VELOSIT® TDS-PC-221-EN_2319 (Plug Cement)

Public Channel / Data Sheets

1. VELOSIT ® PC 221 Applica'on fields VELOSIT PC 221 is a rapid se4ng cement for concrete and masonry. The product is used to waterproof water leakages, as an anchoring mortar and as an accelerator for other VELOSIT mortars. It is especially strong against negaDve side water pressure. Typical applicaDon fields besides others are as follows: • Waterproofing of punctual water leakages for example in concrete pipes, water tanks and basement walls • Mortar for anchoring of starter bars, radiator mounDngs and similar • Repair mortar for small surface repairs • Set accelerator for VELOSIT repair mortars Proper'es VELOSIT PC 221 is a shrinkage compensated plug cement with very fast strength development. VELOSIT PC 221 sets within 1 – 2 minutes. VELOSIT PC 221 is immediately waterproof and anchors itself into the concrete surface. VELOSIT PC 221 surpasses the requirements of EN 1504-3 class R2 for concrete repair (CR) and can be used according to the principles 3.1 and 3.3 acc. to EN 1504-9. VELOSIT PC 221 can be applied by hand or trowel. • Minimal shrinkage/expansion under dry resp. wet curing condiDons • Fast strength development with 12 MPa compressive strength aZer 1 hours and final strength of more than 50 MPa (7250 psi) aZer 28 days • Resists 130 m (400 Z.) water pressure acc. to EN 12390-8 • 1 min. working Dme and • Ready to receive top coat aZer 10 min. • Ready for water pressure aZer a few minutes • Very good adhesion to concrete and masonry • No cracking • No curing required

2. VELOSIT ® PC 221 • Good resistance against aggressive media with a pH range of 3-12 and against soZ water with low ion content • Good weathering resistance • Potable water approved • Good sulfate resistance Applica'on 1.) Substrate prepara'on VELOSIT PC 221 is designed for mineralic substrates like concrete, masonry or absorpDve natural stones. Chisel defecDve area or water leakage open achieving a U-shaped profile. Drill holes for starter bars and radiator mounDngs. Remove all dust and debris from areas to be treated. Dampen the surface with water to a saturated surface dry (SSD) condiDon before applicaDon of VELOSIT PC 221. 2.) Processing Mix 3 volume parts VELOSIT PC 221 with 1 part potable water in a small mixing vessel by hand (for example with a spatula). Make sure that a lump-free mix with the desired consistency is achieved. The product is workable for 1 min. at 23°C. Only mix as much material as can be applied immediately! a.) Plugging of water leakages: Form mixed material by hand (wear protecDve gloves!) to a ball shape and push immediately into the prepared leakage. Hold for 1 to 2 minutes unDl the product has sufficiently hardened. Immediately shave the surface flush with the substrate. AZer a short waiDng Dme the area waterproofing with VELOSIT WP 101 or CW 111 can be applied. b.) ApplicaDon as repair mortar: Mix VELOSIT PC 221 to the required consistency and fill immediately into the prepared defecDve area and smoothen with a trowel. Excessive material can be shaved off aZer 3 – 5 min. c.) Use as anchoring mortar: Mix VELOSIT PC 221 to a slightly thinner consistency and immediately fill into the prepared anchor holes. Push starter bars immediately into the holes and adjust direcDon. Remove excess material as soon as possible. d.) Use as accelerator: VELOSIT PC 221 acts as an accelerator for many cemenDDous mortars. Required amount must be determined in trial mixes. 3.) Curing VELOSIT PC 221 does not require curing. Es'ma'ng 1,4 kg* VELOSIT PC 221 produces 1 liter of cured material. * 1.4 kg VELOSIT PC 221 powder + 0.4 kg water i.e. 1.8 kg mixed material per liter Cleaning VELOSIT PC 221 can be removed in the fresh state with water. Once it has cured acidic cleaners like muriaDc acid are required. Quality features Color: gray Mixing raDo by weight: 100

