Dr. Fixit Pidifin 2k

Public Channel / Data Sheets

Dr. Fixit Pidifin 2K is a acrylic cementitious, polymer modified elastomeric, waterproofing & protective coating composed of best quality Portland cement, properly selected & graded aggregates, additives & acrylic emulsion polymer as a binder. It is applied to waterproof and protect concrete and masonry substrates.
Typical Application
 Excellent as a waterproof coating for bathrooms, kitchen sinks, balconies, etc.
 Ideal as a coating for waterproofing of chhajjas, canopies, etc.
 As waterproof coating on internal sides of domestic water tanks.
 Elastomeric flexible coating that accommodate cracks up to 2 mm with an elasticity of 40-50%.
 Excellent resistance to ingress of water.
 Excellent adhesion to concrete and masonry surfaces.
 Non-toxic with low VOC content.
 As a “potable water safe” coating for waterproofing of water tanks.
3 & 15 kg
Method of Application
 The surface of application must be thoroughly prepared by mechanical means, to remove all loose particles, laitance, etc.
 Oil and grease, if any, must be de-greased with suitable solvents. It then must be washed off with jet of water and brought to touch dry state. Any surface undulations, cracks and crevices must be duly filled or repaired with cement sand mortar mixed with latex polymers such as Dr. Fixit Super Latex.
 Shake the liquid component well to a homogenous milky colour.
 Use heavy duty slow speed mechanical mixer fitted with a suitable paddle for mixing the two components of the material.
 In a mixing vessel, slowly add the powder component in to the liquid under continuous stirring. Continue to stir thoroughly to achieve a lump free homogenous slurry.
 It is important that any pipe inserts or sanitary fittings should have been fitted grouted with suitable products from the Dr. Fixit range well before taking up the application.
 Grout pipe inserts using Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape and Dr. Fixit Bathseal Grout.
 It is mandatory that all works of plumbing and sanitation must be complete before taking up application of Dr. Fixit Pidifin 2K.
 The surface of application must be pre-wetted thoroughly with water & brought to a touch dry state. Take up the first coat application with a stiff nylon brush. Work well into the substrate, to ensure that all small undulations are completely filled with the coating. 6 to 8 hrs after completion of first coat, take up second coat application in a direction perpendicular to the first.
 Complete the application and cure for 72 hours and for which a moist hessian cloth shall be kept over the coated surface.
 In new bathrooms, typically, Dr. Fixit Pidifin 2K must be applied all over the sunken slab portion and upwards over the masonry walls up to a height of 6-7 feet, i.e. Over the splash zone of shower, etc. to ensure complete waterproofing.
 Plasters used to re-level surfaces in bathrooms must be admixed with Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+, Dr. Fixit Pidifin 2K can then be applied all over. After the 2nd coat is completely dry apply a 3rd coat of Dr. Fixit Pidifin 2K and sprinkle coarse sand while it is still wet. This will provide the key for the plaster or the tile adhesive materials.
 General waterproofing is applied in areas exposed to foot traffic, it must be protected with a screed overlaid, during the application itself.
 When the coating for internal walls of water tanks, after second coat sprinkle coarse sand on wet coating to facilitate plastering.
Precautions & Limitations
 Do not part mix. Mix the entire quantity of both the components at one go.
 Do not dilute.
 Always add powder to liquid to avoid lump formation.
 Do not cure by flooding with water.
 Cure the membrane with moist hessian cloths.
 Pond test for water tightness shall be carried out only after seven days of complete and proper curing.
Technical Information
Wet density of the mix 1.65 – 1.75 gm/ml
Pot life of the mix @300C in minutes 40 minimum
Water permeability Excellent – no leakage observed after 24 hrs
Theoretical Coverage
 Approximately 0.6 – 0.7 m2 / kg at 1 mm thickness in 2 coats, depending on the level of the substrate.
Shelf Life
 Shelf life is 12 months from the date of manufacturing.
 Store in shed, protecting from direct sunlight and away from extreme temperature.
 In extremely hot temperature conditions, store in a temperature-controlled environment i.e. less than 300C.
Health and Safety
 Dr. Fixit Pidifin 2K is alkaline and should not come into contact with skin or eyes.
 Avoid inhalation of dust during mixing.
 Gloves, goggles and dust masks should be worn, during mixing and handling the product.
 Any contact to eyes should be washed immediately with clean water and seek medical advice.
Other Products Categories available
Dr. Fixit brings you the widest range of Construction Chemicals
pH of the mix
10.0 – 12.0
Nature and type
2 component (1 part polymer & 2 part powder)
Elongation at break at DFT of 1 mm
40% minimum
Pidilite MEA Chemicals LLC

