower
strength values can be accepted if lower adhesive
strength is acceptable. Ac8ve water leaks must be
treated and fully stopped with VELOSIT PC 221.
Leaking cracks need to be sealed with a PU injec8on
material. Before the applica8on of VELOSIT RM 211,
dampen the substrate with clean water to a
saturated surface dry (SSD) condi8on.
2.) Processing
Mix VELOSIT RM 211 with 17 – 20 % potable water,
i.e. 4.3 – 5.0 l (1.1 – 1.3 gal.) water per 25 kg (55 lb.)
bag. Fill 17 % mixing water (4.3 l per bag) into a
suitable bucket and mix the powder with a slow
speed drill (300 – 600 rpm) into the water un8l a
lump-free mix is achieved. Add up to 3 % water
under s8rring to adjust desired consistency is.
Clean mixing paddle immediately a\er mixing.
The product is workable for 45 min. at 23 °C.
a.) Trowel applica8on:
Apply a slurry coat of VELOSIT RM 211 by scrubbing
material with a wet sponge into the concrete
surface. Trowel VELOSIT RM 211 fresh in fresh into
the slurry coat. The product can be applied up to
25 mm (1”) on ver8cal areas. Make sure to work in
sec8ons that can be finished within 30 min. Rebars
and other penetra8ons must be fully embedded into
the mortar.
b.) Spray applica8on:
Use suitable spray machines such as:
- PFT GmbH: PFT G4
- HighTech GmbH: HighComb Big
- Wagner GmbH: PC 25
- Putzmeister GmbH: SP12 or MP 25
- Inotec GmbH: INOMAT-M8
In mixing pumps feed the powder into the product
hopper and adjust the water to the desired
consistency. With mortar pumps add the mixed
product as described above into the feed hopper of
the spray machine and spray con8nuously.
If a smooth surface is required, follow with a trowel
shortly a\er material is sprayed. Work in sec8ons.
Long spray interrup8ons may result in clogging of
the spray hose. The product may cure a lot faster if
the hose is exposed to direct sunlight. Always empty
and flush the machine a\er spraying or before long
spray interrup8ons.
VELOSIT RM 211 is a fast curing material and may be
hard to remove if le\ in the machine.
3.) Curing
VELOSIT RM 211 does not require long term curing
as it reacts rela8vely fast with water. Only under hot
weather or very dry condi8ons water curing for 3 – 4
hours is required.
Repair of surface defects:
25 kg (55 lbs.) VELOSIT RM 211 result in approx. 15.2
liter (0.53 \3) cured mortar.
Surface Coa8ng:
10 kg (22 lbs.)* VELOSIT RM 211 per m2 (10.7 \2) for
6 mm (1/4”) dry mortar thickness on smooth
substrates. Depending on surface roughness
applica8on rates can be significantly higher.
* 10 kg VELOSIT RM 211 powder + 1.8kg water, i.e. 11.8kg mixed material per
6 mm and m2
VELOSIT RM 211 can be removed in the fresh state
with water. Once it has cured acidic cleaners like
muria8c acid and mechanical cleaning are required.
Quality features
Color: gray
Mixing ra8o by weight: 100 : 18
Mixing ra8o by volume: 100 : 28
Density: 1.6 kg/l
Substrate temperature: 5 – 35 °C
(40 – 95 °F)
Ini8al set: 75 min.
Final set. 120 min.
Compressive / flexural strength:
4 hours: 12 / 3 MPa (1740/335 psi)
24 hours: 22 / 4 MPa (3190/580 psi)
7 days: 28 / 6 MPa (4060/870 psi)
28 days: 40 / 8 MPa (5800/1160 psi)
Chloride ions: < 0.05 %
Carbona8on resistance: passed
Capillary water absorp8on: 0.1 kg/m2 x h0.5
Adhesive strength*: 2.0 MPa (290 psi)
Restrained shrinkage*: 2.0 MPa (290 psi)
Fire ra8ng EN13501-1: Class A1
*acc. EN 1542. Adhesion depends very much on proper surface prepara8on!
VELOSIT RM 211 is available in 25 kg (55 lb.)
water8ght plas8c bags.
VELOSIT RM 211 can be stored in unopened original
packs for 12 months at 5 – 35 °C (40 – 95 °F) in a dry
storage place protected against sunlight.