3. VELOSIT ® PC 221 Mixing raDo by volume: 100 : 33 Density: 1.3 kg/l Substrate temperature: 5 – 35 °C (40 – 95 °F) Water impermeability acc. EN 12390-8: - PosiDve side: 5 bar (190 psi) - NegaDve side: 5 bar (72 psi) Compressive / flexural strength: 1 hour: 12 / 2 MPa (1740/290 psi) 24 hours: 30 / 5 MPa (4350/725 psi) 7 days: 40 / 6 MPa (5800/870 psi) Chloride ions: < 0.0 5% CarbonaDon resistance: passed Capillary water absorpDon: 0.4 kg/m 2 x h 0.5 Adhesive strength: 1.2 MPa (232 psi Restrained shrinkage: 1.2 MPa (218 psi) Packaging VELOSIT PC 221 is available in 12 kg (26 lb.) plasDc pails. Storage VELOSIT PC 221 can be stored in unopened original packs for 12 months at 5 – 35 °C (40 – 95 °F) in a dry storage place protected against sunlight. Safety Please observe the actual valid material safety data sheet and follow the described safety measures for handling of the product. Recommenda'ons VELOSIT PC 221 is only available for professional applicators. Never add water to VELOSIT PC 221 when it has started to set. SDffened material must be disposed. All described product features are determined under controlled laboratory condiDons according to the relevant internaDonal standards. Values determined under job site condiDons may deviate from the stated values. Please always use the latest version of this data sheet available from our website . Manufacturer VELOSIT GmbH & Co. KG Industriepark 7 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg Germany 2319 page of 3 3 VELOSIT GmbH & Co. KG Industriepark 7 D-32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg 15 VELOSIT PC 221 DIN EN 1504-3 Product for non structural repair for concrete Compressive strength
R2 Chloride ion content ≤ 0.05 % Adhesive bond ≥ 0.8 MPa Restrained shrinkage/ NPD expansion Reaction to fire

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1. VELOSIT ® PC 221 Applica'on fields VELOSIT PC 221 is a rapid se4ng cement for concrete and masonry. The product is used to waterproof water leakages, as an anchoring mortar and as an accelerator for other VELOSIT mortars. It is especially strong against negaDve side water pressure. Typical applicaDon fields besides others are as follows: • Waterproofing of punctual water leakages for example in concrete pipes, water tanks and basement walls • Mortar for anchoring of starter bars, radiator mounDngs and similar • Repair mortar for small surface repairs • Set accelerator for VELOSIT repair mortars Proper'es VELOSIT PC 221 is a shrinkage compensated plug cement with very fast strength development. VELOSIT PC 221 sets within 1 – 2 minutes. VELOSIT PC 221 is immediately waterproof and anchors itself into the concrete surface. VELOSIT PC 221 surpasses the requirements of EN 1504-3 class R2 for concrete repair (CR) and can be used according to the principles 3.1 and 3.3 acc. to EN 1504-9. VELOSIT PC 221 can be applied by hand or trowel. • Minimal shrinkage/expansion under dry resp. wet curing condiDons • Fast strength development with 12 MPa compressive strength aZer 1 hours and final strength of more than 50 MPa (7250 psi) aZer 28 days • Resists 130 m (400 Z.) water pressure acc. to EN 12390-8 • 1 min. working Dme and • Ready to receive top coat aZer 10 min. • Ready for water pressure aZer a few minutes • Very good adhesion to concrete and masonry • No cracking • No curing required 2319 page of 1 3 VELOSIT ® PC 221 Plug Cement

