VELOSIT® TDS-CW-111-EN_2319 (High Strenght Crystalline Waterproofing Slurry)
Applica'on fields
VELOSIT CW 111 is a crystalline waterproofing slurry
for concrete substrates. It is very economic and easy
to apply. VELOSIT CW 111 becomes part of the
concrete and creates a waterproof layer inside the
concrete itself. It is especially strong against negaCve
side water pressure. Typical applicaCon fields
besides others are as follows:
• Waterproofing of basements and below grade
parking structures
• Waterproofing of potable water structures
• ProtecCon of dams and spill-ways
• Waterproofing of sewage structures
• Waterproofing of tunnels and pipelines
• Slab waterproofing (dry shake applicaCon)
• Waterproofing of elevator pits
VELOSIT CW 111 is a crystalline waterproofing slurry
with unsurpassed strength development.
VELOSIT CW 111 cures a lot faster than the current
standard products eliminaCng the need for days of
water curing and protecCon. VELOSIT CW 111
creates a reacCve layer inside the concrete that
allows the structure to self-heal shrinkage cracks
under contact with water.
VELOSIT CW 111 surpasses the requirements of EN
1504-3 for concrete repair (CR) and can be used
according to the principles 3.1 and 3.3 acc. to EN
VELOSIT CW 111 can be applied by brush, dry-shake
or suitable spray equipment.
• Self healing properCes of up to 0.4 mm staCc
• Unsurpassed strength development with more
than 20 MPa (2900 psi) aVer 24 h and more
than 50 MPa (7250 psi) aVer 28 days
• Open to foot traffic aVer 4 hours
• Extreme adhesive strength (concrete failure)
• Shrinkage compensated, no spider-web cracking
• Water curing only under hot and dry condiCons
required for 4 hours
pH range of 3-12 and against soV water with
low ion content
• Good weathering resistance
• Potable water approved
• Good sulfate resistance
1.) Substrate prepara'on
VELOSIT CW 111 can only be used on concrete
a.) Hardened concrete must be prepared with sand
blasCng, shot blasCng or ideally high pressure water
blasCng (>100 bar/1450 psi) to remove all bond
breaking substances. Substrate must be pore open
and load bearing. The minimum requirement for
adhesive strength is 1 MPa (145 psi) and for the
compressive strength 20 MPa (2900 psi). AcCve
water leaks must be treated and fully stopped with
VELOSIT PC 221. Leaking cracks need to be sealed
with a PU injecCon material. Fill all blowholes,
honeycombs or other surface defects with
VELOSIT RM 211. Before the applicaCon of
VELOSIT CW 111, dampen the substrate with clean
water to a saturated surface dry (SSD) condiCon.
b.) Cold joints can be treated by chiseling out
approx. 5 cm (2“) concrete in a U shape around the
joint. Fill the opening with VELOSIT RM 211 and
finish with VELOSIT CW 111.
c.) Fresh concrete can be treated with
VELOSIT CW 111 in a dry-shake applicaCon. The
concrete must have sufficiently sCffened that a
helicopter trowel can work on it. Do not use any
curing compounds or other bond breaking materials
before applying VELOSIT CW 111.
2.) Processing
a.) Brush applicaCon: Mix VELOSIT CW 111 with 22–
23 % potable water, i.e. 5.50 – 5.75 l (1.45 – 1.5 gal.)
water per 25 kg (55 lb.) bag. Fill the complete mixing
water into a suitable bucket and mix the powder
with a slow speed drill (300 – 600 rpm) into the
water unCl a lump-free mix with a consistency of an
oil paint is achieved. With hard water (high Calcium
content) a slight false seing within the first 2 min.
aVer mixing is possible. In such case, re-mix for
another 30 seconds. Do not add water!
The product is workable for 30 – 45 min. at 23 °C.
