Public Channel / Data Sheets

MAXPLUG® is a quick-setting cement-based
mortar that instantly stops running water from
cracks, fissures, holes or other openings in
concrete and masonry. It is non-shrink and
sets within three to five minutes depending on
the temperature. Once MAXPLUG® sets, it
adheres perfectly to the substrate. It only
requires water for mixing.
· Sealing of leaks in concrete surfaces, solid
masonry and other sound substrates
wherein water flows through cracks and
· Emergency repairs on concrete water
pipes. For broken concrete pipes,
MAXPLUG® will even work when the
concrete pipes are under hydrostatic
· Emergency plugging of gas leaks.
· Sealing of concave corners and working
joints, filling the grooves with MAXPLUG®
in the shape of a cove.
· Anchoring of bolts and other accessories
that require immediate use.
· Stopping running water in basements,
tunnels, foundations and sewers under
hydrostatic pressure.
· It is a suitable maintenance material for
homes and industry.

· Does not shrink or become weak due
to its exothermic reaction.
· MAXPLUG® increases in volume,
giving a permanent seal in areas
where there is flowing water.
· Its quick setting-time from 3 to 5
minutes can be controlled, either sped
up or slowed down, by adding warm or
cold water. Setting may even be
instantaneous by adding hot water
during warm weather.
· Its mechanical properties are similar or
higher than concrete.
· Non-toxic. It can be used in contact
with drinking water.
· It sets even underwater.
· Does not contain chlorides or other
corrosive compounds.
· Easy to use.
Surface Preparation
Cracks or fissures must be opened to a
minimum depth of 4 cm and a width from 3
to 4 cm. In order to provide a good
mechanical key, make a square-shaped
groove; preferably dovetail to the surface to
which the material is applied. Avoid a "V"
shape, as shown in drawings.

Clean the surface until it is free of any loose or
unsound materials or surface contaminants. If
there is no water present at the time of
application, dampen the surface before
applying MAXPLUG® .
Mix only the amounts of MAXPLUG® that
it can be applied within 3 minutes under
normal conditions. If flowing water is present,
only the amount of material that can be applied
by hand should be mixed.

One kg of MAXPLUG® fills about 0,615-
0,620 l, depending on the amount of
mixing water (approximately 1,62 kg/ l ).
MAXPLUG® is supplied in 25 kg drums
and 5 kg cans.
Twelve months in its original unopened
packaging. It should be stored in a dry,
fresh and covered place protected from
humidity, sunlight and frost, at
temperatures above 5 ºC.

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2. © DRIZORO S.A.U. MAXPLU G ® DESCRIPTION MAXPLUG ® is a quick-setting cement-based mortar that instantly stops running water from cracks, fissures, holes or other openings in concrete and masonry. It is non-shrink and sets within three to five minutes depending on the temperature. Once MAXPLUG ® sets, it adheres perfectly to the substrate. It only requires water for mixing. APPLICATION FIELDS • Sealing of leaks in concrete surfaces, solid masonry and other sound substrates wherein water flows through cracks and holes. • Emergency repairs on concrete water pipes. For broken concrete pipes, MAXPLUG ® will even work when the concrete pipes are under hydrostatic pressure. • Emergency plugging of gas leaks. • Sealing of concave corners and working joints, filling the grooves with MAXPLUG ® in the shape of a cove. • Anchoring of bolts and other accessories that require immediate use. • Stopping running water in basements, tunnels, foundations and sewers under hydrostatic pressure. • It is a suitable maintenance material for homes and industry. ADVANTAGES • Does not shrink or become weak due to its exothermic reaction. • MAXPLUG ® increases in volume, giving a permanent seal in areas where there is flowing water. • Its quick setting-time from 3 to 5 minutes can be controlled, either sped up or slowed down, by adding warm or cold water. Setting may even be instantaneous by adding hot water during warm weather. • Its mechanical properties are similar or higher than concrete. • Non-toxic. It can be used in contact with drinking water. • It sets even underwater. • Does not contain chlorides or other corrosive compounds. • Easy to use. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Surface Preparation Cracks or fissures must be opened to a minimum depth of 4 cm and a width from 3 to 4 cm. In order to provide a good mechanical key, make a square-shaped groove; preferably dovetail to the surface to which the material is applied. Avoid a "V" shape, as shown in drawings. WRONG RIGHT OPTIMUM Clean the surface until it is free of any loose or unsound materials or surface contaminants. If there is no water present at the time of application, dampen the surface before applying MAXPLUG ® . Mixing Mix only the amounts of MAXPLUG ® that it can be applied within 3 minutes under