2. VELOSIT ® PC 221 • Good resistance against aggressive media with a pH range of 3-12 and against soZ water with low ion content • Good weathering resistance • Potable water approved • Good sulfate resistance Applica'on 1.) Substrate prepara'on VELOSIT PC 221 is designed for mineralic substrates like concrete, masonry or absorpDve natural stones. Chisel defecDve area or water leakage open achieving a U-shaped profile. Drill holes for starter bars and radiator mounDngs. Remove all dust and debris from areas to be treated. Dampen the surface with water to a saturated surface dry (SSD) condiDon before applicaDon of VELOSIT PC 221. 2.) Processing Mix 3 volume parts VELOSIT PC 221 with 1 part potable water in a small mixing vessel by hand (for example with a spatula). Make sure that a lump-free mix with the desired consistency is achieved. The product is workable for 1 min. at 23°C. Only mix as much material as can be applied immediately! a.) Plugging of water leakages: Form mixed material by hand (wear protecDve gloves!) to a ball shape and push immediately into the prepared leakage. Hold for 1 to 2 minutes unDl the product has sufficiently hardened. Immediately shave the surface flush with the substrate. AZer a short waiDng Dme the area waterproofing with VELOSIT WP 101 or CW 111 can be applied. b.) ApplicaDon as repair mortar: Mix VELOSIT PC 221 to the required consistency and fill immediately into the prepared defecDve area and smoothen with a trowel. Excessive material can be shaved off aZer 3 – 5 min. c.) Use as anchoring mortar: Mix VELOSIT PC 221 to a slightly thinner consistency and immediately fill into the prepared anchor holes. Push starter bars immediately into the holes and adjust direcDon. Remove excess material as soon as possible. d.) Use as accelerator: VELOSIT PC 221 acts as an accelerator for many cemenDDous mortars. Required amount must be determined in trial mixes. 3.) Curing VELOSIT PC 221 does not require curing. Es'ma'ng 1,4 kg* VELOSIT PC 221 produces 1 liter of cured material. * 1.4 kg VELOSIT PC 221 powder + 0.4 kg water i.e. 1.8 kg mixed material per liter Cleaning VELOSIT PC 221 can be removed in the fresh state with water. Once it has cured acidic cleaners like muriaDc acid are required. Quality features Color: gray Mixing raDo by weight: 100

3. VELOSIT ® PC 221 Mixing raDo by volume: 100 : 33 Density: 1.3 kg/l Substrate temperature: 5 – 35 °C (40 – 95 °F) Water impermeability acc. EN 12390-8: - PosiDve side: 5 bar (190 psi) - NegaDve side: 5 bar (72 psi) Compressive / flexural strength: 1 hour: 12 / 2 MPa (1740/290 psi) 24 hours: 30 / 5 MPa (4350/725 psi) 7 days: 40 / 6 MPa (5800/870 psi) Chloride ions: < 0.0 5% CarbonaDon resistance: passed Capillary water absorpDon: 0.4 kg/m 2 x h 0.5 Adhesive strength: 1.2 MPa (232 psi Restrained shrinkage: 1.2 MPa (218 psi) Packaging VELOSIT PC 221 is available in 12 kg (26 lb.) plasDc pails. Storage VELOSIT PC 221 can be stored in unopened original packs for 12 months at 5 – 35 °C (40 – 95 °F) in a dry storage place protected against sunlight. Safety Please observe the actual valid material safety data sheet and follow the described safety measures for handling of the product. Recommenda'ons VELOSIT PC 221 is only available for professional applicators. Never add water to VELOSIT PC 221 when it has started to set. SDffened material must be disposed. All described product features are determined under controlled laboratory condiDons according to the relevant internaDonal standards. Values determined under job site condiDons may deviate from the stated values. Please always use the latest version of this data sheet available from our website . Manufacturer VELOSIT GmbH & Co. KG Industriepark 7 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg Germany 2319 page of 3 3 VELOSIT GmbH & Co. KG Industriepark 7 D-32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg 15 VELOSIT PC 221 DIN EN 1504-3 Product for non structural repair for concrete Compressive strength

R2 Chloride ion content ≤ 0.05 % Adhesive bond ≥ 0.8 MPa Restrained shrinkage/ NPD expansion Reaction to fire


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