Apply the first coat with a masons brush in crossing
applicaCons to the pre-dampened substrate at the
specified rate. The second coat must be applied
within the recoat Cme, which is 60 – 90 min. at
23 °C. If too much Cme elapses aVer applicaCon of
the first coat, a reduced bond between the layers
may be the result.
b.) Spray applicaCon: Use suitable spray
machines such as:
- Inotec GmbH: INOMAT-M8
- HighTech GmbH: HighPump Small
- Desoi GmbH: Desoi SP-Y
Prepare the product as described for the brush
applicaCon under a.). The water addiCon may
be reduced slightly to get a more thixotropic
mix. Fill the product into the feed hopper of
the spray machine and spray conCnuously. If
less water is used the whole specified amount
of VELOSIT CW 111 may be applied in one liV.
Otherwise spray in two layers with a wait Cme
of approx. 30 min. between coats. Long spray
interrupCons may result in clogging of the spray
hose. The product may cure a lot faster if
the hose is exposed to direct sunlight. Always empty
and flush the machine aVer spraying or before long
spray interrupCons. VELOSIT CW 111 is a fast curing
material and may be hard to remove if leV in the
c.) Dry-shake applicaCon: VELOSIT CW 111 can be
applied in powder form onto fresh concrete before
finishing the surface. The product is applied
uniformly onto the concrete and then finished with
a helicopter trowel. Make sure that the trowel forces
sufficient moisture to the surface to completely wet
and embed the powdered VELOSIT CW 111.
3.) Curing
VELOSIT CW 111 does not require long term curing
as it reacts relaCvely fast with water. Only under hot
weather or very dry condiCons water curing for 3 – 4
hours is required.
Please consider for the dry shake applicaCon that
the concrete may require curing. Take the required
steps by either water curing as specified or applying
a curing compound.
Waterproofing concrete:
Brush applicaCon
1st coat VELOSIT CW 111: 0.8 kg/m2
2nd coat VELOSIT CW 111: 0.7 kg/m2
Spray applicaCon
VELOSIT CW 111: 1.5 kg/m2
Dry-Shake applicaCon
VELOSIT CW 111: 1.2 kg/m2
VELOSIT CW 111 can be removed in the fresh state
with water. Once it has cured acidic cleaners like
muriaCc acid are required.
Quality features
Color: gray
Mixing raCo by weight: 100 : 23
Mixing raCo by volume: 100 : 28
Density: 1.2 kg/l
Substrate temperature: 5 – 35 °C
(40 – 95 °F)
Service temperature: -18 – 97 °C
(0 - 207 °F)
Water impermeability acc. EN 12390-8:
- PosiCve side: 13 bar (190 psi)
- NegaCve side: 13 bar (190 psi)
Compressive / flexural strength:
4 hours: 8 / 1 MPa (1160/145 psi)
24 hours: 21 / 4 MPa (3045/580 psi)
7 days: 35 / 5 MPa (5075/725 psi)
28 days: 51 / 7 MPa (7395/1015 psi)
Chloride ions: < 0.05 %
CarbonaCon resistance: passed
Capillary water absorpCon: 0.4 kg/m2 x h0,5
Adhesive strength: 2.8 MPa (406 psi)
(concrete failure)
Restrained shrinkage: 2.8 MPa (406 psi)
(concrete failure)
Fire raCng EN13501-1: Class A1
VELOSIT CW 111 is available in 25 kg (55 lb.)
waterCght plasCc bags.
VELOSIT CW 111 can be stored in unopened original
packs for 12 months at 5 – 35 °C (40 – 95 °F) in a dry
storage place protected against sunlight.
Please observe the actual valid material safety data
sheet and follow the described safety measures for
handling of the product.
Used product containers must be empCed
completely aVer use. They can be returned to
VELOSIT GmbH & Co. KG on request.
VELOSIT CW 111 is only available for professional
The crystalline waterproofing principle requires
several days of water contact to develop its full
VELOSIT CW 111 may discolor or show strong
efflorescence in water contact. This is normal and
caused by the crystalline reacCon.
All described product features are determined under
controlled laboratory condiCons according to the
relevant internaConal standards. Values determined
under job site condiCons may deviate from the
stated values.