Please observe the actual valid material safety data
sheet and follow the described safety measures for
handling of the product.
VELOSIT RM 211 is only available for professional
Never add water to VELOSIT RM 211 when it has
started to set. S8ffened material must be disposed.
All described product features are determined under
controlled laboratory condi8ons according to the
relevant interna8onal standards. Values determined
under job site condi8ons may deviate from the
stated values.
Please always use the latest version of this data
sheet available from our website
Industriepark 7
32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg
Shop online :
Applica'on fields
VELOSIT RM 211 is a crystalline cemen88ous repair
mortar for concrete restora8on acc. to EN 1504-9. It
creates a smooth surface for crystalline waterproof
coa8ngs. Typical applica8on fields besides others are
as follows:
• Repair of surface defects on concrete
• Overlays and repairs on concrete structures like
dams, bridges, beams, balconies, facades
• Applica8on on horizontal and ver8cal
• Filling of blow holes, honeycombs and surface
• Applica8on thickness from feather-edge to 25
mm (1”)
System components:
Crystalline plug cement: VELOSIT PC 222
Structural repair mortar: VELOSIT RM 211
Waterproofing: VELOSIT CW 111
VELOSIT RM 211 is a shrinkage compensated
crystalline cemen88ous repair mortar with quick
strength development. VELOSIT RM 211 binds the
mixing water fast reducing or completely elimina8ng
the need for water curing and protec8on.
VELOSIT RM 211 creates an extremely well bonded,
rigid abrasion resistant layer on the substrate.
VELOSIT RM 211 surpasses the requirements of
EN 1504-3 class R3 for concrete repair (CR) and can
be used according to the principles 3, 4 and 7 acc. to
EN 1504-9.
VELOSIT RM 211 can be applied by trowel or suitable
spray equipment.
• Minimal shrinkage/expansion under dry resp.
wet curing condi8ons minimizing the risk of
• Excellent workability
• Fiber reinforced
• 45 min. working 8me and 12 MPa (1740 psi)
compressive strength a\er 4 hours
Final strength of more than 40 MPa (5800 psi)
a\er 28 days
• Open to foot traffic a\er 3 – 4 hours
• Excellent adhesion to properly prepared
• Water curing only under hot and dry condi8ons
required for max. 4 hours
• Good resistance against CO2 and Chloride
penetra8on due to a very 8ght pore structure
• Good resistance against aggressive media with a
pH range of 3-12 and against so\ water with
low ion content
• Good weathering resistance
• Good sulfate resistance
• Light gray color close to concrete color
1.) Substrate prepara'on
VELOSIT RM 211 is designed for concrete substrates.
Steel may be coated with a VELOSIT CP 201 bonding
a.) Steel
must be prepared to a purity of SA 2.5 acc. SIS 05
5900. Apply a corrosion protec8on coat on rebar
with VELOSIT CP 201. Other steel areas can be
primed with VELOSIT PR 303 with a full broadcast.
Steel may expand and contract differently under
temperature changes than a cemen88ous mortar.
Thus steel applica8on is only recommended if steel
is embedded in larger concrete bodies or the
temperature is not subject to major changes.
b.) Concrete substrates
must be prepared with sand blas8ng, shot blas8ng
or ideally high pressure water blas8ng (> 100 bar/
1450 psi) to remove all bond breaking substances.
Remove all carbonated concrete. Test with
Phenolphthalein or other suitable indicator un8l
concrete with sufficient alkalinity for rebar
protec8on is reached. If rebar is exposed remove
concrete at least 6 mm (1/4”) behind rebar to fully
embed the steel into VELOSIT RM 211.
Substrate must be rough, open porous and load
bearing. The minimum requirement for adhesive
strength is 1.5 MPa (218 psi) and for the
compressive strength 25 MPa (3625 psi). Lower
strength values can be accepted if lower adhesive
strength is acceptable. Ac8ve water leaks must be
treated and fully stopped with VELOSIT PC 221.
Leaking cracks need to be sealed with a PU injec8on
material. Before the applica8on of VELOSIT RM 211,
dampen the substrate with clean water to a
saturated surface dry (SSD) condi8on.
