Fosroc Proofex OFB

Public Channel / Data Sheets

Adhesion to most common building materials
■ Environment friendly, no VOC, no plasticisers
■ High resistance to weathering and UV
■ Resistance to root penetration
■ Fast application
■ Welded joints for maximum watertightness
■ Excellent long term performance

TPO/FPA (Thermoplastic Polyolefin Flexible Polypropylene Alloy) membrane produced by extrusion of granules resulting from the incorporation of ethylene propylene rubber into a polypropylene matrix together with other additives as appropriate to the type of membrane. A synthetic polyester fleece is attached to the bottom part of the membrane, leaving a selvedge on both sides for welding.
The membrane is manufactured in two different colours, it is coloured grey on top and black on the underside. This helps to identify any damages that may occur during application

Surface preparation
Surfaces should be free from cavities and projecting nibs. All
surfaces shall be free from running water. Refer to the
method statement for further details.

Apply Fosroc Proofex OFB adhesive by scraper or roller at
coverage rate to suit substrate, typically approximately
0.2kg/m2. Leave for 5 to 10minutes.

Lightly moisten the Fosroc Proofex OFB membrane on the
fleece side to improve the initial bond strength, then roll the
membrane into the adhesive before skin formation, and press
firmly, press again after 30 minutes if required.
A selvedge is provided along both edges of the membrane.
The membrane layers are overlapped at the selvedge to
achieve a minimum weld of 50mm. At roll ends, the
membrane is butted together and a 100mm wide strip of
Fosroc Proofex OGP welded on top of the Fosroc Proofex
OFB membrane.

Thickness (EN 1849-2) : 1.2mm, 1.5mm & 2mm

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2. Fosroc Proofex O FB Al Gurg Fosroc Co. LLC Post Box 657, Dubai United Arab Emirates Important note Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions fo r the Supply of Goods and Service. All Fosroc datasheets are updated on a regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to obtain the recent version. Head Office telephone: (+9714) 2039699 fax: (+9714) 2859649 email: Regional offices Abu Dhabi, Al Gurg Fosroc telephone: 673 1779 fax: 673 1449 email: Bahrain, YBA Kanoo telephone: 17738200 fax: 17732828 email: Kuwait, Boodai telephone: 4817618 fax: 4832124 email: Oman, Al A mana telephone: 24815080 fax: 2481755 email: UAE/1040 /20 / A Instruction for use Surface preparation Surfaces should be free from cavities and projecting nibs. All surfaces shall be free from running water. Refer to the method statement for further details. Adhesive Apply Fosroc Proofex OFB adhesive by scraper or roller at coverage rate to suit substrate, typically approximately 0.2kg/m2. Leave for 5 to 10minutes. Membrane Lightly moisten the Fosroc Proofex OFB membrane on the fleece side to improve the initial bond strength, then roll the membrane into the adhesive before skin formation, and press firmly, press again after 30 minutes if required. A selvedge is provided along both edges of the membrane. The membrane layers are overlapped at th e selvedge to achieve a minimum weld of 50mm. At roll ends, the membrane is butted together and a 100mm wide strip of Fosroc Proofex OGP welded on top of the Fosroc Proofex OFB membrane. For corner detailing use Fosroc Proofex OGP Internal/External corner pieces. For upstand terminations use Fosroc Proofex Metal Strip. For additional details on installation including relevant fixings and washers and a list of Fosroc approved applicators refer to your local Fosroc office. Storage Fosroc Proofex O FB must be stored in a cool, dry store in the original unopened packaging. Store rolls horizontally, not more than one pallet high. Precautions Health and Safety There are no health hazards associated with the use of Fosroc Proofex OFB . For information as sociated with Fosroc Proofex OFB Adhesive please consult the relevant MSDS. Fire Fosroc Proofex O FB is non flammable. Estimating Supply Proofex OFB 1.2 mm & 1.5 mm : 2.1m x 25m rolls 2 mm : 2.1m x 20m rolls Proofex OFB Adhesive (Coverage rates approx 0.2kg/m2) : 12 kg pail Proofex Metal Strip : 1m x 2m sheets 1.2mm thick : 1m x 3m sheets Proofex OGP Corner pieces : Each

1. Proofex OFB Fosroc Proofex O FB constructive solutions Fleece - backed fully bonded synthetic TPO waterproofing membrane Uses Pro vides a fully bonded waterproof membrane system for building and civil engineering structures and is particularly suited to above ground applications including green roofs ■ Podiums, garden roofs, flat/sloping roofs and green roofs , below - ground waterproofing Advantages ■ Adhesion to most common building materials ■ Environment friendly, no VOC, no plasticisers ■ High resistance to weathering and UV ■ Resistance to root penetration ■ Fast application ■ Welded joints for maximum watertightness ■ Excellent long term performance Description TPO/FPA (Thermoplastic Polyolefin Flexible P olypropylene Alloy) membrane produced by extrusion of granules resulting from the incorporation of ethylene propylene rubber into a polypropylene matrix together with other additives as appropriate to the type of membrane. A synthetic polyester fleece is a ttached to the bottom part of the membrane, leaving a selvedge on both sides for welding. The membrane is manufactured in two differen t colours, it is coloured grey on top and black on the underside. This helps to identify any damages that may occur during application. Standard compliance Independently certified performance, BBA certificate number 15/5242. Specification The waterproofing shall be a 1.2mm/ 1.5mm /2mm thick TPO/FPA membrane fully bonded to the substrate and hot air welded at the seams. Typical properties Thickness (EN 1849 - 2 ) : 1.2mm, 1.5mm & 2mm Standard colour : Upper layer: G rey Underside: Black Tensile strength (ASTM D412 and EN12311 - 2) Longitudinal : >16 N/m m 2 Transverse : >15 N/m m 2 Elongation at break (ASTM D412 and EN12311 - 2) Longitudinal : >700% Transverse : >7 00% Puncture resistance (EN12691 dynamic) : >18 00mm (EN12370 static) : >25kg Water impermeability ( EN1 9 2 8) : Pass test Water vapour transmission (ASTM 96) : Nil (ASTM 96) : u = 90,000 Tear resistance (EN12310 - 1) Longitudinal : 1.2mm: > 80 0 N : 1.5mm: > 100 0 N : 2.0mm: >1000N Transverse : 1.2mm: > 80 0 N : 1.5mm: > 93 0 N : 2.0mm: >930N Root resistance (FLL) : Pass test – no penetration Lap joint strength (EN12317 and UEATC ) : Pass test - broken out joint Durability Resistance UV (EN1297) : Pass test 25 00hrs – no crack Hail resistance (EN13583) : 29 m/s Resistance to Micro - organism (EN846) : Pass test - Level 2 Suitable for use in contact with potable water (BS6920) : Pass test Fire resistance EN 13501 - 1 : Class E Cold flexibility (EN 495 - 5) : - 40 o C Dimensional stability (EN 1107 - 2) : 0.5% Heat aging in air (EN12311 - 2) Tensile strength change : <5% Elongation change : <5% Bond strength to Concrete (OFB adhesive) EN 13596 : >0.63N/mm 2


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