Please always use the latest version of this data
sheet available from our website
Industriepark 7
32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg
+971 2 566 2610
VELOSIT CW 111 is a crystalline waterproofing slurry
for concrete substrates. It is very economic and easy
to apply. VELOSIT CW 111 becomes part of the
concrete and creates a waterproof layer inside the
concrete itself. It is especially strong against negaCve
side water pressure. Typical applicaCon fields
besides others are as follows:
• Waterproofing of basements and below grade
parking structures
• Waterproofing of potable water structures
• ProtecCon of dams and spill-ways
• Waterproofing of sewage structures
• Waterproofing of tunnels and pipelines
• Slab waterproofing (dry shake applicaCon)
• Waterproofing of elevator pits
VELOSIT CW 111 is a crystalline waterproofing slurry
with unsurpassed strength development.
VELOSIT CW 111 cures a lot faster than the current
standard products eliminaCng the need for days of
water curing and protecCon. VELOSIT CW 111
creates a reacCve layer inside the concrete that
allows the structure to self-heal shrinkage cracks
under contact with water.
VELOSIT CW 111 surpasses the requirements of EN
1504-3 for concrete repair (CR) and can be used
according to the principles 3.1 and 3.3 acc. to EN
VELOSIT CW 111 can be applied by brush, dry-shake
or suitable spray equipment.
• Self healing properCes of up to 0.4 mm staCc
• Unsurpassed strength development with more
than 20 MPa (2900 psi) aVer 24 h and more
than 50 MPa (7250 psi) aVer 28 days
• Open to foot traffic aVer 4 hours
• Extreme adhesive strength (concrete failure)
• Shrinkage compensated, no spider-web cracking
• Water curing only under hot and dry condiCons
required for 4 hours
pH range of 3-12 and against soV water with
low ion content
• Good weathering resistance
• Potable water approved
• Good sulfate resistance
1.) Substrate prepara'on
VELOSIT CW 111 can only be used on concrete
a.) Hardened concrete must be prepared with sand
blasCng, shot blasCng or ideally high pressure water
blasCng (>100 bar/1450 psi) to remove all bond
breaking substances. Substrate must be pore open
and load bearing. The minimum requirement for
adhesive strength is 1 MPa (145 psi) and for the
compressive strength 20 MPa (2900 psi). AcCve
water leaks must be treated and fully stopped with
VELOSIT PC 221. Leaking cracks need to be sealed
with a PU injecCon material. Fill all blowholes,
honeycombs or other surface defects with
VELOSIT RM 211. Before the applicaCon of
VELOSIT CW 111, dampen the substrate with clean
water to a saturated surface dry (SSD) condiCon.
b.) Cold joints can be treated by chiseling out
approx. 5 cm (2“) concrete in a U shape around the
joint. Fill the opening with VELOSIT RM 211 and
finish with VELOSIT CW 111.
c.) Fresh concrete can be treated with
VELOSIT CW 111 in a dry-shake applicaCon. The
concrete must have sufficiently sCffened that a
helicopter trowel can work on it. Do not use any
curing compounds or other bond breaking materials
before applying VELOSIT CW 111.
2.) Processing
a.) Brush applicaCon: Mix VELOSIT CW 111 with 22–
23 % potable water, i.e. 5.50 – 5.75 l (1.45 – 1.5 gal.)
water per 25 kg (55 lb.) bag. Fill the complete mixing
water into a suitable bucket and mix the powder
with a slow speed drill (300 – 600 rpm) into the
water unCl a lump-free mix with a consistency of an
oil paint is achieved. With hard water (high Calcium
content) a slight false seing within the first 2 min.
aVer mixing is possible. In such case, re-mix for
another 30 seconds. Do not add water!
The product is workable for 30 – 45 min. at 23 °C.
