VELOSIT® CA 113 Crystalline Hydrophobic Waterproofing Admixture

Public Channel / Data Sheets

Application fields
VELOSIT CA 113 is a crystalline and hydrophobic
waterproofing admixture for concrete. It is very
economic and easy to apply. VELOSIT CA 113 creates
a crystalline structure inside the concrete reducing
the amount and diameter of the capillary pores.
Trented concrete is able to self-heal static cracks up
to 0.4 mm. Typical application fields besides others
are as follows:
• Waterproof concrete for basements and below
grade parking structures
• Usable on decorative features because of
limited efflorescence compared to standard crystalline products
• Waterproofing of potable water structures
• Waterproofing of sewage structures
• Waterproofing of tunnels and pipelines
• Slab waterproofing
• Waterproofing of shotcrete

VELOSIT CA 113 is a powder admixture that initiates
a crystalline reaction in concrete.

The reaction takes place with the free lime of the
concrete and creates a permanent reduction of
water permeability. The crystalline effect allows the
structure to self-heal shrinkage cracks under contact
with water. Besides that VELOSIT CA 113 treated
concrete develops a strong water repellency.
VELOSIT CA 113 exceeds the requirements of EN
934-2 for concrete admixtures and is classified as a
waterproofing additive according table 9.

VELOSIT CA 113 is mixed into the concrete either at
the batch plant or on site into the batch truck.

• Self healing properties of treated concrete of up to 0.4 mm static cracks
• Waterproof up to 16 bars in properly formulated mix designs
• Strong hydrophobic effect
• Minimal efflorescence and discoloration
• Easy to mix
• Increased final strength
• Little influence on concrete setting and strength development
• Increased resistance against aggressive media with a pH range of 3-12 and against soft water with low ion content
• Suitable for potable water
• Active corrosion inhibitor

Waterproof concrete requires several measures to
ensure a dense structure.

Cement: VELOSIT CA 113 can be used with most
CEM I – III R and N (ASTM Type I – V) cements. Only
cement types with more the 50 % pozzolanic
content are not suitable. Cement content must be at
least 280 kg/m3 (472 lbs. per yd3).

Fly ash: Total fly ash must be less than 50 % of the
cement content.

Water: potable water quality with a maximum
dosage of 55 % on cement content (water/cement ratio < 0.55).

Pozzolans: Pozzolanic additives like Microsilica or
slag should be avoided as they compete with
VELOSIT CA 113 for the available lime.

Aggragates and sand: Ensure a proper sieve curve
according to good concreting practice as outlined for
example in the ACI guidelines.

Aggregates and sand: Ensure a proper sieve curve
according to good concreting practice such as
outlined by the ACI guidelines for example.

Admixtures: VELOSIT CA 113 is compatible with
most concrete admixtures.
For compatibility of VELOSIT CA 113 trial mixes are strongly recommended.

Rebar: Amount and layout of reinforcement must be planned to minimize the
risk of crack development.
The rebar design is not influenced by the use of VELOSIT CA 113.

2.) Processing
The dosage depends on the amount of mixing water
including aggregate moisture in the batch mix. Add
2.5 % VELOSIT CA 113, i.e. 2.5 kg per 100 liter (2.1
lbs. per 10 gal.). In a typical 300 kg cement per m3
(505 lbs. per yd3) with a water/cement ratio of 0.40
this equals a dosage of 1.0% on cement.

a.) Batch-plant: Add VELOSIT CA 113 together with
the aggregates. Use normal mixing procedure.

b.) Concrete truck: Add VELOSIT CA 113 into the
drum when the truck arrives at the job site. Mix for
8 min. at high speed before pumping. Trial mixes
with the concrete mix design are strongly
recommended for this application.

c.) Site mixes: Concrete mixed in small tumbler
mixers can also be improved with VELOSIT CA 113.
As the mixing intensity is lower, we recommend
producing a slurry of VELOSIT CA 113 with 100 –
200 % water to ensure proper mixing results.

3.) Placing
Concrete can be placed as specified. Take special
care of the compaction by properly vibrating the
placed concrete. Install joint waterproofing solutions
for example VELOSIT WS 801 in any cold joints or
construction joints.

4.) Curing
Follow standard curing procedures for the site
conditions. Take the required steps by either water
curing as specified or applying a curing compound.


