VELOSIT® TDS-WS-801-EN_1420 (Highly Swellable Joint Waterstop)
Applica'on fields
VELOSIT WS 801 is a water swellable waterstop used
for waterproofing of construc?on joints. Typical
applica?on fields besides others are as follows:
• Waterproofing of construc?on joints between
different concrete pours
• Waterproofing of saw cut joints
• Waterproofing of pipe penetra?ons
• Waterproofing of the wall-slab joint
• Swellable waterstop for the treatment of
construc?on joints between concrete pours.
VELOSIT WS 801 swells even with sewage water
containing elevated salt loads.
VELOSIT WS 801 is a waterstop that swells under
contact with water. It is applied on the previous
concrete pour into the center of the construc?on or
expansion joint.
VELOSIT WS 801 is nailed to the concrete.
• 1000% swelling capacity, fully reversible for an
unlimited number of cycles
• Dimensional stable, no wash-out like with
Bentonite waterstops
• Retarded swelling, volume increase starts
several hours aQer water contact
• Swelling pressure of > 5 bar (73 psi), extreme
resitance against hydrosta?c pressure
• Resists 50 m (160 Q.) water pressure acc. to EN
1.) Substrate prepara'on
VELOSIT WS 801 is suitable for reinforced joints in
concrete bodies.
Remove separa?ng and bondbreaking substances
from first concrete sec?on (for example founda?on
and slab). Surface should be open porous and load
bearing. Minimal strength requirement is 15 MPa
(2175 psi). Patch larger surface defects with
2.) Processing
Due to its enormous swelling pressure
VELOSIT WS 801 must be installed min. 50 mm (2”)
from each edge. Do not use VELOSIT WS 801 on
concrete walls of less than 120 mm cross-sec?on.
Fixing with nails:
VELOSIT WS 801 can be nailed to the first concrete
sec?on. Shoot nails each 15 cm (6”) with a nail gun
(for example Hil? DX 76) through VELOSIT WS 801
into the concrete.
Cut overlaps, crossings or termina?ons of the
waterstop in a 45° angle and connect without a gap.
Hollow areas of more than 4 mm may reduce
water?ghtness significantly.
Plas?c pipes can only be treated with
VELOSIT WS 801 up to DN 50 (2”) with cold water
and up to DN 25 (1”) for more than 30°C (86°F)
water temperature. Due to the high swelling
pressure plas?c pipes may collapse under load.
Larger diameters are only permifed with metal
3.) Curing
VELOSIT WS 801 does not require curing. Avoid
standing water on the waterstop as this may result
in apremature swelling of the material. Because of
the retarded swelling a short term contact with rain
water is not a problem.
The required amount is calculated with the planned
length of the joint waterproofing.
VELOSIT WS 801 does not cause any dirt. Dirty
material can be cleaned with a moist cloth. Do not
install material that has already swollen. Wait un?l
the material has completely dried and achieved its
original dimensions.
Quality features
Color: blue
Dimensions: 5 x 20 mm
Weight: 0.12 kg/m
(0.24 lb./yd.)
Substrate temperature: 5 – 35°C
(40 – 95°F)
Water impermeability acc. EN 12390-8:
- Posi?ve side: 5 bar (73 psi)
Water absorp?on: 1.2 kg/m
(2.4 lb./yd.)
Maximum swelling
- potable water: 1060 %
- sea water: 750 %
- saline water: 580 %
VELOSIT WS 801 is supplied in rolls á 50 m (163’). 5
rolls are packaged in a box (approx. 27 kg/59lbs.).
VELOSIT WS 801 can be stored in unopened original
packs for 5 years at 5 – 35°C (40 – 95 °F) in a dry
storage place protected against sunlight.
Please observe the actual valid material safety data
sheet and follow the described safety measures for
handling of the product.
VELOSIT WS 801 is only available for professional
All described product features are determined under
controlled laboratory condi?ons according to the
relevant interna?onal standards. Values determined
under job site condi?ons may deviate from the
stated values.