Apply the first coat with a masons brush in crossing
applicaCons to the pre-dampened substrate at the
specified rate. The second coat must be applied
within the recoat Cme, which is 60 – 90 min. at
23 °C. If too much Cme elapses aVer applicaCon of
the first coat, a reduced bond between the layers
may be the result.
b.) Spray applicaCon: Use suitable spray
machines such as:
- Inotec GmbH: INOMAT-M8
- HighTech GmbH: HighPump Small
- Desoi GmbH: Desoi SP-Y
Prepare the product as described for the brush
applicaCon under a.). The water addiCon may
be reduced slightly to get a more thixotropic
mix. Fill the product into the feed hopper of
the spray machine and spray conCnuously. If
less water is used the whole specified amount
of VELOSIT CW 111 may be applied in one liV.
Otherwise spray in two layers with a wait Cme
of approx. 30 min. between coats. Long spray
interrupCons may result in clogging of the spray
hose. The product may cure a lot faster if
the hose is exposed to direct sunlight. Always empty
and flush the machine aVer spraying or before long
spray interrupCons. VELOSIT CW 111 is a fast curing
material and may be hard to remove if leV in the
c.) Dry-shake applicaCon: VELOSIT CW 111 can be
applied in powder form onto fresh concrete before
finishing the surface. The product is applied
uniformly onto the concrete and then finished with
a helicopter trowel. Make sure that the trowel forces
sufficient moisture to the surface to completely wet
and embed the powdered VELOSIT CW 111.
3.) Curing
VELOSIT CW 111 does not require long term curing
as it reacts relaCvely fast with water. Only under hot
weather or very dry condiCons water curing for 3 – 4
hours is required.
Please consider for the dry shake applicaCon that
the concrete may require curing. Take the required
steps by either water curing as specified or applying
a curing compound.
Waterproofing concrete:
Brush applicaCon
1st coat VELOSIT CW 111: 0.8 kg/m2
2nd coat VELOSIT CW 111: 0.7 kg/m2
Spray applicaCon
VELOSIT CW 111: 1.5 kg/m2
Dry-Shake applicaCon
VELOSIT CW 111: 1.2 kg/m2
VELOSIT CW 111 can be removed in the fresh state
with water. Once it has cured acidic cleaners like
muriaCc acid are required.
Quality features
Color: gray
Mixing raCo by weight: 100 : 23
Mixing raCo by volume: 100 : 28
Density: 1.2 kg/l
Substrate temperature: 5 – 35 °C
(40 – 95 °F)
Service temperature: -18 – 97 °C
(0 - 207 °F)
Water impermeability acc. EN 12390-8:
- PosiCve side: 13 bar (190 psi)
- NegaCve side: 13 bar (190 psi)
Compressive / flexural strength:
4 hours: 8 / 1 MPa (1160/145 psi)
24 hours: 21 / 4 MPa (3045/580 psi)
7 days: 35 / 5 MPa (5075/725 psi)
28 days: 51 / 7 MPa (7395/1015 psi)
Chloride ions: < 0.05 %
CarbonaCon resistance: passed
Capillary water absorpCon: 0.4 kg/m2 x h0,5
Adhesive strength: 2.8 MPa (406 psi)
(concrete failure)
Restrained shrinkage: 2.8 MPa (406 psi)
(concrete failure)
Fire raCng EN13501-1: Class A1
VELOSIT CW 111 is available in 25 kg (55 lb.)
waterCght plasCc bags.
VELOSIT CW 111 can be stored in unopened original
packs for 12 months at 5 – 35 °C (40 – 95 °F) in a dry
storage place protected against sunlight.
Please observe the actual valid material safety data
sheet and follow the described safety measures for
handling of the product.
Used product containers must be empCed
completely aVer use. They can be returned to
VELOSIT GmbH & Co. KG on request.
VELOSIT CW 111 is only available for professional
The crystalline waterproofing principle requires
several days of water contact to develop its full
VELOSIT CW 111 may discolor or show strong
efflorescence in water contact. This is normal and
caused by the crystalline reacCon.
All described product features are determined under
controlled laboratory condiCons according to the
relevant internaConal standards. Values determined
under job site condiCons may deviate from the
stated values.
Please always use the latest version of this data
sheet available from our website
Industriepark 7
32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg
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