VELOSIT CA 113 can be removed in the fresh state
with water. Once it has cured acidic cleaners like
muriatic acid are required.

VELOSIT CA 113 is available in 20 kg (44 lb.)
watertight plastic bags.

VELOSIT CA 113 can be stored in unopened original
packs for 12 months at 5–35 °C (40–95°F) in a dry
storage place protected against sunlight.

Please observe the actual valid material safety data
sheet and follow the described safety measures for
handling of the product.
Used product containers must be emptied
completely after use.

VELOSIT CW 113 is only available for professional applicators.
Concrete treated with VELOSIT CA 113 may discolor
or show strong efflorescence in water contact. This
is normal and caused by the crystalline reaction.
All described product features are determined under
controlled laboratory conditions according to the
relevant international standards. Values determined
under job site conditions may deviate from the stated values.


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1. VELOSIT ® CA 113 Applica'on fields VELOSIT CA 113 is a crystalline and hydrophobic waterproofing admixture for concrete. It is very economic and easy to apply. VELOSIT CA 113 creates a crystalline structure inside the concrete reducing the amount and diameter of the capillary pores. Trented concrete is able to self-heal staFc cracks up to 0.4 mm. Typical applicaFon fields besides others are as follows: • Waterproof concrete for basements and below grade parking structures • Usable on decoraFve features because of limited efflorescence compared to standard crystalline products • Waterproofing of potable water structures • Waterproofing of sewage structures • Waterproofing of tunnels and pipelines • Slab waterproofing • Waterproofing of shotcrete Proper'es VELOSIT CA 113 is a powder admixture that iniFates a crystalline reacFon in concrete. The reacFon takes place with the free lime of the concrete and creates a permanent reducFon of water permeability. The crystalline effect allows the structure to self-heal shrinkage cracks under contact with water. Besides that VELOSIT CA 113 treated concrete develops a strong water repellency. VELOSIT CA 113 exceeds the requirements of EN 934-2 for concrete admixtures and is classified as a waterproofing addiFve according table 9. VELOSIT CA 113 is mixed into the concrete either at the batch plant or on site into the batch truck. • Self healing properFes of treated concrete of up to 0.4 mm staFc cracks • Waterproof up to 16 bars in properly formulated mix designs • Strong hydrophobic effect • Minimal efflorescence and discoloraFon 2219 page of 1 4 VELOSIT ® CA 113 Crystalline Hydrophobic Waterproofing Admixture

2. VELOSIT ® CA 113 • Easy to mix • Increased final strength • LiVle influence on concrete seXng and strength development • Increased resistance against aggressive media with a pH range of 3-12 and against soZ water with low ion content • Suitable for potable water • AcFve corrosion inhibitor Applica'on 1.) Concrete requirements Waterproof concrete requires several measures to ensure a dense structure. Cement: VELOSIT CA 113 can be used with most CEM I – III R and N (ASTM Type I – V) cements. Only cement types with more the 50 % pozzolanic content are not suitable. Cement content must be at least 280 kg/m 3 (472 lbs. per yd 3 ). Fly ash: Total fly ash must be less than 50 % of the cement content. Water: potable water quality with a maximum dosage of 55 % on cement content (water/cement raFo < 0.55). Pozzolans: Pozzolanic addiFves like Microsilica or slag should be avoided as they compete with VELOSIT CA 113 for the available lime. Aggragates and sand: Ensure a proper sieve curve according to good concreFng pracFce as outlined for example in the ACI guidelines. Aggregates and sand: Ensure a proper sieve curve according to good concreFng pracFce such as outlined by the ACI guidelines for example. Admixtures: VELOSIT CA 113 is compaFble with most concrete admixtures. For compaFbility of VELOSIT CA 113 trial mixes are strongly recommended. Rebar: Amount and layout of reinforcement must be planned to minimize the risk of crack development. The rebar design is not influenced by the use of VELOSIT CA 113. 2.) Processing The dosage depends on the amount of mixing water including aggregate moisture in the batch mix. Add 2.5 % VELOSIT CA 113, i.e. 2.5 kg per 100 liter (2.1 lbs. per 10 gal.). In a typical 300 kg cement per m 3 (505 lbs. per yd 3 ) with a water/cement raFo of 0.40 this equals a dosage of 1.0% on cement. a.) Batch-plant: Add VELOSIT CA 113 together with the aggregates. Use normal mixing procedure. b.) Concrete truck: Add VELOSIT CA 113 into the drum when the truck arrives at the job site. Mix for 8 min. at high speed before pumping. Trial mixes with the concrete mix design are strongly recommended for this applicaFon. c.) Site mixes: Concrete mixed in small tumbler mixers can also be improved with VELOSIT CA 113. As the mixing intensity is lower, we recommend producing a slurry of VELOSIT CA 113 with 100 – 200 % water to ensure proper mixing results. 3.) Placing Concrete can be placed as specified. Take special care of the compacFon by properly vibraFng the placed concrete. Install joint waterproofing soluFons for example VELOSIT WS 801 in any cold joints or construcFon joints. 4.) Curing Follow standard curing procedures for the site condiFons. Take the required steps by either water curing as specified or applying a curing compound.

