Dr. Fixit Unilastic 811

Public Channel / Data Sheets

Dr. Fixit Unilastic 811 is a two component, flexible, waterproof coating based on Ordinary Portland Cement,
graded aggregates, additives and acrylic emulsion polymer. On curing it forms an excellent elastomeric,
waterproofing and protective layer. Dr Fixit Unilastic 811 is available in both natural gray and white colours.
Typical Applications
} Shallow basement retaining walls.
} Pile heads.
} Concrete roof slabs, floors, balcony floor slabs.
} Water tanks and swimming pools.
} Waterproofing back sealer for marble, granite and other natural stones.
} Flexible coating.
} Excellent resistance to water ingress.
} Excellent adhesion to concrete, natural and artificial stone.
} Non-toxic.
Powder: 25 kg
Liquid : 10 kg
Method of Application
} The surface must be sound and free from dirt, dust and contamination.
} Thoroughly wire brush the surface to remove any surface contamination.
} Oil and grease must be removed using degreasing solvents.
} Any damaged areas must be repaired using polymer modified repair mortar as recommended by
Pidilite Middle East.
} Dr. Fixit Unilastic 811 should not be used for any substrate repair.
} Transfer all the liquid component into a suitable clean mixing vessel and gradually introduce the powder
component while constantly mixing with an electric rotary mixer.
} Blinding Coverage
Apply a single slurry coat of mixed material at a coverage rate of 1.5 kg/m2
over the substrate using a masonry
brush or roller.
} Concrete slabs or roof slabs
Apply a single slurry coat of mixed material to the concrete at 2 kg/m2
by a masonry brush or roller.
} Pile Heads
Apply two slurry coats of mixed material on to the pile head at 0.75 kg/m2
first coat and 1.25 – 1.5 kg/m2, second
coat either by masonry brush or roller

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3. DISCLAIMER The product information & application details given by the company & its agents has been provided in good faith & meant to serve only as a general guideline during usage. Users are advised to carry out tests & take trials to ensure on the suitability of products meeting their requirement prior to full scale usage of our products. Since the correct identification of the problems, quality of other materials used and the on-site workmanship are factors beyond our control, there are no expressed or implied guarantee / warranty as to the results obtained. The company does not assume any liability or consequential damage for unsatisfactory results, arising from the use of our products. Pidilite MEA Chemicals LLC PO Box 120657 Dubai, United Arab Emirates T +9714 880 0110 F +9714 889 5588 Web: www.pidilitemea.com WATERPROOFING DR. FIXIT offers a wide range of Structural Protection and Waterproofing systems: Dr. Fixit Unilastic 811 WATERPROOFING NEW.indd 3 6/1/2016 2:16:59 PM

2. WATERPROOFING Note: } } Where two coats are specified, the second coat must be applied at right angles to the first coat. } } The treated area should be protected from direct sunlight. } } Mix the entire quantity of both components at one go. T echnical Information PROPERTIES SPECIFICATION RE SU LTS Sp. Gravity @ 25 o C, g/cc 1.9 Toxicit y BS 6920: Part I;2000 Non-toxic Abrasion resistance, cm/km 0.09 Rapid chloride permeability-Reduction in chloride ion penetration,% ASTM C 1202 : 1997 90 Hydrostatic (positive) water pressure resistance, bar DIN 1048 7 bar Hydraulic (negative) water pressure resistance, bar DIN 1048 3 bar Ponding test, hrs no leakage at 48 hrs VOC Content Maximum allowable 140g/ltr < 1g/ltr Rapid chloride permeability (Coloumbs) 1260 (Without Coating) 660 (With FC 811 Coating) Theoretical Coverage 2.3 kg/mm/m 2 (@ 1 mm DFT). Shelf Life Shelf life is 12 months from the date of manufacturing if stored in original and unopened packaging in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. Health and Safety This products contains cement. And contact with skin may cause irritation. It should not be inhaled, and a properly designed and maintained face mask should be used whilst handling, pouring and mixing the powder. Avoid contact with the product by working carefully, using a barrier cream and wearing protective gloves. If any contact does occur, wash thoroughly with soap and water. Use eye protection. Avoid contact with eyes, if such contact occurs irrigate with water for 20 minutes and seek medical advice. If mistakenly ingested, drink plenty of clean water and seek medical advice. See MSDS for further information. Dr. Fixit Unilastic 811 WATERPROOFING NEW.indd 2 6/1/2016 2:16:58 PM

1. WATERPROOFING Dr. Fixit Unilastic 811 CEMENTITIOUS WATERPROOFING SLURRY Dr. Fixit Unilastic 811 Description Dr. Fixit Unilastic 811 is a two component, flexible, waterproof coating based on Ordinary Portland Cement, graded aggregates, additives and acrylic emulsion polymer. On curing it forms an excellent elastomeric, waterproofing and protective layer. Dr Fixit Unilastic 811 is available in both natural gray and white colours. Typical Applications } } Shallow basement retaining walls. } } Pile heads. } } Concrete roof slabs, floors, balcony floor slabs. } } Water tanks and swimming pools. } } Waterproofing back sealer for marble, granite and other natural stones. Features } } Flexible coating. } } Excellent resistance to water ingress. } } Excellent adhesion to concrete, natural and artificial stone. } } Non-toxic. Packaging Powder: 25 kg Liquid : 10 kg Method of Application 1 SURFACE PREPARATION } } The surface must be sound and free from dirt, dust and contamination. } } Thoroughly wire brush the surface to remove any surface contamination. } } Oil and grease must be removed using degreasing solvents. } } Any damaged areas must be repaired using polymer modified repair mortar as recommended by Pidilite Middle East. } } Dr. Fixit Unilastic 811 should not be used for any substrate repair. 2 MIXING } } Transfer all the liquid component into a suitable clean mixing vessel and gradually introduce the powder component while constantly mixing with an electric rotary mixer. 3 APPLICATION } } Blinding Coverage Apply a single slurry coat of mixed material at a coverage rate of 1.5 kg/m 2 over the substrate using a masonry brush or roller. } } Concrete slabs or roof slabs Apply a single slurry coat of mixed material to the concrete at 2 kg/m 2 by a masonry brush or roller. } } Pile Heads Apply two slurry coats of mixed material on to the pile head at 0.75 kg/m 2 first coat and 1.25 – 1.5 kg/m 2 , second coat either by masonry brush or roller. Unilastic 811 01/06/16 WATERPROOFING NEW.indd 1 6/1/2016 2:16:58 PM


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