2.) Processing
Mix VELOSIT RM 211 with 17 – 20 % potable water,
i.e. 4.3 – 5.0 l (1.1 – 1.3 gal.) water per 25 kg (55 lb.)
bag. Fill 17 % mixing water (4.3 l per bag) into a
suitable bucket and mix the powder with a slow
speed drill (300 – 600 rpm) into the water un8l a
lump-free mix is achieved. Add up to 3 % water
under s8rring to adjust desired consistency is.
Clean mixing paddle immediately a\er mixing.
The product is workable for 45 min. at 23 °C.
a.) Trowel applica8on:
Apply a slurry coat of VELOSIT RM 211 by scrubbing
material with a wet sponge into the concrete
surface. Trowel VELOSIT RM 211 fresh in fresh into
the slurry coat. The product can be applied up to
25 mm (1”) on ver8cal areas. Make sure to work in
sec8ons that can be finished within 30 min. Rebars
and other penetra8ons must be fully embedded into
the mortar.
b.) Spray applica8on:
Use suitable spray machines such as:
- PFT GmbH: PFT G4
- HighTech GmbH: HighComb Big
- Wagner GmbH: PC 25
- Putzmeister GmbH: SP12 or MP 25
- Inotec GmbH: INOMAT-M8
In mixing pumps feed the powder into the product
hopper and adjust the water to the desired
consistency. With mortar pumps add the mixed
product as described above into the feed hopper of
the spray machine and spray con8nuously.
If a smooth surface is required, follow with a trowel
shortly a\er material is sprayed. Work in sec8ons.
Long spray interrup8ons may result in clogging of
the spray hose. The product may cure a lot faster if
the hose is exposed to direct sunlight. Always empty
and flush the machine a\er spraying or before long
spray interrup8ons.
VELOSIT RM 211 is a fast curing material and may be
hard to remove if le\ in the machine.
3.) Curing
VELOSIT RM 211 does not require long term curing
as it reacts rela8vely fast with water. Only under hot
weather or very dry condi8ons water curing for 3 – 4
hours is required.
Repair of surface defects:
25 kg (55 lbs.) VELOSIT RM 211 result in approx. 15.2
liter (0.53 \3) cured mortar.
Surface Coa8ng:
10 kg (22 lbs.)* VELOSIT RM 211 per m2 (10.7 \2) for
6 mm (1/4”) dry mortar thickness on smooth
substrates. Depending on surface roughness
applica8on rates can be significantly higher.
* 10 kg VELOSIT RM 211 powder + 1.8kg water, i.e. 11.8kg mixed material per
6 mm and m2
VELOSIT RM 211 can be removed in the fresh state
with water. Once it has cured acidic cleaners like
muria8c acid and mechanical cleaning are required.
Quality features
Color: gray
Mixing ra8o by weight: 100 : 18
Mixing ra8o by volume: 100 : 28
Density: 1.6 kg/l
Substrate temperature: 5 – 35 °C
(40 – 95 °F)
Ini8al set: 75 min.
Final set. 120 min.
Compressive / flexural strength:
4 hours: 12 / 3 MPa (1740/335 psi)
24 hours: 22 / 4 MPa (3190/580 psi)
7 days: 28 / 6 MPa (4060/870 psi)
28 days: 40 / 8 MPa (5800/1160 psi)
Chloride ions: < 0.05 %
Carbona8on resistance: passed
Capillary water absorp8on: 0.1 kg/m2 x h0.5
Adhesive strength*: 2.0 MPa (290 psi)
Restrained shrinkage*: 2.0 MPa (290 psi)
Fire ra8ng EN13501-1: Class A1
*acc. EN 1542. Adhesion depends very much on proper surface prepara8on!
VELOSIT RM 211 is available in 25 kg (55 lb.)
water8ght plas8c bags.
VELOSIT RM 211 can be stored in unopened original
packs for 12 months at 5 – 35 °C (40 – 95 °F) in a dry
storage place protected against sunlight.
Please observe the actual valid material safety data
sheet and follow the described safety measures for
handling of the product.
VELOSIT RM 211 is only available for professional
Never add water to VELOSIT RM 211 when it has
started to set. S8ffened material must be disposed.
All described product features are determined under
controlled laboratory condi8ons according to the
relevant interna8onal standards. Values determined
under job site condi8ons may deviate from the
stated values.
Please always use the latest version of this data
sheet available from our website
Industriepark 7
32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg
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