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2. Precautions & Limitations  Do not part mix. Mix the entire quantity of both the components at one go.  Do not dilute.  Always add powder to liquid to avoid lump formation.  Do not cure by flooding with water.  Cure the membrane with moist hessian cloths.  Pond test for water tightness shall be carried out only after seven days of complete and proper curing. Technical Information Wet density of the mix 1.65 – 1.75 gm/ml Pot life of the mix @30 0 C in minutes 40 minimum Water permeability Excellent – no leakage observed after 24 hrs Theoretical Coverage  Approximately 0.6 – 0.7 m 2 / kg at 1 mm thickness in 2 coats, depending on the level of the substrate. Shelf Life  Shelf life is 12 months from the date of manufacturing.  Store in shed, protecting from direct sunlight and away from extreme temperature.  In extremely hot temperature conditions, store in a temperature - controlled environment i.e. less than 30 0 C. Health and Safety  Dr. Fixit Pidifin 2K is alkaline and should not come into contact with skin or eyes.  Avoid inhalation of dust during mixing.  Gloves, goggles and dust masks should be worn, during mixing and handling the product.  Any contact to eyes should be washed immediately with clean water and seek medical advice. Other Products Categories available Dr. Fixit brings you the widest range of Construction Chemicals WATERPROOFING CONCRETE & CRACKFILL & BONDING AGENTS SURFACE PLASTERS GROUTS & ANCHORS MORTARS STRUCTURAL REPAIR SEALANTS TILE ADHESIVES MARBLE & S TONE PERFORMANCE UNDERLAYMENTS SPECIALITY TILE FIXING & GROUTS PROTECTION FLOORING CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS pH of the mix 1 0 . 0 – 1 2 . 0 PROPERTIES RESULTS Nature and type 2 component (1 part polymer & 2 part powder) Elongation at break at DFT of 1 mm 40% minimum

1. ACRYLIC CEMENTITIOUS TWO COMPONENT WATERPROOF COATING Description Dr. Fixit Pidifin 2K is a acrylic cementitious, polymer modified elastomeric, waterproofing & protective coating composed of best quality Portland cement, properly selected & graded aggregates, additives & acrylic emulsion polymer as a binder. It is applied to waterproof and protect concrete and masonry substrates. Typical Application  Excellent as a waterproof coating for bathrooms, kitchen sinks, balconies, etc.  Ideal as a coating for waterproofing of chhajjas, canopies, etc.  A s w a t e r p r o o f c o a t i n g o n i n t e r n a l s i d e s o f d om e s t i c w a t e r t a n k s . Features  Elastomeric flexible coating that accommodate cracks up to 2 mm with an elasticity of 40 - 50%.  Excellent resistance to ingress of water.  Excellent adhesion to concrete and masonry surfaces.  Non - toxic with low VOC content.  A s a “ p o t a b l e w a t e r s a f e ” c o a t i n g f o r w a t e r p r o o f i n g o f w a t e r t a n k s . Packaging 3 & 1 5 k g Method of Application 1 SU R FA C E P RE PA R A T I ON  The surface of application must be thoroughly prepared by mechanical means, to remove all loose particles, laitance, etc.  Oil and grease, if any, must be de - greased with suitable solvents. It then must be washed off with jet of water and brought to touch dry state. Any surface undulations, cracks and crevices must be duly filled or repaired with cement sand mortar mixed with latex polymers such as Dr. Fixit Super Latex. 2 MI XI NG  Shake the liquid component well to a homogenous milky colour.  Use heavy duty slow speed mechanical mixer fitted with a suitable paddle for mixing the two components of the material.  In a mixing vessel, slowly add the powder component in to the liquid under continuous stirring. Continue to stir thoroughly to achieve a lump free homogenous slurry. 3 A P PL I C A T I ON – B A TH R O OM W A TE R PR O OFI N G  It is important that any pipe inserts or sanitary fittings should have been fitted grouted with suitable products from the Dr. Fixit range well before taking up the application.  Grout pipe inserts using Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape and Dr. Fixit Bathseal Grout.  It is mandatory that all works of plumbing and sanitation must be complete before taking up application of Dr. Fixit Pidifin 2K.  The surface of application must be pre - wetted thoroughly with water & brought to a touch dry state. Take up the first coat application with a stiff nylon brush. Work well into the substrate, to ensure that all small undulations are completely filled with the coating. 6 to 8 hrs after completion of first coat, take up second coat application in a direction perpendicular to the first.  Complete the application and cure for 72 hours and for which a moist hessian cloth shall be kept over the coated surface.  In new bathrooms, typically, Dr. Fixit Pidifin 2K must be applied all over the sunken slab portion and upwards over the masonry walls up to a height of 6 - 7 feet, i.e. Over the splash zone of shower, etc. to ensure complete waterproofing.  Plasters used to re - level surfaces in bathrooms must be admixed with Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+, Dr. Fixit Pidifin 2K can then be applied all over. After the 2nd coat is completely dry apply a 3rd coat of Dr. Fixit Pidifin 2K and sprinkle coarse sand while it is still wet. This will provide the key for the plaster or the tile adhesive materials. 4 G EN ER AL WAT ER PR O O FI N G AN D WAT ER PR O O FI N G O F WAT ER TAN K S  General waterproofing is applied in areas exposed to foot traffic, it must be protected with a screed overlaid, during the application itself.  When the coating for internal walls of water tanks, after second coat sprinkle coarse sand on wet coating to facilitate plastering.


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