4. Reproduction, manipulation by computer, and transmi ssion in whole or in part in any form or by any mea ns (electronically, mechanically, by photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the copyright owner are prohibited. MAXPLU G ® • For further information, consult our Technical Department. SAFETY AND HEALTH MAXPLUG ® is non-toxic but it is an abrasive product, so protective rubber gloves and safety goggles must be used to prepare and apply it. In case of eye contact, rinse thoroughly with clean water but do not rub. In case of skin contact, wash affected areas with soap and water. If irritation continues, seek medical attention. For further information, Safety Data Sheet of MAXPLUG ® is available by request. Disposal of the product and its empty packaging must be made by the final user and according to official regulations. TECHNICAL DATA Product characteristics General appearance and colour Grey powder Maximum aggregate size, (mm) <0,8 Mixing water, (%, by weight) 28 Application and curing conditions Minimum application temperature for substrate and a mbient, (ºC) >5 Final setting time at 20 ºC & 50 % R.H., (min) 3 – 5 Curing time for coating at 20 ºC & 50 % R.H., (h) 24 - 48 Cured product characteristics Mechanical strengths, (MPa) - 30 minutes - 3 days - 7 days - 28 days Flexural Compressive 1,2 3,7 5,7 5,2 3,8 22,5 36,2 40,7 Consumption* Consumption per application, (kg/l) 1,62 * These figures are for guidance only and may vary depending on conditions for substrate, and applicat ion method. Perform a preliminary test on-site to ascertain the total con sumption exactly under jobsite conditions. GUARANTEE The information contained in this leaflet is based on our experience and technical knowledge, obtained through laboratory testing and from bibliographic m aterial. DRIZORO ® , S.A.U. reserves the right to introduce changes without prior notice. Any use of this data beyond the purposes expressly specified i n the leaflet will not be the Company’s responsibility un less authorised by us. We shall not accept responsi bility exceeding the value of the purchased product. The d ata shown on consumptions, measurement and yields are for guidance only and based on our experience. These data are subject to variation due to the spec ific atmospheric and jobsite conditions so reasonable va riations from the data may be experienced. In order to know the real data, a test on the jobsite must be d one, and it will be carried out under the client responsibility. We shall not accept responsibility exceeding the value of the purchased product. For a ny other doubt, consult our Technical Department. This versi on of bulletin replaces the previous one. DRIZORO, S.A.U. C/ Primavera 50-52 Parque Industrial Las Monjas 28850 TORREJON DE ARDOZ – MADRID (SPAIN) Tel. 91 676 66 76 - 91 677 61 75 Fax. 91 675 78 13 e-mail: Web site: nº 6003176 / 6003176-MA

3. © DRIZORO S.A.U. MAXPLU G ® normal conditions. If flowing water is present, only the amount of material that can be applied by hand should be mixed. In order to mix the mortar, use a plastic container, fill it with the necessary amount of MAXPLUG ® , and add clean water slowly. Mix all components slowly with a trowel until the consistency of cement mortar is achieved. Depending on weather conditions, one kg of MAXPLUG ® requires about 0,28 l of water. Application Sealing leaks in cracks or joints. Prepare the surface removing the loose or unsound concrete from the crack or joint and cutting to a depth of 5 cm. MAXPLUG ® should be applied in small amounts that can be applied by hand. Do not pour the material in place; always apply by hand. Once MAXPLUG ® is mixed, form the mixture into the shape of a plug and hold it in your hand until it becomes warm and then, press MAXPLUG ® firmly into the crack or joint but do not twist or overwork. Maintain pressure with the hand until it sets and finally remove any excess material with a trowel. In large openings with high pressure such as tunnels and basements, begin the application at the top of the crack, where water pressure is lower, and proceed with the surrounding area until the crack is finished, allowing MAXPLUG ® to harden enough between the successive applications. Sealing joints between concrete slab and wall. This is a common situation in basements, elevator shafts, swimming pools and reservoirs. Along the concave corners at least a 2 x 3 cm groove must be opened and filled with MAXPLUG ® in the shape of a waterproofing cove. Expansion joints. In order to stop running water from these joints, perform a groove along the joint and refill it with MAXPLUG ® to stop the leakages. After MAXPLUG ® hardens, cut and define the new joint, sealing then with a flexible material such as MAXFLEX ® type sealants. Anchoring . To anchor steel bolts and other metal fixtures, MAXPLUG ® is suitable. Application Conditions The optimum setting time corresponds with a temperature range from 18º to 20º C. MAXPLUG ® will set in about 3 to 5 min, depending on water and ambient temperature and relative humidity. - Hot weather application . At high temperatures (>30 ºC) or where is exposed to winds, MAXPLUG ® will set very quickly. In order to slow down the setting time, cold water may be used. This procedure allows apply the material within 30 - 60 s after mixing. In extreme cases, product should be kept in the shade and ice should be added to the mixing water in order to slow down the setting time. - Cold weather application. In order to shorten the setting time, warm or hot water may be used. Cleaning Before MAXPLUG ® sets, all tools and equipment should be cleaned immediately with water. Once it hardens, product can only be removed by mechanical means. CONSUMPTION One kg of MAXPLUG ® fills about 0,615- 0,620 l, depending on the amount of mixing water (approximately 1,62 kg/ l ). PACKAGING MAXPLUG ® is supplied in 25 kg drums and 5 kg cans. STORAGE Twelve months in its original unopened packaging. It should be stored in a dry, fresh and covered place protected from humidity, sunlight and frost, at temperatures above 5 ºC. IMPORTANT INDICATIONS • Always use clean and dry tools to take MAXPLUG ® from the packaging. • Do not mix the product with other materials or hardened product as the mixture characteristics may be modified.


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