3. VELOSIT ® CA 113 Es'ma'ng Dosage per m 3 (yd 3 ) concrete Cleaning VELOSIT CA 113 can be removed in the fresh state with water. Once it has cured acidic cleaners like muriaFc acid are required. Quality features Color: gray

Density: 1.1 kg/l Water impermeability acc. EN 12390-8: - PosiFve side: 16 bar (232 psi) - NegaFve side: 13 bar (190 psi) Capillary absorpFon: - 72 % against control Compressive strength compared to untreated concrete*: 7 days: +/- 0% 28 days: + 1% Self-healing of staFc cracks: max. 0.4 mm (16 mils) Chloride ions: < 0.05 % *Concrete mix design: CEM I 42.5N (Milke Classic): 310 kg per m 3 Wesersand 0/2 (Sand): 670 kg per m 3 Weserkies 2/8 (Aggregate): 750 kg per m 3 Weserkies 8/16 (Aggregate): 700 kg per m 3 water: 139.5 l per m 3 w/c=0.45 VELOSIT CA 113: 3.49 kg per m 3 Packaging VELOSIT CA 113 is available in 20 kg (44 lb.) waterFght plasFc bags. Storage VELOSIT CA 113 can be stored in unopened original packs for 12 months at 5–35 °C (40–95°F) in a dry storage place protected against sunlight. Safety Please observe the actual valid material safety data sheet and follow the described safety measures for handling of the product. Used product containers must be empFed completely aZer use. They can be returned to VELOSIT GmbH & Co. KG on request. Recommenda'ons VELOSIT CW 113 is only available for professional applicators. Concrete treated with VELOSIT CA 113 may discolor or show strong efflorescence in water contact. This is normal and caused by the crystalline reacFon. All described product features are determined under controlled laboratory condiFons according to the relevant internaFonal standards. Values determined under job site condiFons may deviate from the stated values. Please always use the latest version of this data sheet available from our website . Water Cement 40 % 45 % 50 % 55 % 280 kg/m 3 (472lb/yd 3 ) 2.80 kg (4.72lb.) 3.15 kg (5.32 lb.) 3.50 kg (5.91 lb.) 3.85 kg (6.50 lb.) 310 kg/m 3 (522lb/yd 3 ) 3.10 kg (5.23 lb.) 3.49 kg (5.88 lb.) 3.88 kg (6.54 lb.) 4.26 kg (7.19 lb.) 340 kg/m 3 (573lb/yd 3 ) 3.40 kg (5.73 lb.) 3.83 kg (6.45 lb.) 4.25 kg (7.17 lb.) 4.68 kg (7.89 lb.) 370 kg/m 3 (623lb/yd 3 ) 3.70 kg (6.24 lb.) 4.16 kg (7.02 lb.) 4.63 kg (7.80 lb.) 5.09 kg (8.58 lb.)

4. VELOSIT ® CA 113 Manufacturer VELOSIT GmbH & Co. KG Industriepark 7 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg Germany 2219 page of 4 4 VELOSIT GmbH & Co. KG Industriepark 7 D-32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg 17 VELOSIT CA 113 EN 934-2 Water resisting admixture for concrete EN 934-2 : T9 Water soluble Chlorid < 0.10 % Alkali content < 12.5 % Corrosion behavior Co ntains components only

from EN 934-1:2008, annex A1 Capillary absorption

passed Compressive strength

passed Air content of fresh concrete

passed Dangerous substances

NPD 0921


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