VELOSIT WS 801 is a water swellable waterstop used
for waterproofing of construc?on joints. Typical
applica?on fields besides others are as follows:
• Waterproofing of construc?on joints between
different concrete pours
• Waterproofing of saw cut joints
• Waterproofing of pipe penetra?ons
• Waterproofing of the wall-slab joint
• Swellable waterstop for the treatment of
construc?on joints between concrete pours.
VELOSIT WS 801 swells even with sewage water
containing elevated salt loads.
VELOSIT WS 801 is a waterstop that swells under
contact with water. It is applied on the previous
concrete pour into the center of the construc?on or
expansion joint.
VELOSIT WS 801 is nailed to the concrete.
• 1000% swelling capacity, fully reversible for an
unlimited number of cycles
• Dimensional stable, no wash-out like with
Bentonite waterstops
• Retarded swelling, volume increase starts
several hours aQer water contact
• Swelling pressure of > 5 bar (73 psi), extreme
resitance against hydrosta?c pressure
• Resists 50 m (160 Q.) water pressure acc. to EN
1.) Substrate prepara'on
VELOSIT WS 801 is suitable for reinforced joints in
concrete bodies.
Remove separa?ng and bondbreaking substances
from first concrete sec?on (for example founda?on
and slab). Surface should be open porous and load
bearing. Minimal strength requirement is 15 MPa
(2175 psi). Patch larger surface defects with
2.) Processing
Due to its enormous swelling pressure
VELOSIT WS 801 must be installed min. 50 mm (2”)
from each edge. Do not use VELOSIT WS 801 on
concrete walls of less than 120 mm cross-sec?on.
Fixing with nails:
VELOSIT WS 801 can be nailed to the first concrete
sec?on. Shoot nails each 15 cm (6”) with a nail gun
(for example Hil? DX 76) through VELOSIT WS 801
into the concrete.
Cut overlaps, crossings or termina?ons of the
waterstop in a 45° angle and connect without a gap.
Hollow areas of more than 4 mm may reduce
water?ghtness significantly.
Plas?c pipes can only be treated with
VELOSIT WS 801 up to DN 50 (2”) with cold water
and up to DN 25 (1”) for more than 30°C (86°F)
water temperature. Due to the high swelling
pressure plas?c pipes may collapse under load.
Larger diameters are only permifed with metal
3.) Curing
VELOSIT WS 801 does not require curing. Avoid
standing water on the waterstop as this may result
in apremature swelling of the material. Because of
the retarded swelling a short term contact with rain
water is not a problem.
The required amount is calculated with the planned
length of the joint waterproofing.
VELOSIT WS 801 does not cause any dirt. Dirty
material can be cleaned with a moist cloth. Do not
install material that has already swollen. Wait un?l
the material has completely dried and achieved its
original dimensions.
Quality features
Color: blue
Dimensions: 5 x 20 mm
Weight: 0.12 kg/m
(0.24 lb./yd.)
Substrate temperature: 5 – 35°C
(40 – 95°F)
Water impermeability acc. EN 12390-8:
- Posi?ve side: 5 bar (73 psi)
Water absorp?on: 1.2 kg/m
(2.4 lb./yd.)
Maximum swelling
- potable water: 1060 %
- sea water: 750 %
- saline water: 580 %
VELOSIT WS 801 is supplied in rolls á 50 m (163’). 5
rolls are packaged in a box (approx. 27 kg/59lbs.).
VELOSIT WS 801 can be stored in unopened original
packs for 5 years at 5 – 35°C (40 – 95 °F) in a dry
storage place protected against sunlight.
Please observe the actual valid material safety data
sheet and follow the described safety measures for
handling of the product.
VELOSIT WS 801 is only available for professional
All described product features are determined under
controlled laboratory condi?ons according to the
relevant interna?onal standards. Values determined
under job site condi?ons may deviate from the
stated values.
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