AWAZEL PU flex 600cc Sausage

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AWAZEL PU FLEX is a novel low modulus expansion joint sealant, especially formulated to temperature and humidity climatic conditions.
Special Features
•No bubbling/swelling upon curing indifficult climatic conditions.
•Excellent Thixotropy
•Excellent adhesion on almost any type ofsurface, with or without the use of specialprimers.
•Excellent extrusion, tooling and storagestability over wide range of climaticconditions.
•Execellent chemical resistance, suitable forsealing joints in swimming pools andchemically treated water.
•Low modulus, joint movement accommodation 50%.
•Microorganism and fungus resistant.
•Excellent heat resistance, suitbale forapplication where exposure to temperatures >60oC take place.
•Resistance to cold: The sealant remainselastic even down to -40 oC.

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2. Dubai Office :Tel : +9714 – 3390600, Fax : +9714 - 3395095, P.O. Box : 37724, Dubai - U.A. E., E - mail : Abu Dhabi Office : Tel : +9712 – 5548220. Fax : +9712 – 5548221, P.O. Box : 108483, Abu Dhabi U.A.E. , E - mail : AWAZEL PU FLEX One component, polyurethane - based, low modulus joint sealant TECHNICAL DATA Properties Results Test Method Specific weight @ 20 o C , gr/cm 3 1.45 ASTM D1475 / DIN 53217 / ISO 2811 Tac k free time, @ 77 o F (25 o C) & 55% RH, hours 2 - Cure Rate , m m/day 2 - 3 - Service temperature, o C - 40 to 80 - Hardness, Shore A ± 27 ASTM D2240 / DIN 53505 / ISO R868 Modulus at 100% elongation, (N/mm 2 ) 0. 25 ASTM D412 / EN - ISO - 527 - 3 Elongation , % ≥ 550 ASTM D412 / EN - ISO - 527 - 3 QUV Accelerated Weathering Test (4hr UV, at 60 o C (UVB - Lamps) & 4hr COND at 50 o C) Passed (after 2000hr) ASTM G5 3 Thermal Resistance (100 days, 80°C) Passed EOTA TR011 Toxicity No restrictions after full cure - Resilience, % >90 DIN 52458 Hydrolysis (8% KOH, 15 days @ 50°C) No elastomeric property change - Hydrolysis (H 2 O, 30 days - cycle 60 - 100 ° C) No elastomeric property change - HCL (PH=2, 10 days @ RT) No elastomeric property change - Adhesion to con crete, kg/cm 2 (N/mm 2 ) > 20 (> 2) ASTM D4541 Note : The above shown technical data are typical results obtained, to the best of our knowledge, from our quality control records, extra detai ls can be provid ed upon request, (AWAZEL reserves the right to alter the product specification without prior notice)

1. AWAZEL PU FLEX One component, polyurethane - based, low modulus joint sealant Description AWAZEL PU FLEX is a novel low modulus expansion joint sealant, especially formulated to temperature and humidity climatic conditions. Special Features • No bubbling/swelling upon curing in difficult climatic conditions. • Excellen t Thixotropy • Excellent adhesion on almost any type of surface, with or without the use of special primers. • Excellent extrusion, tooling and storage stability over wide range of climatic conditions. • Execellent chemical resistance, suitable for sealing joint s in swimming pools and chemically treated water. • Low modulus, joint movement accommodation 50%. • Microorganism and fungus resistant. • Excellent heat resistance, suitbale for application where exposure to temperatures >60 o C take place. • Resistance to cold: Th e sealant remains elastic even down to - 40 o C. Uses AWAZEL PU FLEX is recommended for sealing joints in insitu concrete, expansion concreter plates, precast panels, brick and block work, water tanks and swimming pools, metal frames, aluminum windows and p anels, irrigation channels, glass, granite & marble. Method for Application Clean joint thoroughly, and ensure that no oil, grease and wax contaminations, silicone re mains are present.For many applications, primer is not required. In the case Of application on very porous substrates, bond area surfaces thoroughly to avoid the possiblity of air bubbles being blown into the uncures sealant if the substrate temperature rises. Apply backing material such as open cell polyuretha ne or a closed cell pol yethylene backing rod. Although both types of backing rod are recommended care must be taken when using the closed cell polyethylene rod that the outer skin not be punctured as in rising temperature conditions it may cause bubbling. Backing rod applicatio n is important as it ensures that the correct width to depth ratio is achieved provided a firm backing against which the sealant can be tooled off. Coverage Linear meters per 600cc sausage: WIDTH DE PTH 5mm 10mm 15mm 20mm 2 5 mm 5mm 24 12 10mm 4 3 2.4 15mm 1.6 Storage & Shelf Life 12 months minimum in the original packaging when stored in dry places and at temperatures of 5 - 25 o C. Once opened, use as soon as possible. Packaging 600 cc sausage & 300 cc cartridge.


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