Fosroc Supercast EPT

Public Channel / Data Sheets

This high performance fluid resin system is designed to
encapsulate piletops and ensure water tightness. The
applied product is continuously bonded to the pile surface
and prevents water seepage either through capillaries or
along the reinforcement path. When applied the product
accepts the application of most types of self adhesive or torch
applied membranes. The product is also compatible with
most types of liquid applied membrane

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1. Supercast EPT* constructive solutions Supercast EPT* Instructions for use Preparation The formwork should be constructed to be leak proof as Supercast EPT is a fluid material. This can be achieved by using foam rubber strip or mastic sealant beneath the constructed formwork and between joints. A heavy duty release agent should be applied to all contact areas of formwork. Pile surface This must be free from oil, grease, or any loosely adherent material. If the concrete surface is defective or has laitance, it must be cut back to a sound base. Rebar should be clean and rust free. If reprofiling is required Supercast PC* † or Renderoc SXtra* † may be used as appropriate. All surfaces must be substantially dry. All free standing water must be removed. Mixing The entire contents of the hardener should be poured into the base container and mixed until homogeneous. Place the mixed base and hardener into a suitable mixer making sure that the entire volume is poured in. Add the aggregate and mix for 2-3 minutes or until uniform colour is achieved. Once mixed, the material must be used within the specified usable life (see under Properties). After this time, unused material will have stiffened and should be discarded. Placing Place the material within the usable life of the product. Continuous material flow is essential. Sufficient product must be available prior to starting and the time taken to pour a batch must be regulated to the time taken to prepare the next one. Subsequent Applications Prior to the application of any membrane to the piletop, the applied Supercast EPT should be lightly sanded to remove all traces of formwork release agent and provide an adhesion key. Membranes should be subjected to an adhesion trial to ensure complete compatibility . Cleaning All tools and equipment should be cleaned with Fosroc Solvent 102* immediately after use. Piletop encapsulation resin system Uses This high performance fluid resin system is designed to encapsulate piletops and ensure water tightness. The applied product is continuously bonded to the pile surface and prevents water seepage either through capillaries or along the reinforcement path. When applied the product accepts the application of most types of self adhesive or torch applied membranes. The product is also compatible with most types of liquid applied membrane. Advantages ! High strength and adhesion to substrate ensures excellent performance under operating conditions. ! Simple mixing techniques. ! Withstands attack by a wide range of chemicals, acids and alkalis, as well as ground water. ! High quality resins ensure durability and long term service life. ! Ensures piletop integrity as part of a waterproofing system. Description Supercast EPT is a fluid resin designed to encapsulate piletops in a range from 5-50 mm. It is supplied as a three component system consisting of base, hardener and specially processed fillers. The components are supplied in the correct mix proportions designed for whole pack mixing on site and no other materials should be added. Properties Usable life : 2 hrs. @ 25 ° C 1 hr. @ 35 ° C Density : 1950 kg/m 3 Bond strength : Greater than the tensile strength of concrete Water penetration : Nil (after 7 days) (DIN 1048: Part 5 :1991) Rapid chl. permeability : Negligible (AASHTO T 277-83) The following results were obtained curing the product @ 35°C. Compressive strength : 81 N/mm 2 @ 7 days Tensile strength : 14 N/mm 2 @ 7 days Flexural strength : 19 N/mm 2 @ 7 days

2. UAE/0292/04/D Supercast EPT* Al Gurg Fosroc LLC Post Box 657, Dubai United Arab Emirates Important note Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions for the Supply of Goods and Service Head Office telephone: (+9714) 2858606 fax: (+9714) 2859649 email: Regional offices Dubai, Al Gurg Fosroc telephone: 285 8787 fax: 285 2023 email: Abu Dhabi, Al Gurg Fosroc telephone: 673 1779 fax: 673 1449 email: Bahrain, YBA Kanoo telephone: 17735454 fax: 17732828 email: Kuwait, Boodai telephone: 4817618 fax: 4832124 email: Oman, Al Amana telephone: 771 5080 fax: 771 7554 email: Qatar, Tadmur telephone: 413628 fax: 440812 email: * Denotes the trademark of Fosroc International Limited † See separate data sheet Technical support Fosroc offers a comprehensive range of high performance, high quality construction products. Fosroc offers a technical support package to specifiers and contractors as well as technical advice from staff with unrivalled experience in the industry. Estimating Supply Supercast EPT : 10 litre packs Fosroc Solvent 102 : 5 lite packs Storage Supercast EPT has a shelf life of 12 months if kept in a dry, cool store in the original unopened package. Precautions Health and safety Some people are sensitive to epoxy resin so gloves and a barrier cream such as Kerodex 71, Rozalex 9, Debba-Wet Work or similar should be used when handling these products. If contact with the resin occurs, it must be removed before it hardens with a resin removing cream such as Kerocleanse 22 or Rozalex 42. Follow by washing with soap and water. Do not use solvent. The use of goggles is recommended but should accidental eye contamination occur, wash thoroughly with plenty of clean water and seek medical treatment immediately. Fire Fosroc Solvent 102 are flammable. No smoking. Use in well ventilated areas away from sources of heat and naked flames. Flash points Fosroc Solvent 102 : 33 ° C Additional Information Fosroc manufactures a wide range of complementary products which include : ! waterproofing membranes & waterstops ! joint sealants & filler boards ! cementitious & epoxy grouts ! specialised flooring materials Fosroc additionally offers a comprehensive package of products specifically designed for the repair and refurbishment of damaged concrete. Fosroc’s ‘Systematic Approach’ to concrete repair features the following : ! hand-placed repair mortars ! spray grade repair mortars ! fluid micro-concretes ! chemically resistant epoxy mortars ! anti-carbonation/anti-chloride protective coatings ! chemical and abrasion resistant coatings For further information on any of the above, please consult your local Fosroc office - as below.


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